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Hiding In The Clouds

UFO In Clouds

UFO in cloud

There have been many UFOs which have been either seen in their entirety or partially seen while hiding in clouds. It seems the UFOs we see in the sky are not all the same or have the same capabilities. While some are able to disappear entirely from our vision some seem to need camouflage and clouds make a good place for them to do it. This is of course my opinion and the UFOs could be in the clouds either for different reasons or could be there to hide and accomplish some other task while doing that. It does seem odd however that a race as advanced as one which could travel between planets and stars couldn’t figure out how to hide their craft without doing it that way. It is like a soldier with all the newest advanced gear hiding behind a tree. Could it be that one or two of the races piloting UFOs have their stealth devices set in such a way their craft can be hidden from beings like themselves, but since our eyesight may be different we can still see the craft so that is why they might hide in clouds?

Some clouds have very weird shapes and already look like a disc shaped UFO. These should not be confused with what I am talking about. I am talking about the times when UFOs can actually be seen sticking out of clouds. This is important because many people usually say it is just the shape of the cloud which makes us think it is a UFO. There are thousands of photos of clouds which look like UFOs, but these must all be disregarded since they prove nothing. I do have to say however nature can create some incredible likenesses. There is one type of cloud which has been seen which makes one really wonder if something is inside. It is the type of cloud which appeared in Liege Belgium on July 25, 2013. It can be seen at Copy and paste this address into your browser to see a photo of the cloud. Sorry Truth Facts does not use live links. What makes this cloud so incredible is it appeared at night yet had an incredibly bright light inside it. The light couldn’t have just been lightning, because if hardly flickered and stayed on like an extremely bright search light.

On September 5, 2012 a huge cloud appeared over Moscow. Hanging out of the bottom of the cloud was a perfectly disc shaped object. It was as if the object miscalculated how low in the cloud to go or the cloud had started to dissipate destroying the bottom cover for the object. You can copy and paste this address to see it, It also seems like some UFOs can make themselves darker or lighter depending on the situation. This is not very hard to believe when you realize that some of them can change their shapes, which seems much harder to do. It is amazing how the traffic in Moscow just kept moving along without the cars pulling over to look at the object. I remember when one appeared over a main highway in upstate New York. It was not in a cloud, just hovering and all the cars on the road pulled over and the people in them were outside watching the object which eventually disappeared.

It is being said in UFO circles that it is becoming a well-known fact UFOs not only hide in clouds, but they can create them for cover. In SΓ£o Paulo, Brazil on Feb 24 2011 a video was made by a driver who happened to be looking up while driving and saw a UFO emerge from a cloud. In this day and age almost everyone has a cell phone on them which is video capable so we are getting a lot more videos of this kind of thing. Here is the address to view the video, Notice how you can barely see the UFO at first as it peeks out of the clouds, but becomes far more visible as it completely emerges. It doesn’t stay outside the cloud very long, but when it reenters it lights up and something falls to earth from it. Before I go any further I do realize there are many hoax videos out there, but not everyone can be a hoax and the ones I am showing you are fairly famous, especially the Moscow one where the UFO was said to have been seen by thousands of residents. Some UFO investigators have been lucky enough to actually observe a UFO building a vapor cloud around itself for concealment. Β One of the ways to know if you are correct about a UFO hiding in a cloud is when we send fighter planes and/or helicopters to that area to observe.

Sometimes UFOs hide not only in vapor clouds, but in storm clouds both in the daytime and at night. There is a photo which was taken from a sailor aboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln which seems to show storm clouds with what looks like lightning coming from a mysterious object in the cloud. It is a fascinating photo and raises the question is the UFO generating the lightning, storing the current for later use, or is it being struck by lightning. Here is the address of the photo, The photo was taken in November of 2002. Many strange UFO sightings have been seen by ships, but we never hear about most of them.

When you think about it, there are plenty of clouds in the sky at times. There could be thousands of UFOs in clouds all over the world sitting in them and just watching us. Sounds paranoid doesn’t it? As I have heard said quite a few times, “I am not paranoid, but I know they are watching.” If there are a lot of UFOs watching us from clouds, I have to wonder how many more are watching and are in some advanced stealth mode and don’t need clouds. I like to mention the fact there was a military parade in Mexico during one of the eclipses and when the eclipse took place all of a sudden the people saw hundreds of UFOs in the sky. Apparently the eclipse had done something to their stealth cover. This is a famous case.

UFO are everywhere and it makes no sense for the authorities to deny this any longer.



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