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UFO Update November 4, 2015

It been a while since I did a UFO update so here we go.


There is some space junk headed for the earth. While we are calling it junk, others think it could be a UFO. Whatever it is it will probably burn up in the atmosphere. It has been estimated at only 2 meters in size and scientists don’t believe it poses any threat as it is headed for the Indian Ocean and unless pieces hit you in the head if you are out there, everything should be okay.

A recent photo was sent back from Mars which many think shows an animal similar to a bear. It can be seen by copying and pasting the following address into your browser’s address area:
Sorry Truth Facts does not use live links. When I look at the photo I only give it a one chance in a hundred of being anything alive. It looks more like a rock to me. There is another photo on the same page which asks us if a Prairie Dog was found on Mars? Notice the writing on the photo which states it was enhanced and processed. No I don’t think there is anything new in these photos of the things on the red planet.

Some UFO hunters spend their time hunting for UFOs in photographs of our space missions and one who is rather prolific called Streetcap1 says he found evidence of a UFO stalking our Apollo 17 mission. You can view the photo by copying and pasting the following address into your browser’s address bar:
It’s an interesting photo and I think there has been a lot of UFOs exposed in the Apollo photos and that is why the government is telling us they lost the films from Apollo, because they feared our technology today would allow people to expose things in the videos and photos they didn’t want us to see.


A very strange UFO was seen in the skies above San Paulo in June 2015. It almost seems like an oxymoron saying a UFO was strange, but this particular UFO was only the size of a bird, bronze color and had the shape of a pyramid. This is not the first time a pyramid shaped UFO has been seen. In 1996 a bronze colored pyramid shaped UFO was seen over Pelotas, Brazil. The feeling was the UFO was too small to hold aliens, but how would we know what size the aliens would be. It could be there are very big aliens and very tiny ones.

Great Britain:

Just when you thought everything which could possibly be known about the Rendlesham Forest Incident from 1980 was known, a new book is being written which will include the observations of other witnesses who saw UFOs in the area within a few days of the original sighting. One has to wonder if any of these sightings will add anything new to what we already know.


Residents living in Siberia witnessed a strange looking UFO which glowed and had a lot of green lights around it. The UFO was seen in the night sky over Buryatia. This was not the usual silent UFO, but one that made a noise. The noise was heard first and then the object appeared. That is when the witnesses realized what they were seeing was indeed a UFO. One woman who was interviewed by a reporter for the Siberian Times stated, "It was a very large saucer with bright green lights in the middle. My son got scared, grabbed my hand and we ran away. I never believed that something like that could exist." This was not the first sighting of the same or similar object. A week before an object was seen 100 miles east of the city. Another witness was quoted as saying it was like a glowing ball in the sky and added, "It definitely wasn't a satellite. It was moving differently.Β  "The lights were gradually getting less bright and it was glowing red. I didn't hear a sound, it's very quiet where I live. There are no cars. I was standing silently and couldn't understand what was it. I observed it for 20-30 seconds. So scary. What could it be?"

South Africa:

There is one of the more disturbing UFO images at I guess what makes it so disturbing is the huge size of the object in the photo. The object was said to appear over Midrand South Africa and as you can see it is over a busy highway. A graphic designer called it a good Photoshop photo, but others have said the government of South Africa knows about these UFOs and has been investigating them. Several people have reported seeing orange lights in the sky.

United States:

A UFO was seen streaking in the sky above Chillicothe, Ohio at 10:10 pm on October 10, 2015. Two witnesses saw the object. They were in the Grandview Cemetery when it appeared in the sky above them. One witness said it was a short sighting and as it came closer it was hard to see detail, but the witnesses did get a good view of the bottom of the machine.

Two witnesses decided to talk about a sighting they had of a UFO on September 14, 2009. They were jumping on an outdoor trampoline with their dog. Something startled the dog and he jumped off the trampoline and ran into the house. They laid down on the trampoline and were looking up at the sky when they suddenly saw a UFO. One witness said, “I could feel it, I was tense and she was tense, it was apparent. We both seemed to be holding our breath.” The UFO was silent, black and had strange markings which were lighter than the rest of the UFO. The woman who witnessed the UFO said it reminded her of a prop in a cheap Sci-Fi movie. The sighting took place in New York.


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