Truth Facts



UFO News 2 June, 2022

UFOs continue to be the topic in many conversations on the internet. I saw something the other day and it was about what Mike Tyson thinks about the subject. While it doesn’t matter much, I thought some of you might be interested because of who he is. Tyson said it was unlikely humans were alone in the universe. He said he didn’t believe that God and the universe chose only us to be the only ones. He went one to say (did God say) look at these guys there going to be so special they are going to be the only ones? Tyson seems to be much more religious than I thought he was, and what he said makes a lot of sense.

A man in Pakistan saw a triangle UFO in the sky. The object was hovering. The man took a video of the object after watching it for over two hours. The object while triangular had odd bulges and shapes in different places on its body. One thing which seems to have changed is the fact some of our representatives in the House and Senate openly are pushing for more transparency in the UFO phenomena. That would never have happened years ago because they would have been laughed out of office.

A UFO sighting took place over southern California. It was of a very large UFO covered in a cloud. One investigator supposed there was a shield around the UFO which kept the cloud around it by being outside the cloud. This is just one of those guesses. For all we know it was just a cloud that had the shape of a UFO.

It is getting much harder to be sure strings of lights are caused by UFOs. There are just too many satellites being launched and some are in low earth orbit. This is why I started to take all the sightings of this type with a grain of salt. Especially when some of the satellites like StarLink are launched in such large numbers.

One of the more fascinating types of sightings occur when a television broadcast captures one. It turned out a traffic report was taking place when a UFO appeared in the background. The object was orb shaped and left a contrail behind it. In 2017 the show had also captured a UFO on video.

In late April, 2022 a man said he not only saw UFOs in the sky but he claimed they put on a light show you wouldn’t believe. The objects were said to be orange orbs. He was not the only witness. His family also saw this as did his neighbor. He went on to say two orbs headed in one direction and a third turned around and caught up to them. The objects made no sounds.

A reporter stated the aircraft carrier, the USS Kearsarge was followed and covered in light by two UFOs which looked like balls of light. It is being claimed the Pentagon wants this to be kept secret. The balls of light were said to have followed the ship for some distance before leaving. The objects were only about 200 feet above the ship. This sighting occurred in October, 2021. What amazes me the most is the fact the carrier didn’t try to do something to stop them from getting this close. It begs the question; do we feel so helpless we are afraid to try and chase them off? Marines on deck had taken a video of the encounter and it is said the Pentagon is holding on to the video. The official position is it remains unexplained but is unlikely to represent contact with aliens.

Since the Pentagon published its last UFO report (UAP report), a UFO investigator has taken issue with the Pentagon over the fact the report indicated extraterrestrials could be dangerous. It went on to show different symptoms suffered by those who came too close to some UFOs or were probably abducted. It listed some symptoms suffered by some people after these contacts or near contacts. Personally, I think the report is valid in that area from all the things I have read and interviews I have conducted with people.

A British woman saw a diamond shaped UFO in the daylight sky. Two sightings occurred over Luton. A video was taken and two UFOs can be seen slowly sailing across the sky. An investigation into the video revealed the two objects were triangular shaped. There has been talk about these triangles for years now. Many believe they are the TR-3B, a craft purported to be an invention by the United States and a spacecraft.

A woman in Wales had quite an experience. She saw two strange burning objects in the sky and was able to take a video of them. The objects appeared over Connah’s Quay, North Wales. The lady seeing the objects, got her phone and videoed them. Others in this area have reported seeing UFOs before.

Strange things are being said to be happening in Minnesota. One man heard strange sounds while walking his dog in the woods. Another said he saw a Bigfoot. Then there was the UFO speeding across the sky and now a resident of Duluth reported seeing something in the daylight sky he described as a black object which was round with two points and very low in the sky. The object was moving slowly.

Mira Sorvino said she had seen a UFO while in Malibu about four years ago. Her home had been damaged by a fire so she was staying at a rental in Malibu. She said she woke up in the middle of the night and saw two objects and they were racing at each other and then veering off. They flew away but came back a few minutes later.

One of the things in the new UFO report is the fact there were unaccounted for pregnancies. This must be a terrifying fact for women. It also talks about radiation burns from UFOs. I have felt these could be caused by our own experiments into building nuclear powered UFOs, but who knows?

The naval pilot who filmed the UFO incident in 2015 had given testimony before the U.S. Senate. He had testified he thought the UFO he saw was just a part of a training exercise. There has been rumors of the U.S. being able to produce images in the sky which look like the real thing and are being designed to confuse an enemy. The idea is to create a fleet of planes when only one or two are real. It is said the false images would have all the attributes of a real plane to fool the enemy’s systems.

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