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Being Kept Out Of The UFO Loop

There are so many people who are now saying the government not only knows about aliens, but that we have diplomatic relations with at least some of them. Paul Hellyer was the former Canadian Minister of Defense and he related a story which we have to give some credence to. He says he met with U.S. astronaut Edgar Mitchell and they were talking about extraterrestrials and Mitchell asked him how many different races there were on earth and he replied with something like 3 to 11 and Mitchell said he thought the same thing. To show you how serious these guys were, they sent an open letter to the NASA’s Library of Congress Symposium on Astrophysics on ET Life and its host Dr. Steven Dick. The symposium was held in Washington D.C. at the Library of Congress last year (2014). The letter was not only signed by Hellyer and Mitchell, but also by Professor Bill Wickersham and ZNN news director Victor Viggiani. The letter is very important as to the question of extraterrestrials on earth. Here is the introduction to that letter:
“The signatories to this response feel it is most critical… to thoroughly recognize the deleterious political management of human history by elements of national and international governance which have appropriated unabridged jurisdiction over the truth concerning the existence of off-world civilizations.”

As you can see these people are very serious about what is happening on this planet and the suppression of evidence also with the altering of our history to hide certain facts from the public including the existence of aliens from other worlds. The problem is much bigger however and the hidden facts about contacts with beings from other planets is only part of the bigger picture of what is being hidden from us. As I look at what we have been told about this world and what is truly going on I can’t help but feel we are not being told the truth about many different things and our entire history is tainted with a lot of important facts either being left out or twisted to fit some sort of program we are being fed. Some of you will surely ask why is anything being hidden from us, what can be gained?

There is this idea that the average people like us, those in the middle class and below could never handle the truth and if we found it out we would panic and destroy society. While many of us believe this is utter nonsense there are those who believe it is true. Humanity is composed of various types of people and while there are some who might be upset at finding out the truth, most of us can handle it. If we were told we came from another planet so what? If we were told we were genetically altered, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Most of us are happy just the way we are anyway. Some believe we were altered and created to be slaves and used in mines on earth by aliens and we revolted and somehow got rid of the aliens. To these people I have to say why would a race advanced enough to get here from another star system need slaves? They would have advanced machines which would give them a lot less trouble.

In 1965 then Senator Barry Goldwater said "I certainly believe in aliens in space, and that they are indeed visiting our planet. They may not look like us, but I have very strong feelings that they have advanced beyond our mental capabilities." He had been denied access to a building at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base which he thought contained the remains of crashed UFOs. There are far more people in positions of authority who found out UFOs were real and alien, than any of us have suspected. One of the most preeminent news casters of his day was Walter Cronkite. He was the voice and image all Americans listened to on the news. He had been invited by the U.S. Air Force to an island where he could watch the Air Force fire a new missile. Many other reporters were also there. As the missile streaked across the sky a UFO appeared and fired a beam at the missile which also hit a security guard. The missile froze in place and so did the guard. A Colonel rushed to the reporters who were stunned and told them they were testing a new weapon and wanted to see how people would react it to. This was clearly a case of UFO intervention into a missile firing, but the reporters were ordered not to report it.

I don’t know if all the Nazis thought UFOs were real, but I do know Dr. Herman Oberth, one of their most important rocket engineers said, "It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are spaceships from another solar system. There is no doubt in my mind that these objects are interplanetary craft of some sort. I and my colleagues are confident that they do not originate in our solar system." Notice he said he and his colleagues. This indicates to me the Nazi rocket engineers and scientists all believed UFOs were alien and yet we can’t even get our government to comment on them, but this doesn’t stop them from trying to cover up every crash and many sightings.

Sometimes things said in jest mean more than just a joke. President Gorbachev was on the Charlie Rose show with George Shultz the former Secretary of State under President Reagan. Gorbachev relayed something Reagan had asked him, it was if the United States was attacked by aliens would the Russians help and Gorbachev said he replied yes and asked Reagan the same question about Russia and he replied yes. Many believe since Reagan had seen UFOs twice this was on his mind and that he could have had an experience we weren’t told about such as abduction and missing time.

So many people in high positions know we have an alien problem and yet this is being smothered for the most part. Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of the former Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama said she was abducted by aliens. President Richard Nixon took Jackie Gleason, a comedian and his friend, to see alien bodies. Former President Jimmy Carter saw a UFO. Many believe General Douglas MacArthur knew about UFOs and aliens when he said, “the next war will be an interplanetary war.” He then talked about the world joining forces to fight attacks from “people from other planets.” I could go on, but I think you get the point, it is becoming well known that extraterrestrials exist and they are here, the only ones being kept out of the loop are us.


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