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Alien Encounters

A lot of strange things have been happening lately and many of these things have to do with UFOs and extraterrestrials. One of the strangest stories is of a Chinese lumberjack who claims he slept with a ten foot tall alien woman who had six fingers on each hand. What adds to the credence of this story is the fact he was given a lie detector test and passed. How could this have happened? According to Meng Zhaoguo he was abducted by aliens. He lives in what is called Manchuria. While he lived in an isolated area and had no phone and couldn’t get cell phone reception, he did have lighting and a big-screen television. He tells his tale of looking for a crashed helicopter and saw what he thought was wreckage far in the distance and just then something knocked him out. He woke up and was in his bed at home with no memory of having gotten there. A few days passed when he woke up and was floating above his bed with his wife sleeping below him. There was a huge 10 foot alien woman having sex with him in the air. After she finished she floated through the wall and he slowly descended back into the bed. He showed a scar and said he got this from that occasion. He has been asked to tell the story so much he said he is getting tired of telling it and stated he is only a peasant. It seems his story has caused a lot of interest in Chinese UFO circles and in the Chinese newspapers.  

He went on to claim that about one month later he was asleep in his bed when he woke up and levitated and passed through his ceiling, and kept going until he reached an alien ship high above the earth. When he got to the ship he claimed aliens spoke to him in broken Chinese. He had a hard time understanding them, but began to understand they were refugees and had left their dying home. He was told it would take 60 years, but the son of a Chinese peasant will be born on a distant planet. His wife doesn’t believe his story and this must make living with her very hard. She actually said his story was a lesson in the “Art of Northeastern Bullshitting.”  His reply was “Humans, if we have never seen something with our own eyes, naturally doubt that it exists, or that life could be that way. I was the first to be brave enough to say: ‘I saw that’.” He went on to add when you live in the woods you see strange phenomena all the time. Meng Zhaoguo is now working for a University and he and his family were provided with an apartment and they all have good jobs. It seems an alien encounter in China can be profitable.

A man named Francisco Acosta Tostado age 68 was out for a bike ride on a road in Paso de Ovejas in Veracruz, Mexico when the totally unexpected happened. He claims “an unidentifiable craft” flew so close to him he was knocked off his bike. Police found him on the road and he had a deep cut on his forehead and he told them aliens had been trying to abduct him. A driver had seem him lying in the road and alerted authorities. The poor man is now afraid to go outside in case the craft comes back for him. This may have nothing to do with anything, but Paso de Ovejas is one of the most dangerous places in the world due to the prevalence of drug cartels. The population is only 7,000, but 58 people have been murdered this year alone as of August 2015. There have been attacks on cattle however, by what people say are UFOs. These attacks have lasted over a few days. The authorities said the attacks were caused by coyotes, but according to the local farmers the wounds were not caused by any wild animals.

A while back several astronomers were called before congress. They were asked about extraterrestrial life. They responded there are so many stars in the cosmos, trillions of them, that the chances are one in five stars might have an Earth like planet. Seth Shostak from SETI has said "The number of habitable worlds in our galaxy is certainly in the tens of billions, minimum, and we haven’t even talked about the moons. And the number of galaxies we can see, other than our own, is about 100 billion.” Isn’t it strange that NASA decided to have something to do with planning these congressional discussions? Some say NASA had known all about UFOs and extraterrestrials for decades, but others are saying if this is true why plan this discussion since they already know the answer? I guess there could be a couple of different reasons. One reason might be NASA is trying to ease all of us into knowing about aliens as softly and slowly as possible to avoid panic. Another reason might be we are going to need more funding to protect ourselves and rather than have the military talk about this since they don’t want to look foolish, they are letting NASA do their dirty work. It does seem everything always seems to come down to money.

Now it seems the scientific community is going bonkers over the fact a star has been discovered with many structures orbiting around it and some scientists think they may be artificial. This was observed when it took so long for light which was blocked out from the structures around the star to reappear. Nothing like this has ever been seen before. This means whatever is orbiting the star is so vast it takes a long time to pass around, thus blocking the star’s light for a very long time. It doesn’t necessarily mean it is an alien structure. It could be something we have never seen before, maybe even some type of gas so dense light cannot pass through it. We are building more powerful telescopes every year and hopefully in a few years we will have a definitive answer. Dr. Brian O’Leary a former astronaut and now a physics professor at Princeton said, “There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon.”

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of seeing all those blurry photos of UFOs. If you would like to see some clearer ones, copy this address into your web browser’s address bar. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live links.
I cannot make any claim to the validity of any UFO photos, but they are interesting.


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