Truth Facts



UFOs Over The Ukraine

On February 24, 2022, a group of UFOs appeared over the Ukraine. It is being reported civilians and military are seeing strange objects in the sky. This does not surprise me; I have been waiting for the reports to start rolling in. I say this because throughout history UFOs have been seen over battles and in war torn areas. It wasn’t that long ago when a very large UFO appeared over Odessa. It happened just before the attack on the Ukraine on Christmas day, December 2021. The craft was described by witnesses as extremely bright and huge. I can’t talk to the size of the craft, but I had seen a UFO which seemed to be far away and still had a blinding light coming from it. Is this any indication the aliens knew or suspected the Ukraine was going to be invaded? A second large bright object joined the first UFO. It is said the Russians had launched a missile while the UFO watched.

The Ukraine, like many other countries all over the world has had some very strange things noticed in their sky. One of the strangest is the flying humanoid which has been seen in several countries. Several years ago, one of these was seen flying over Mariupol. Whether it really is a humanoid or something else is the subject of constant debates.

In 2014 a very strange looking UFO was seen in the sky at the border between Ukraine and Russia. An estimate of its length was said to be about 3,000 feet long. The object was cylindrical. It appeared on March 6, 2014. There was a conflict going on at the time. One source said the object was a secret United States weapon and called it a sky dreadnought. It has been claimed it is powered by anti-gravity and is the most powerful weapon ever made up to that time. None of this is verified however, but it was worth mentioning.

On January 6, 2022, a bright round object was seen by witnesses flying over the Ukraine. It slowly drifted around the sky and at one point in came down to the ground so close its glow lit the ground up.

A group of UFOs swarmed some of our warships. While everyone thought they were UFOs, Harry Reid a former senator, was said to have stated they were created by Vladimir Putin. This event took place a few years ago. Reid was reported to have said, "They are coming in swarms, like bees, like insects, so many of them." If they were really some type of long range drones, the swarm idea is nothing new, we are working on the same thing.

On 27 July 2020, witnesses claimed to have seen 17 fast moving UFOs in the sky above the Ukraine. The witnesses stated 15 of the objects were moving in the same direction but two in another. At first it was thought these were Starlink satellites, but this was never confirmed.

On October 2017, a strange thing was witnessed by the residents of several cities in the Ukraine. Several objects looked like they were on fire and descending to the earth. Some compared them to missiles but they also looked like they could be debris from space.

Another big, orb shaped UFO which was very bright white appeared in the sky above Ukraine. The event took place on 8 September, 2020. A witness had stated they saw a glowing object which was increasing in brightness. It was said to be near the coast and over the village of Kotovsky. It was heading towards Odessa. A night vision device was being used to look at the object and the witness stated he tried to focus in on the object but it always appeared as a round bright object.

There was a very interesting incident in the Ukraine. Reports had been received in October, 1982 that a Soviet missile base in the Ukraine had all it nuclear missiles activated. A UFO had been hovering near the base for four hours. A Russian colonel had been sent out to investigate. Even the launch codes were enabled and this could have resulted in World War III. After the investigation the only solution could have been the UFO somehow activated the missiles to show how dangerous they were. Eighteen years later the colonel said it was not the UFO that did this. It seems the new administration that had taken over the country didn’t like the UFO explanation.

On September 4, 2019, a glowing object was seen over the Ukraine. This time it was suspected it was a TR-3B, a not so secret American plane which is said to be an anti-gravity machine. The story goes we used some of the things we learned from reverse engineering crashed UFOs to develop this craft. There has never been solid proof it exists, but this certainly doesn’t mean it is not real. The so called machine is said to be triangle shaped with lights on each corner.

There is this idea by some people which is if Putin tries to launch a nuclear missile, he will be stopped from setting it off by aliens who are near the Ukraine hiding in the sky. They base this idea on the times our own missiles have been shut down while a UFO hovered over our bases. It is true we had our missiles shut down several times and at that time a UFO was observed over the base.

There is a story which matches some of ours about the Russians firing missiles at a UFO. In 1961 the Soviets had installed missile batteries around Moscow. A huge UFO appeared over the city. It was surrounded by smaller UFOs. It was said the commander of one missile battery panicked and fired a salvo at the craft without authorization. The missiles all exploded before hitting anything. The remaining missiles were shut down by the UFO.

As you can see there has been some UFO activity over the Ukraine. It is hard to know if this had anything to do with future invasions or not. Many believe the UFO pilots are time travelers from the future and many may be human. If that is true, perhaps they are here to observe important events in their history or perhaps not. There is no way to know, but one thing is for certain, the Ukraine has had its share of UFO sightings over its territory.

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