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UFO Sightings By Police Officers

Some of the best UFO sightings have come from police officers. UFO investigators particularly like these kinds of sightings because they now have a witness who has been trained to evaluate what he or she has seen. For years one report was considered one of the best and it was made by a policeman. The policeman is named Lonnie Zamora and he had a close encounter in 1964 near Socorro, New Mexico. He saw beings outside a landed ship who then got back in and took off when they saw him. There has been plenty of other police officers who have seen UFOs and I imagine there were far more who saw them than reported them. One officer who did make a report was Bill Fisher. Officer Fisher worked for the Moline Police Department and in the afternoon of March 9, 1967 he saw something which he would never forget. A bright silver object was hovering over the Mississippi River. Officer Fisher was on a motorcycle near Sacred Heart School. When the object appeared it was also seen by some of the students and two nuns. Officer Fisher grabbed his 8 mm movie camera, but the object had started to move away so it was not discernable in the film. The US Air Force became very interested in the sighting, Β Β because there were several during that time period. They sent people to interview officer Fisher. The next thing he knew men dressed in black came to the police station and confronted him. Allen Hynek the famous astronomer from the Blue Book Project also came to see him. It is said Officer Fisher was not the only police officer from the area to see UFOs. Sheriff’s deputies from the area had also seen UFOs a few days before.

The Exeter incident involved UFO sightings along with a teenager and two police officers. It occurred on September 3, 1965. It was about 2 am when Norman Muscarello was hitchhiking along Highway 150. As he was walking along the highway, there wasn’t many cars on the road this time of night. He noticed flashing red lights in the woods nearby. As the 18 year old boy watched the lights suddenly came toward him and he dove into a ditch. The light then moved back to where they were and the boy ran to a farmhouse and pounded on the door, but no one was home. He then saw a car coming down the road, ran toward it and stopped it. The people in the car drove him to the Exeter police station. One of the police named officer Bertrand radioed in. He had met a woman earlier who had pulled off the road and she was obviously upset. She had told him a huge object with flashing red lights had followed her car for about 12 miles and then hovered over her car before flying away. The officer didn’t believe her. Officer Bertrand arrived at the station and after hearing this story decided to drive back to where the boy saw the lights. He took the boy with him. They initially saw nothing at the site, but then a huge object appeared over the nearby barn and it had red flashing lights. Officer Bertrand called for help and Officer Hunt came. Meanwhile the object had been hovering about 100 feet away, at an altitude of about 100 feet. When Officer Hunt arrived he also saw the object. Other people in the Exeter area also claimed to have seen the object.

On December 3, 1967 a police officer named Herbert Schirmer had a terrible experience. He was making his rounds in Ashland, Nebraska and saw something he thought was the red lights of a truck. He went to take a closer look. He drove down the highway and saw something lit in red and shined his flashlight at it. He saw a disc shaped object and the red lights were coming through portholes on the object. The object was metallic and it was hovering above the ground at about 8 feet. The object was tiltled slightly. Around the outside of the object was a sort of catwalk and there were legs under the object. As he watched the object began to rise and as it did it made a high pitched noise. Officer Schirmer stuck his head out of the car and watched as the object rose out of sight. When officer Schirmer got back to the police station he made a note of the time, it was 3:00 AM. This shocked him because he knew he had been on patrol more than the 10 minutes indicated. This is not the end of the story. Officer Schirmer began to experience physical problems after that. He felt ill, had headaches and a red welt on his neck. The famous Condon Commission requested his presence. At some point he began regressive hypnosis administered by Dr. Leo Sprinkle of the University of Wyoming. The facts which came out were that the electrical system in his patrol car had been turned off as was his radio. An object came out of the UFO and prevented the officer from drawing his gun. He also recalled the beings in the craft were friendly and their craft was powered by electricity from electrical lines, and they had set up a base on Venus. Here is what the Condon Committee concluded about the sighting. "Evaluation of psychological assessment tests, the lack of any evidence, and interviews with the patrolman, left project staff with no confidence that the trooper's reported UFO experience was physically real." Dr. Sprinkle felt that the officer believed everything he said.

On January 8, 2008 a UFO sighting took place at Stephenville, Texas. One of the reasons this sighting was so credible is it was seen by several dozen people and they not only included a police officer, but also a pilot. They reported seeing a large silent object with very bright lights. Witnesses stated that it was flying very fast and was low in the sky. All the witnesses stated it flew closer to the ground than any airplane and that it was bigger and far quieter than any plane. The witnesses also said as the object flew, the configuration of it1s lights changed. The object was seen over different towns in the area for weeks.

A woman saw a UFO in the sky on August 25, 2014. She didn’t want to be the only one so she called her local police department in Lower Paxton Township in Pennsylvania. The police responded and she told them she had been watching the object for about 20 minutes. The object was still in the sky when the police got there. One officer took out his binoculars and after watching the object for a short time told the woman he had to admit he didn’t know what it was. He called his command and they sent a sergeant and corporal to the location. They looked at the object and neither one of them knew what it was. They in turn contacted the National Guard training center in the area and Harrisburg International Airport and both said they had no aircraft in the area.
This are the kind of sightings one can’t just ignore unless that person doesn’t want the truth to get out.



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