Truth Facts



Admitting We Made Contact

When we talk about the government keeping secrets about UAPs we usually leave out one important place which could have had more sightings than anywhere else. I am not saying I know this for sure, but when you figure out the number of times the cameras showing strange objects which were immediately turned off, you certainly have to suspect something strange was going on. This has been a reoccurring complaint by many in the UAP community and concerns the International Space Station.

Another object whose crews probably saw far more UAPs than we know about are the crews of the former space shuttles. The shuttles make a total of 135 missions and there were reports about some sightings and even video made. Along with this were all the former space stations by the Soviets and us. Once we got our feet wet in space, I believe extraterrestrial curiosity got the better of them and there was some contact for sure.

There could be other places such as certain government facilities which are making contact and not telling us. There are plenty of stories about this sort of thing. All in all, we have made contact and if anyone asks me if extraterrestrial contact will ever be made I always reply it has been made already, it is just being kept from the population. Over the years I have mentioned different times when contact was made and have noticed some important contacts were never mentioned as were some of the most important sightings even though hearings were held in congress. One has to wonder why this was?

It is mentioned time and time again the human race is not ready to know other beings exist. To me this is just a bunch of hogwash. There could be some races which do some things we would consider really horrible, that is for sure. There could also be races that look and smell so bad we would have a hard time even looking at them, never the less we would have to train ourselves to be able to talk to them face to face. We certainly would not want to offend them. As I have said before maybe we would look so horrible to some other races or even smell bad to them, it would be hard for them to deal with us.

We don’t really know where most of the extraterrestrials come from. They might be as different from us as night and day. I am not talking about their looks, but about their morals, ethics and even their daily habits. Yes they could have some habits which we would consider stomach churning and they might feel the same way about us. Take our consumption of meat. They might think killing animals for food is truly barbaric. This could really upset them. What if we found out an alien race had the same practice as some humans had many thousands of years ago of eating their dead, could we still deal with them?

How would we feel if we meet with extraterrestrials which were overpowering physically and seemed to bully us? Could we ever feel comfortable doing normal things with them like carrying out trade, assuming we had anything they wanted. What would we do if we were told if we didn’t carry out some alien race’s wishes, we would be wiped out? There are so many questions concerning making contact and most of them I have not covered.

Making peaceful contact with an unknown extraterrestrial race could be very problematic. If a race was very young they might view us as gods. If they were very old they might have such a low opinion of us they would never want to make contact. It has been said there was at least one extraterrestrial race views us as food, but they are being kept in their place by some sort of universal organization which has certain rules in effect.

There has been UFO investigators who have told me they have made contact with aliens. One in particular who is a famous author of UFO books, said the contact looked totally human, but had the power to communicate with him by using thoughts. I think the more important part of what he said was the way the extraterrestrial looked. Looking human meant they can come here and walk among us anytime they please. I don’t know if he naturally looked like us, or had some sort of device which hid how he really looked. How do I know he was an alien? The UFO investigator said to me he was in his room and telepathically communicated a message he wanted to meet with an extraterrestrial. He did this over and over and finally went to the hotel lobby and sat in a chair and before long a man sat next to him and communicated a telepathic message asking what he wanted. I have to say if true this seems the man was an extraterrestrial.

We could have hundreds, thousands or even millions of extraterrestrials among us and never know it. If we do, every extraterrestrial race out there is far more advanced than we are.

Do we have to be very careful when dealing with them? I would say this is obvious. Not only that, but since their ethics might be different than most of those of people in America, some of them might be siding with our enemies. I believe they don’t all even agree among themselves on certain things and policies and that is why there have been so many UAP crashes. These could be ships which were shot down in a sort of cold war which sometimes turns hot. What other reason could account for ships which can travel many light years in safety going down here? Some might way these are only smaller ships carried by the mother ship and weren’t responsible for their trip here, but I don’t think that would matter in the long run.

I believe negotiating with alien races will be some of the most challenging things we have ever done. It might even have a glint of humor in it. Some alien race might ask for some simple thing we place no value on,  maybe a ton of top soil for something they have like precious metal, which to them has no value.

There is going to be some exciting times coming up and one of the most exciting will be when the government comes out with a statement saying we finally have made contact and shows a picture of the president shaking hands with an extraterrestrial.

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