Truth Facts



Why Are Extraterrestrials Watching Us?

Something very bizarre is happening. Many of us believe we are being observed by extraterrestrials in UFOs. There is a report which has come out stating we are flocking to places which have the most UFO sightings for entertainment. In other words, we are watching the watchers. Because of this phenomena, the business in these areas are making more money. I guess you could say they have the aliens to thank for the business.

The Canadian government has released a report about 20 years of UFO sightings. It does my heart good to see more countries doing this. If we only could get our government to release more information on UFOs, it would be even better. I can’t help but wonder why we are not doing this? Could it be we know something some of the other nations who have released their UFO data do not? As more countries release UFO data and we don’t, it becomes even more curious.

It has been said we not only are in contact with extraterrestrials, some of them are working on projects with us. If this is true maybe they have made certain agreements with us which preclude the government from releasing much of its UFO information. There just has been too many honorable people who worked with the government who claim they have seen aliens working with us. Usually, it is said to be the Grays, who are short, thin and have huge black eyes. There are other stories however that also claim the tall blond Nordics which look like us are also in contact with us and even have a settlement on this planet. I don’t know if they are truly helping us or not. It would be hard to tell since they look so much like us.
There is a theory which states the modern human race is not modern at all and has been around for millions of years. It goes on to say ancient humans decided millions of years ago that at least some of them would go out into space to explore and eventually they settled in a few different star systems and now they are coming back to see how we are doing. There are also those who say they want to help but won’t unless we get rid of all nuclear weapons. There are just so many different stories out there, it is hard to know if we should believe some, none, or part of some.

In the minds of some people the universe is full of aliens and some are benevolent, some indifferent, some nasty, some friendly and some downright evil. It sounds more like the different nations on earth, doesn’t it? There is also a theory an ancient human race was spread out among the solar system and maybe further, but we got into a war with a brutal race known as the reptilians and they bombed us back to the Stone Age. Some believe there were colonies of humans which were untouched in other solar systems. Indeed, there are signs of nuclear holocausts on the planet which are ancient and if we get into space in a meaningful way will we find destroyed ancient human bases? One never knows. It has been rumored for decades there are ruins on the moon and some believe these ancient ruins were from our ancient bases.

There is another theory that states the race which destroyed us originally is still out there watching us and if we make a wrong move against them or theirs, they will do it again. Another theory is there is now a universal organization of worlds which is protecting us.

It could be we are being watched and if we go into space in a meaningful way and pollute it, it might start a war in which we wouldn’t make out very well. One of the pollutants could be radioactivity. Could a spacecraft leaking radioactivity cause a war? We really don’t know the answer to this question, because we don’t know much about extraterrestrials. If some are truly working with us, we might know more about them than the others, but probably still not enough.

One of the reasons I have to laugh when I read articles or hear so called UFO investigators assigning reasons to why certain extraterrestrials activities are happening. Not knowing why an alien might be doing something is not an excuse for assigning a reason and telling us this or that is the reason why that act was being done. Take for example why UFOs fly over cities and observe us. We really don’t know the reason, but many guess and say they are interested in how we live. That may or may not be true. For all we know they could be wondering how we would taste roasted with garlic. I hope that isn’t true, but I think you get my point.

Extraterrestrials might be coming here because life is rare in the universe not plentiful as pertains to intelligent life and the aliens are interested to see how we develop. Another reason could be there are other races of humans in the galaxy, so aliens are interested in us. They could be here because they are watching to make sure we do not develop into a threat to others. We haven’t done too good in this area, but perhaps all races go through these things before they develop enough wisdom to change.

Some have said the reason aliens are here is to get manpower for their military because there are wars going on and we are at a level of intelligence where we could be taught how to fight with advanced weapons. There are even some who claim they have done that for a certain period of time and then were released from duty.

There could be so many other reasons why aliens are here but as humans we may never be able to grasp those reasons. An example is the strange fact alien craft have been seen sucking up fresh water from rivers and lakes. Do some aliens drink water and could they also need it for some other purpose? Perhaps some alien craft have a fusion drive of some sort and the water is needed for the hydrogen in it. On the other hand, it could be for something as simple as making ice for some reason. We just do not know enough about aliens to be sure of anything.

The one thing we can be sure about is there are extraterrestrials here and they are flying around our planet and have been doing so for thousands of years. One has only to look at the Indian Vaimanika Shastra, a text which is thousands of years old which describes alien spacecraft and nuclear weapons.

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