Truth Facts



Extraterrestrials Working With Humans

There are a few respectable people who admitted they were working with the government and aliens were helping us to build and understand UFOs. Some of these people mentioned the fact we have built and flown triangular aircraft of the type seen often in the skies. There was one clue to at least some of these craft being man made and that was one witness said he noticed the lights on each angle of the triangular craft were lights made here, not fancy alien lights of any kind. When I first heard this, I wondered how many others had noticed things about triangular craft when they saw them from a relatively close view?

There is a lot of testimony which points to the fact we have been working with extraterrestrials on secret projects and also, we are re engineering flying saucers. Some of the witnesses have impeccable reputations and have absolutely no reason to lie about this. I remember one rocket scientist who was drafted by the government to help with a secret project. These projects are very compartmentalized. This means you never meet everyone on the project and you never get the entire picture, only what you need for your portion of the project. For example, one group might be working on engine parts and another on body design, but neither group would know anything about the other.

The rocket engineer was being walked down a long hallway at a secret base which consisted of many closed doors on each side. As he passed one door it was open and to his shock, he said he saw a gray alien walking around and seemingly doing work.

A former U.S. Air Force vet was being interviewed on the subject of extraterrestrials working with the government. He claimed his duties were working with aliens in a classified program. He said he did this for four years. He claimed groups of aliens would assist in autopsies of non-human beings and there were many different races of them. He claimed some of the extraterrestrials actually volunteered to do this. He said some were even captured and decided to help. He also mentioned the fact we can scan a body and 3D print it. He said the aliens are a lot smarter than we are and he would also say they were benevolent. It was sort of a situation like Doctors Without Borders where doctors from an advanced society volunteer to help those not so well off.

There are those in the military who are in a position to know at least some of what is going on, and many claim there are far more extraterrestrials living on earth than we expect. The big thing is these people have been telling us there are human type extraterrestrials living throughout the galaxy and many thousands are on earth and we don’t know it because we cannot tell them from us. It is being said some of the scientists and engineers working on projects for the government are extraterrestrials, but those working with them don’t know it.

Phil Schneider, the famous UFO whistleblower who was murdered, claimed there was a man who was working with the government on various projects named Valient Thor. There are even photos of the man on the internet. He looks human but it is said he had six fingers on each hand, and his circulatory system was closer to an octopus. It was said he was five hundred years old and could speak about 100 languages. What I find hard to believe is the fact it is claimed he came from Venus. If this info came from anyone else than Schneider I wouldn’t even write about it.

I know Iran makes some crazy statements and sometimes pulls off actions which make one think, why would any country do that and look for trouble? I am going to tell you what they said and you can take it for what it is worth. They said the U.S. government is being run by white aliens. Why would another country even say these things? Even if it ever turned out to be true, it would make whatever country said this sound like a bunch of fruitcakes.

A former CIA agent turned whistleblower says far more people have been abducted by aliens than we realize because most of them don’t remember the experience. It has been estimated only a very small portion of those abducted by extraterrestrials start to remember what happened. Some of them had a haunting feeling something was wrong but just couldn’t put their finger on the problem and eventually went to a hypnotist who was able to bring some memories back. This is exactly what happened in the most famous case, that of Betty and Barney Hill. The former CIA agent claims over 1,000,000 people have been abducted so far.

One military veteran turned whistleblower said the United States has allowed extraterrestrials to live at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. He said the aliens are helping us with technological transfer. He also said he had seen three different types of aliens on the base and they were Grey aliens, Nordics, the ones that look human and the White aliens. He said the White aliens had a life span up to 700 years. Is it just a coincidence so many ex-military are coming forward and so are scientists and engineers? There is an old saying and it is where there is smoke there is fire and I believe it is true in this case.

The main question in my mind is not if aliens are here, but why they are willing to share their technology with us. What are they getting in return? Some believe the different races of aliens can no longer reproduce and they need our help and are studying our reproductive system to see if they can fix theirs. Could it be after a race gets older it begins to get less fertile until no one in that race can have a baby? It doesn’t look that way because while it might be true among alien males, there are many cases of human males being forced to procreate with alien females. If human women have been abducted and don’t remember and are married or just promiscuous and have a baby it might be alien and they wouldn’t know it if it looked like us.

I for one think there are extraterrestrials working with the U.S. government, but probably also with other world governments. There is just no reason to believe we would be the only ones working with them.

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