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Soviet and Russian UFO and Alien Encounters

Russia when it was the Soviet Union covered such a huge part of the world’s land mass there were bound to be a lot of UFO sightings and even crash sites. The land mass of the old Soviet Union was about 2.5 times the size of the United States and almost as big as North America. That is certainly a lot of land. According to a film I saw which analyzed the Soviet Union, it claimed the Soviets under Nikita Khrushchev realized that competing with the U.S. during the Cold War was so expensive he knew it was only a matter of time before the Soviets ran out of money, after all it was not only an arms race, but a space race and even though the U.S.S.R. was a superpower it just couldn’t sustain those costs. The program went on to say Khrushchev ordered the KGB, the huge Soviet spy agency, to check out anything which might be of use to the Soviets. I am talking about the paranormal, UFO sightings and crashes and all sort of claimed mind control procedures among other things.

Supposedly a few of these things paid off for the Soviets and it is said before the USSR collapsed financially they were the world leaders in mind control and blocking thoughts. I don’t know if any of that is true, but it could have been since there are records of some of the experiments conducted. One of the films which interested me purports to be from the KGB files. It was said the SciFi Channel paid a Russian Mafia member to obtain it and the accompanying documents. The story behind the film and documents states the Soviets were contacted by the Egyptians. The year was 1961 and the Egyptians were a client state of the USSR and that Gamal Abdel Nasser, the president of Egypt at the time ordered the contact. The Egyptians were said to have found an Egyptian sarcophagus in a tomb called the hall of the visitors and it was not only an alien mummy, but it was over 12,000 years old. The chamber was said to have strange properties of attraction and the Soviets hoped to find useful alien technology and removed the Β Β contents of the tomb and brought it back to the Soviet Union.

There are those who believe Egypt was founded by aliens who the Egyptians worshiped as gods and there are many references to beings coming down from the stars and these same references exist in many other ancient civilizations. Even the term “Star Walkers” appears in a couple of different civilizations. To watch a video about the Egyptian discovery copy and paste this address into your browser, Sorry Truth Facts does not use live links. Apparently when the Soviets heard about the Roswell UFO crash Stalin ordered the KGB to investigate all events involving UFOs. When you got an order from Stalin you had better carry it out. In the early 1960s there was a crash of a UFO in the Soviet Union. There had been many sightings in the area the UFO had crashed in. The residents of the area in the Soviet Union had observed several fireballs crossing the sky when one began to sink rapidly and headed toward the ground and crashed. A loud explosion was heard, but a few days later the local paper claimed a grain storage unit exploded.

It seems the U.S. is not the only country covering up UFO events. Years later several rolls of film were found which seemed to prove the UFO had crashed. It shows soldiers in a truck traveling to the remote location where a small saucer shaped vehicle is embedded in the ground edge first. Β It is unfortunate we only see the outside of the craft even though a cameraman can clearly be seen shooting film either at the bottom of the craft or inside. There are some very interesting gun sight films which were taken from Soviet fighter planes. One of the more memorable ones entails a Soviet fighter sent up to investigate two planes in Soviet airspace. When the fighter got to the area the pilot didn’t see planes, he saw two UFOs. As he watched the two UFOs merged and became one. I think if anything could convince someone what they were watching was not from this world, that would do it. There is another gun sight video which is pretty grim. Two Mig 21 fighters were sent up to escort a foreign plane out of Soviet airspace. When the Migs got there they saw a saucer shaped UFO. They reported this to their command and were told to shoot it down. As they prepared to fire the first Mig can be seen being hit by some strange weapon and exploding and immediately the feed from the second Mig’s camera goes blank, because that Mig is also destroyed. This is precisely why our pilots were ordered not to fire on UFOs, they wouldn’t stand a chance.

One of the reasons we are finding out so much about Russian and Soviet UFOs now is that since the Cold War ended ufologists in both countries are sharing UFO data. There was a point in the Soviet Union where people were allowed to meet at UFO clubs and discuss these things, but that ended when the authorities were startled to find some of the secret Soviet rocket launches were being discussed, after that, meeting by more than a couple of people were forbidden and the topic of UFOs was off limits. The Soviet government tried to suppress alien abduction reports, but when the Soviet Union collapsed documents came out showing they did indeed exist and some of these people also had time loss and marks on their bodies just like the same reports in this country.

In 1986 a small object which seemed to be a probe crashed in Dalnegorsk, Russia. Some material was recovered. There were metal lead balls, mesh and bits of glass. When the objects were tested they proved to be unresolvable as objects made on earth. During most of the Soviet control, citizens were told there were no such things as UFOs. Coming from the Soviet authorities this was not believed by the people, because the Soviet government lied about everything. An example is citizens were told there was no crime in the Soviet Union. Former CIA agents have confirmed we are still trying to get all the info on UFOs we can from the Russian government.



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