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Alien Life Could It Exist?

I talk a lot about UFO sightings and aliens on this site and there are quite a few people who have been so conditioned about this subject they won’t even consider the possibility these things could exist. It reminds me of the late middle ages when Galileo aimed his telescope at the heavens and saw wondrous sights, but was made to keep silent because it went against religious dogma. He had found out the earth was not the planet which was the center of everything and the sun and other planets did not rotate around it. At that time there was also a disinformation campaign going on, but it was a religious one. Things have not changed very much, except this time the players are different. It is the governments which are hiding things from us and preferably the US Government when it comes to UFOs and aliens. We have heard many top astronomers and other scientists admit there are plenty of planets in our own galaxy which are comparable to the one we are living on. They also admit there is probably a very good chance of finding extraterrestrial life. Combine this with the fact there are a lot older planets like our own out there and there is a good chance of finding other life and it might even look a lot like us.

Some scientists think the best chance for finding life is on a planet discovered by NASA named Kepler 425b along with another 12 possible candidates. Remember they are only looking for planets similar to our own which could provide the basis for life, which might be the same type of life as ours. We are not considering planets which are alien to our own and yet there could be life on them which is unfamiliar to us and so strange we might not recognize it, if we fell over it, but we should keep the possibility of very strange life existing in our minds. I say this more than ever now that we have found microorganisms which eat electricity, because this has shown us some very weird forms of life could exist and the conditions for life on earth may be entirely alien to them. Some scientists are beginning to think they may have been wrong in their estimate of the number of planets in the galaxy which could support life. It may be far more planets than first suspected.

While it is true we are looking for signals from alien planets to prove there is life on them, there are several reasons while this might not be the best way to search for alien life. First of all we have only been sending out signals for about 125 years or so. There could be many planets where life has not evolved far enough to reach the electronic age. The beings on these planets could be back in the Stone Age for all we know or using the technology we used in the Middle Ages. Another reason we may not be able to find them is they may be more advanced than us and are using some method unknown to us to conduct their daily business, or be advanced enough and inspired enough to hide whatever signals they are using, because they are afraid some enemy alien race might intercept their signals and invade them. Many say we should not be trying to contact alien races for this reason, and one of the biggest proponents of this is the famous scientist Stephen Hawking.

The truth of the matter is we humans are not known for thinking things out all the way before we do something. For example, we really haven’t thought about what we would do if the messages we sent out into space were answered. There are many who believe they were, however. There are a few people who think aliens are running this planet and wait until you hear what they are said to be doing. These people believe the aliens are responsible for the turmoil we are having now and they claim the aliens are fermenting wars and chaos so when they decide to launch an all-out invasion it will be much easier for them to conquer us. Β I personally do not believe this is the case. Anyone who thinks aliens are here, generally believes they have been coming here for thousands of years, not just recently. This is based on the evidence we find all over the planet which is very ancient. Another reason I would doubt such a thing is we would be extremely easy to wipe out as a race just from orbit or even further out. What could we really do against an advanced space force which is capable of traveling from the stars to here? I guess we could all hold our breath and turn blue until they stopped firing, but that would be our only option.

How does one explain the flood of UFO sightings all over the world every year? Many sightings are made by very credible witnesses such as pilots, the military and others who are far less likely to be in error about what they are seeing. What really makes me wonder is when people like the former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul T. Hellyer come out and tells us UFOs are real and no one pays attention to what he is saying, except the people who already believed this. Some of the astronauts have also told us this and yet their statements meant nothing to most people. What does one have to do to get people to believe many UFOs are extraterrestrial? It seems we could walk a Tall Grey alien down Main Street and most people wouldn’t believe their eyes and those in power would either not mention it and pressure the news media to do the same, or ridicule it as a joke or hoax and most of the country would believe that. On top of all that the people who arranged the walk would be ruined.

How can all of the abductees be lying? Some say this is nothing more than a ploy for them to get themselves into the limelight. Take the case of Barney and Betty Hill. After they were abducted Betty remembered a star map on the wall of the ship, but no one recognized the positions until years later when we got better computing and the positions were found by an amateur astronomer. This has become known as the Fish map after the last name of the astronomer and reconciles what Betty was told by the aliens, which was where they came from. Bob Lazar was an engineer working at Area 51 when he decided to go public about reengineering spacecraft which had crashed. The government said he was a fraud and there was no record of him ever working there and no school records of him being an engineer. An investigative reporter named George Knapp got interested in the case and decided to investigate. He couldn’t find any records, but then he decided to check the phone book and Lazar was listed there as an employee at Area 51. Next Knapp went to where many employees ate and talked to them and found some who knew Lazar and they said he had worked at Area 51. The government had erased his work and school records, but forgot about the phone book. Lazar never recovered from what they did to him.

Do UFOs exist and are at least some of them extraterrestrial? I’d bet my bottom dollar on it.



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