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Bush Senior Spills Beans On UFOs

There has been much talk over the years about the government hiding the truth about UFOs. A lot of people bought into the UFO disinformation program and laugh when they hear someone saying UFOs really exist, I am talking about the craft piloted by extraterrestrials. These people have been indoctrinated to ridicule anyone talking about this subject seriously. That is the government’s ace in the hole. Make it seem that someone who brings up the subject of UFOs is stupid and give those who ridicule them a sense of superiority. It is a psychological ploy. I am not putting anyone down, but I would like to point out Β the irony of this situation. There are times where people who haven’t even graduated grammar school are calling physicists idiots and laughing at them, because they are keeping an open mind about UFOs.

I have talked about UFOs many times over the years and there have been plenty of whistleblowers who have come forward with information proving the government knows all about many UFOs being extraterrestrial vehicles. We can take this a step further and talk about what ex-president George Bush senior said when asked about UFOs. He said the public couldn’t handle the truth. Wow, do we need more than this to validate the existence of these alien machines. Since the Bushes are among the most secretive of the presidents and George Bush senior was privy to just about all the secret documents and dealings that dealt with the UFO problem when he was the head of the CIA, who could know more? When a man like this says we can’t handle the truth, there has to be something going on. Sometimes as people get older and realize they don’t have long to go, they begin to regret some of the secrets they have kept. I have to wonder if Bush senior is beginning to feel this way and his answer was calculated to let us know UFOs were real without coming out and saying so. Bush senior said this during a fund raiser for his son Jeb and caused a very uneasy feeling among the audience when he gave this answer. After the answer was given the organizers of the event halted the proceedings for a short time. I guess they were taken by surprise and were trying to figure out how much damage was made to the Jeb Bush campaign by this answer, after all this is one of the guys who if he hadn’t devised the anti-UFO campaign was one of the main secret keepers of the truth and a supporter of the campaign. In 1988 while campaigning for his election for president, he was asked a similar question about UFOs. The question was if he was elected president would he tell the American public about the existence of UFOs? He replied “I am very careful in public life about dealing with classified information.” He didn’t deny their existence. He was then asked if he had knowledge about the UFO phenomena and answered, “I know a fair amount” and ended the interview. After reading this one cannot help but conclude Bush senior believes UFOs are real and alien. The Republicans were quick to state he might be suffering from Alzheimers. Yea sure, no one has said he had that disease and did he have it before he was elected president when he said he knew a fair amount about UFOs? I think Bush senior wants to tell us the true story before he dies, but I am sure he will be carefully monitored if he has a slow death to make sure we don’t find out about any information the government doesn’t want us to have. The Republicans were also quick to say his opinions do not reflect the opinions of Jeb Bush in any way. It’s funny, former president Reagan never hid his belief that UFOs were real and it never stopped him from getting elected.

With all the UFOs in our skies, it has become painfully obvious they are appearing on radar all over the world. This means the entire planet knows about UFOs and yet we are told by the government they are balled lightning, or some other natural phenomena. It is said when the FAA tracks a UFO which appears on their radar a report is sent to Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies and the FBI and CIA come to obtain all the evidence. There have been far more military encounters between air forces around the world than we will ever know about. I have mentioned this fact before, but it is worth mentioning again. Our military planes have been ordered not to pursue UFOs or fire upon them because this has resulted in tragic encounters for us. At least some of the UFOs have somehow managed to use our own munitions back at us. Bullets and rockets fired at UFOs have been turned around and sent back at the firing aircraft, which in many cases have destroyed it. We are now told to leave UFOs alone. The truth is they have free range of our skies and we are helpless to do anything about it.

Some people have said we are still shooting at UFO and have pointed to articles on the internet as proof, but most of the time they have neglected to look at the date of the article which was posted BEFORE the policy was changed or referred to previous history. When Bush senior stated we couldn’t handle the truth, I think he was referring to the fact we are not the masters of our planet as we think we are and that there are thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of extraterrestrials living here in underground bases and they have been here so long they may even predate us. There are two schools of thought among the UFO community of believers. The first is the aliens are here to guide us, prevent nuclear war and may even be altering us genetically to improve our race. The second is they are our enemies and are here to destroy us. I think they could have done this at any time and why would they wait until we had nuclear weapons to do this and risk injury?

One thing seems to be clear, people are probably being abducted and tested for reasons unknown by us at this time. We seem to be at their mercy, because they have demonstrated they can control our wills. If one was to look over some of the abduction stories, they would notice a pattern and that pattern is humans were unable to resist the mental suggestion by the aliens who abducted them. It is as if they are under some sort of hypnotic suggestion they cannot resist.

Is the UFO phenomena real and do some of the people in our government know this? Of course they do!



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