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History of Trying to Shoot Down UAPs

How long can the administration go without giving out information on the balloon shoot downs? Some in the military said they could have been alien devices and the administration says they definitely were not alien devices. Even the stories are skewed. Over the years we have tried to shoot down UFOs which I will call UAPs from here on. I thought it might be interesting to look into some of these past incidents. First though I want to talk a little about the octagon shaped object which was shot down. Some believe it might have been an alien craft because of the shape. The rumor is it was just a balloon with an octagon shape.

We have a long history of trying to shoot down UAPs, and this country is not the only one. One famous case in the past had to do with the Soviet Union. It is worth repeating. The Russians believed they had found a way to down UAPs. They claimed they could disrupt their power by aiming a powerful radar at the craft. To this end they built the device and housed it in a building surrounded by soldiers. When it was finished a UAP appeared in the sky and sent out a beam. The beam went through a soldier and his dog without harming them, but when it hit the building, it blew the installation to pieces destroying the radar weapon.

One famous story had to do with the Vietnam War. The U.S. Army used patrol boats on rivers in Vietnam, they were called Swift Boats. Two were traveling along a river when a UAP appeared overhead and began to shoot beams at the lead boat. The boats fired on the UAP but it had no effect even though they were using 50 caliber machine guns and other weapons. The lead boat was blown out of the water and the UAP left. One UAP had been fired at during the Vietnam War with a large missile or shell which it had caught, and when it came across an Australian War Ship was said to have fired it back at the ship killing some crew and damaging the ship. When the military was asked about this attack, they claimed it was just a friendly fire mistake.

In 1952 UAPs flew over the White House and hovered. Fighter planes were dispatched and presumably were ordered to shoot them down, but every time they got near the UAPs they would just fly away at speeds we couldn’t match. This was not a one-time event; they came back a week later with the same result. What did the government have to say about this which was the headline in every notable newspaper? It was just a weather event.

In 1957 a U.S. Pilot named Milton Torres was ordered to intercept a UAP and shoot it down. When he got near the UAP he saw it was as big as an aircraft carrier. It took off flying at 10 times the speed of sound and maneuvered at ways which would have killed a human pilot. He wasn’t able to accomplish the shoot down. He was one of our top pilots and has a PhD, and said he didn’t believe the object was flown by humans and also did not believe they were hostile. The action took place over the United Kingdom.

In 1948 a Soviet test pilot was ordered to shoot down a UAP. Countries have been trying to shoot down UAPs for a long time without any success we know about. A Russian pilot had seen a UAP twice in the sky while flying a fighter jet. He chased the UAP, but when he got in the area his jet was disabled by the UAP and he had to land. The description of the craft was it was cucumber shaped. When the pilot had contacted his base, he was told the object appeared on radar and didn’t acknowledge instructions to land. The pilot was ordered to fire on the object if it refused to land.

All through World War 2 UAPs which were nicknamed Foo Fighters by the Americans followed both Allied and Axis aircraft, nothing could be done about it. In 1948 a U.S. pilot died following a UAP. State police called the military about a strange object flying over their town. Fighter pilots were called to observe the object. Some planes turned back because they were low on fuel, but the plane piloted by Captain Thomas F. Mantell decided to chase the UAP in his P-51 Mustang and this costs him his life. Some say he just went too far up above the plane’s accepted altitude, passed out and crashed. We may never know if we got the full story. Had he been told to shoot down the UAP? It doesn’t seem so.

There was a report by a pilot who chased a UAP. He didn’t shoot it down, but he said he watched it crash after chasing it. The incident took place in 1955. The pilot was Colonel Willingham. He was flying cover for a B-47 at the time. We don’t know what the B-47 was carrying, but the Colonel said he believed it was very heavy. There were 4 planes flying cover for the bomber as it flew across the United States. They saw a bright light flying about 2,000 miles per hour, and it changed course. The colonel was sent to investigate the UAP. The object went below the formation and crashed.

In 1976 UAPs were seen in Iran over Tehran. We don’t seem to know the exact orders given to the pilots who were sent up to investigate, but what we do know is they were flying F4 Phantoms. As they approached the UAPs, their radar and weapons systems were turned off. This has happened to many aircraft approaching UAPs. Strangely, when they got out of range these systems would turn on again. We do know one plane tried to fire on the object and that was when its weapons systems turned off.

What I am trying to point out is anytime we got near a UAP in the past, they were impossible to shoot down. The Battle of Los Angeles is a fine example. When over 2,000 shells were fired at one in World War 2, it just floated over the city impervious to the explosions. I think these stories just prove we have never been able to shoot down UAPs, but some have crashed and as I said before there were indications they were taken down by other UAPs in some sort of a war. That is why I believe if we were shooting down alien UAPs it certainly would not have been so easy and probably impossible.

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