Truth Facts



Why Is The UFO Secrecy Continuing?

Somebody asked the question, why are there so many UFO sightings. I didn’t look to see the answer, but I think I know why and it is for more than one reason. I believe there are more UFOs coming to earth than ever before and it may have to do with more races of extraterrestrials, or something we are doing. It could be because we are progressing to some point in our technology that is a spring point for them. Maybe that is what they are waiting for, before they meet with us because at that point, we have come far enough in our technology we understand what they are. Another reason could be the military is coming up with advanced weapons which get mistaken for UFOs.

There are a lot of things in our skies today which could look like an alien machine. Even regular planes at certain angles look like cigar shaped UFOs. The triangle UFOs have been rumored for years to be ours. Next, the interest in UFOs has increased tremendously and far more people have started to watch the skies. They are not only busy identifying UFOs, but also misidentifying them. The fact thousands of satellites are being launched into orbit also helps with the misidentification. Then there are the sightings by people who excite those who also want to be able to say they saw a UFO.

It is interesting to note UFOs, also known as UAPs, seem to be very interested in war. I can’t prove it, but it does seem there are more UFOs over war zones. Take for instance the Ukraine. There are many reports of UFOs over the country, far more than before the war. Some may say this is because reconnaissance aircraft, along with all sorts of other aircraft and drones are being misidentified as traditional UFOs. While some of this may be true, astronomers in that country who know better are also reporting the huge increase in UFO sightings. There is no doubt UFOs are over Ukraine because they are interested in the war. Ukraine astronomers have even published a paper about the increase which is backed by their National Academy of Science. One researcher went as far as to say we see them everywhere. The scientists claim they have set up very fast cameras because some of the move to fast to be seen by the naked eye and are hard to photograph.

It is not only the Ukraine where UFO sightings have increased. Astronomers in many places are claiming there are a heck of a lot more UFOs in the skies above us and even the U.S. government has admitted they cannot identify all these different objects. It seems we are in the middle of a tsunami of UFOs watching us. Many of the observations seem to be balls of light of different colors. Many times, the only thing which is reported about them is their color and the fact they seem shaped like a ball. Other times the shape can actually be seen and photographed. The black triangles are a very good example of this. Examples of the balls of light are white ones, fiery ones, orange ones and green ones.

There is a story which came out in the Sun, which I find very hard to believe. It states the Air Force will regularly fire at UFOs in a war zone. Why would we do this when we know we only anger them and according to previous engagements, we not only can’t hurt them, but they can destroy us at will? The Sun has stated they were told this by a whistleblower. On the other hand, it was testified by the Navy we have never fired on a UFO when we know this wasn’t true in the past. There was a famous time in the Vietnam War when we fired on a UFO when it destroyed one of our boats known as a Swift Boat and then fired on and damaged an Australian war ship, using one of our own missiles it somehow caught and fired back. Many UFO investigators know we have fired over the past years, but it seems we do not do this anymore. There was a time when we believed some of the commercial airliners which crashed were in retaliation by UFOs for firing on them. It has been said we stopped firing on them after that. The Whistleblower was said by the Sun to have said America is not the only country firing on UFOs.

I think there is still a huge coverup by the military and especially by the Navy as far as UFO information goes. This has disappointed many UFO investigators and interested citizens who believed when the Navy released the UFO videos a couple of years ago, it would be just a short period of time before the flood gates holding back the information the Navy had would be opened. Nothing could have been further from the truth. I was not disappointed because I believed we would never be told the entire truth about UFOs, and I hate to say it seems I was correct.

I think the only way UFOs will be acknowledged as extraterrestrial vehicles is if several land in very busy areas of each country and aliens walk out of them. Even if one landed here and that happened it would probably be branded as a stunt to advertise a movie or something like that to completely dismiss what had happened.

Why would the government want to hide the fact UFOs are alien craft and at least some are piloted by them? There could be many reasons. It could be we are getting help from the aliens in building advanced craft and we don’t want other nations to know, but that cat is out of the bag as many different whistleblowers have reported this. It could be we are allowing aliens to run tests on us and that would account for the abductions. It could also be some of us are taken and never returned because we died during a brutal examination. Can you imagine how bad the government would look if they had agreed to the abductions? I remember when some government officials were calling for the death penalty for Julian Assange, the head of Wikileaks, because he embarrassed them with certain information leaks. They actually wanted him dead. It could be a lot of heads would roll if certain UFO information got out. At least one other reason might be the government thinks it will destroy our society if we learn some truths we don’t now know.

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