Truth Facts




An amazing thing happened when a SpaceX Falcon rocket was launched. A UFO was seen in a frame and it was one of the best UFO photos I had ever seen. The camera was shut off pretty fast, but not fast enough to hide what was seen. It was a perfectly circular object with the bottom exposed. The craft seemed more unusual than the ones we usually see. This is a must see so I am putting up the address which has a video of the object. I usually never post a live outside link but I am making an exception in this case.
I am not happy to learn SpaceX is taking the same stand as NASA in shutting off cameras when UFOs appear.

This may sound hard to believe, but caves have been found in Antarctica which have interior temperatures of 77 degrees Fahrenheit. You may wonder how this can be and why in a UFO article I am bringing this up. Okay, first things first. The reason they are so warm is a volcano heats them named Mount Erebus. The why is because it could be this is an indication that extraterrestrials are there and living underground in Antarctica which has been said for years. This ties in with what looks like a crashed UFO on Google Earth. The coordinates (74°35'37.57"S 164°54'28.90"E). Of course, we really don’t know what it is, but it does look like a UFO. There also seems to be another one which is half covered with ice. This UFO was examined on the television show The Proof is Out There. Many people jumped online to criticize the History Channel for showing this.

Sometimes we get some statements that are just two much to believe under any circumstances and the latest one is about the Black Knight Satellite. That is a satellite which supposedly is alien and is 10,000 years old. It is said it can’t be tracked because it appears and disappears without a trace until the next time it appears. The following conspiracy theory involves two conspiracy theories at once. It is being said the Black Knight was shot down, which is the first conspiracy theory and that it was the Illuminati that did it. That is the second conspiracy theory because now you would have to believe the Black Knight not only exists, but also the Illuminati and that they are equipped with anti-satellite weapons.

The new department for UAP events in the military has upset many UFO investigators. Remember UAPs and UFOs are the same thing. Many of the investigators believe since it is a military department, it is only being formed to put a lid on the release of UFO information. Who can blame them? The military doesn’t have the best record when it comes to releasing UFO information. Some may think the U.S. Navy released the videos of the UFOs being tracked by our planes but it wasn’t the military, it was Luis Elizondo the former head of the AATIP program after he left the service. When he was at AATIP he was able to get the videos declassified so he took them with him when he left.

Sometimes things appear in the sky which resemble lights but that is all we can see. When these lights begin to move strangely, they get noticed. Something strange appeared in the Merseyside sky in England. There seemed to be a few different sightings last year in those skies. Some were repeated bright flashes which were taking place in the sky for over an hour. Other lights had very strange shapes. It just goes to show you, these things are happening everywhere.

One reason why so many people are interested in UFOs lately is because so many people have seen them. If we check the National UFO Reporting Center also know as NUFORC, we find there have been more than 90,000 UFO sightings reported to them since 1974 and this is far from the number of sightings which have been made. There are other organizations and MUFON is another which has many thousands of cases and has been around since 1969. How can people not be interested in UFOs? They seem to be popping up everywhere and just ignoring them won’t make them go away or be non-existent. This is one of the reasons why I get annoyed with the people who claim we will find aliens exist in x amount of years. It is because they seem to be all around us already and they are ignoring that fact.

Every state in the United States and just about every country on Earth had UFO sightings last year. I just don’t see how some scientists and even ordinary people can ignore that fact. Idaho claimed 45 sightings last year in 2021. As I said before these are only the reported ones. One sighting there could have been dangerous. It took place in March 2021 but I can’t verity the story, but it was said while a witness watched a UFO, if emitted a light which left marks on the witness.

A UFO was witnessed this year, 2022, flying over Columbus Ohio. It displayed three lights in a triangular formation and was said to be cloaked. It was said to be cloaked because only the lights were visible. I have seen many photos like this in the past and find when you have a black UFO in a dark sky it is more like the object being such a dark color which hides the structure and if it were daytime people wouldn’t feel there was cloaking involved.

There is a man who lives in Bradford in the U.K. and claims he was abducted when he was four years old and it is still happening. He said a being wearing a spacesuit and helmet came into his garden. He has had lost time. He went on to say one time he was riding his motorbike and was abducted right off of it. He said the aliens injected him. It gets even stranger because he claims he was put into a military unit and forced to fight against other aliens on this planet. The really strange thing is he is not alone with such a weird story, many others have told the same thing.

Are we alone? I don’t see how we can think that anymore. It reminds me of a saying on Ancient Aliens which is we have never been alone. I think I have to agree with that because there is so much evidence of sightings for thousands of years.

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