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The Murdering Of UFO Investigators

I don’t know how many of you saw the story of Phil Schneider revisited on Hanger 1, the MUFON television series, but it was just as chilling as the first time I heard it years ago. In case you are not familiar with the story, Phil was a sub-contractor with the government helping to build what are known as DUMBs. A DUMB is a Deep Underground Military Base. While he was working, the drill bit broke several times as it was being lowered into the earth. This caused Phil to have to go into the hole to see what the problem was. He said when he got down to the end of the hole he found himself in an underground alien base with aliens looking at him and got scared and drew his gun and fired at the same time the US Special Forces were breaking into the chamber during a fire fight. Phil said he killed several aliens, but one alien fired at him blowing off several of his fingers, and making a hole in his hand and chest. A Special Forces soldier pushed him back into the basket he was lowered in and he was brought back to the surface and survived.

Schneider kept quiet for 15 years about what he had seen because he was sworn to secrecy, but eventually he began to speak about it. He said he thought it was important for us to know about the aliens, but he also knew his life was in danger for talking about them. He was right, because several unexplained things happened to him after he began to speak. One of those things was a wheel which flew off his car that he said had lug nuts sawed off. It is interesting to note his father was a captain in the US navy and was involved in nuclear submarine development. Phil Schneider also said the Philadelphia Experiment was real and his father was involved in that also. Schneider said the US government was cooperating with aliens aside from the battle and he felt giving talks about this was necessary even though he felt his life was in danger. He would show his wounds at the talks to prove his story was true. One day while Schneider who had gotten divorced was at home when he was found dead. The coroner listed his death as a heart attacked, but his ex-wife didn’t accept this and had him dug up and another autopsy performed where it was found he was strangled by a thin long flexible tube, but the coroner changed his notation on cause of death to suicide. I guess the tube got up and walked away after he died.

Phil Schneider is far from being the only person involved with aliens and the government to have been killed, there is a long list of them and many are said to have been murdered by the men in black. These are men who wear black suits and usually sunglasses. Some say they are aliens. These stories go all the way back to US Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal. It is said his death was UFO related and this is why he was stripped of his job and thrown into Bethesda Naval Hospital where it was said he suffered a nervous breakdown, but the last person to see him alive was a hospital worker who said he was normal. He was on an upper floor and the heavy screen on his window, which should have been locked was found open and he lay on the ground below, dead. Scuff marks were found on the window’s edge as if a struggle took place and he was pushed out. This was just a few weeks before his brother was going to take him home from the hospital. It is said his failure to cooperate in the great UFO cover-up was what killed him.

There are those who believe there are two kinds of crop circles, frauds and those created by aliens and they believe it is easy to tell the difference, because the alien created ones have bent crops which are not damaged, but the knuckles that appear on the crop have gotten somehow stretched making it easier to bend the crops. Paul Vigay was a crop circle expert and a UFO investigator. He had achieved some fame for having worked on the 2002 Mel Gibson film Signs. Vigay was found floating face down in the sea off of the coast of Portsmouth. He had a small amount of alcohol in his body, not enough to influence his actions. His father said he didn’t believe in suicide. He had just broken up with his girlfriend and some say he couldn’t take it, but others think he was murdered for something he found out. There is a school of thought who states there are messages in the crop circles and maybe he had figured out an important one which he wasn’t supposed to know.

One of the problems with the deaths of UFO investigators is there seems to be far too many of them and far too many strange ones. Some UFO investigators also die of ordinary causes like the rest of us. Sometime though what seems like an ordinary cause may not be and this is what many feel about the death of Ann Livingston. Ann Livingston was an accountant, but she had been abducted by aliens according to her statements. She also worked as a MUFON investigator. MUFON is the Mutual UFO Network and they are the main source for UFO reports. In 1992 during the night Livingston’s apartment became brightly lit by a strange flash of silver light. Later that day she was accosted by 5 men in black in the parking lot where she lived. She said they were carrying strange devices and she had been rendered unconscious. Two years later she was dead from a fast acting form of ovarian cancer.

Otto Binder was a well-known author and researcher and he wrote an article in 1971 for Saga magazine entitled “Liquidation of the UFO Investigators.” He went on to list 137 UFO researchers who had died in the last ten years and said “many under the most mysterious circumstances.”

When we talk about mysterious deaths we are talking about people like Ron Rummel who was an ex-air force intelligence agent, who decided to publish the Alien Digest. It was said he shot himself in the mouth and died in 1993. This sound like an open and shut case doesn’t it? Here is the problem with it, friends claim there was not only no blood on the gun, but also no fingerprints. The suicide note, yes there was a suicide note, was written by a left handed person, but Rummel was right handed. It is also alleged the perspiration on the body smelled like sodium pentothal. Was someone or something trying to force information out of Rummel and killed him when they were done with him?

It is scary to think some people might be eliminated, because they know something others do not want us to know. Rumors have been swirling for years about a connection between the government and aliens and many believe where there is smoke there is fire.


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