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Famous People Who Saw UAPs

I find it amazing how the switch was thrown on UAPs. In case you are wondering what I am talking about, it is about how it is now accepted to take UAPs seriously. Just a few years ago, the ridicule factor would have stopped many of the people who have come out and said we could be visited by extraterrestrials. This realization is creeping into the scientific community faster every day. Was it always there but stifled because no one wanted to be made to look like a fool? I would have loved to know what they thought and what they said in private.

There are some famous Hollywood people who are coming out and saying they had contact with extraterrestrials. Goldie Hawn is one of them and she even says they touched her face and it felt like the hand of God. Why are there movie stars coming out and talking about this? I believe there are far more people who have had alien contact in some way than we realize. I was looking at Ancient Aliens the other night and they had a panel on stage in a hall and the question was asked, how many people have had alien contact, I think it was about how many people  in the audience have been abducted by aliens and many hands went up, so many so that it surprised me. Some people then proceeded to come to the microphone and tell their stories.

David Bowie had worked for a UFO magazine and confessed he had seen UFOs which we now call UAPs 6 or 7 times a night. This sounds like a little much for me, but he said he witnessed the UAPs from an observatory. He went on to say some of the UAPs were on some type of schedule. He called them cruises. He went on to say they would stop and hover for a while, then fly away. They didn’t tell anyone about this at the time.

Demi Lovato, the singer, claimed to have made contact with extraterrestrials. She said she did it through meditation. She went on to say she had witnessed sightings and called them profound and said she also saw some of these things much closer.

Ronald Reagan was an actor, a governor and a president. He had not only seen UAPs but while governor he was flying in a plane and came upon a UAP which was flying away. He ordered the pilot to chase it. He never caught up with it. He had a second sighting while he and his wife were driving and spoke about these sightings quite freely.

I think many of us now know Tom DeLonge the singer and musician has been very active in the UAP community. He formed To The Stars Academy which is cooperating with the government on UAP studies and has some powerful people as members. What you might not know is the fact he had his own sighting when he was camping and had a three hour time loss. This is what prompted him to pursue the field of UAPs.

Jimmy Carter was in a boat on a lake when he saw a UAP and talked about it. This was at a time when the ridicule factor was high.

Fran Drescher who played the Nanny on television for years, claims she was abducted by aliens. She claims, when she was much younger, she was abducted by extraterrestrials and they planted a chip in her. She also claimed ex-husband Peter Marc Jacobson was also abducted. She said they both even have the same scar in the same place.

One would be surprised if they know all the different movie stars who claim to have seen UAPs. I can’t really tell for sure, but it seems to be an even higher percentage than with the public. Russell Crowe said he saw a UAP in 2013. He said a time lapse camera on his balcony photographed it. Some have come out and said he was mistaken, but he doesn’t think so.

I think it’s only appropriate since I talked about Goldie Hawn and her experience, that I should tell you Kurt Russell also had a UAP experience. Kurt Russell was flying a plane when he witnessed the famous Phoenix Lights in 1997 and said he saw a V shaped object and called it in. He said what he saw was six lights comprising that object.

It has been said by those close to Elvis Presley he had shared telepathic visions with extraterrestrials when he was eight years old. The story goes on to say he had also seen UAPs. It was claimed the aliens showed Elvis what he would look like in the future and gave him a vision of himself grown and wearing a white jumpsuit.

Jimmy Hendrix, perhaps the greatest guitarist of our time, saw a UAP out of his back window. He was not the only guitarist who saw a UAP, we have to add Keith Richards to the list. He said he saw a UAP land at his home in West Sussex, England.

The sighting of UAPs by famous people has been going on for centuries and maybe millennia. Christopher Columbus recorded the fact in his log that he saw lights in the sky and thought it important enough to note. In the 9th century, the archbishop of Lyons was annoyed that the peasants were insisting they saw ships in the clouds. Were they seeing what many today are also seeing? A papyrus which was said to be from the time of Pharaoh Thutmose 3 which was dated between 1,479 and 1,425 B.C. tells of a circle of fire descended from the sky. It goes on to say its mouth had a foul odor. It went on to say seven days later other objects joined it. Then the objects all moved south and were never seen again. This is not the only ancient account of UAPs.

I digress, back to the famous witnesses. The observations of UAPs extends to every human endeavor. Aaron Rogers, one of the most famous football stars is no exception. He admitted to seeing a UAP when he was in New Jersey. He said it was snowing and the UAP was orange color and was moving through the clouds.

Another sports great, Shaquille O’Neil also saw a UAP. He said in was in 1997 and he was on a double date. He saw it while he was in Madera, California. He said it was lit and spinning and then it took off.

I could fill a book with the names of the famous people who have witnessed a UAP.

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