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Alien Life, Is It A Fact?

We are being slowly prepared to accept the fact there is intelligent life on other planets besides earth. First we noticed some religious leaders saying finding life would not mean their teachings would be wrong. We also saw the United Nations conduct hearings about UFOs. We have been slowly fed statements by people we trust such as astronauts, engineers, scientists and former military stating they have seen things which could only be accounted for by alien life. Now we have a NASA scientist Ellen Stofan stating, “I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade . . .I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20-30 years.” Then she went on to say, “We’re on the verge of things that people have wondered about for millennia. Within all of our lifetimes we’re going to understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system. We’re going to understand the implications of that for life here on Earth.”

Why are we being spoon fed like this? How come people of note are now beginning to say there is probably life on other planets? I think the reason is very simple, the fact that alien life exists has been known for many years and the government knows it can’t be hidden forever. To avoid panic we are being given little pieces of the pie so we don’t choke on the whole thing. This way it is believed our society will not fall apart when we finally do find out that aliens exist. The problem for many of us is the fact we have known this to be true since at least the time of President Truman. Anyone who has been paying attention to the UFO and alien situation knows about the flood of UFOs which were over the White House in the early 1950s. It even made the headlines in the papers of the time. This have never been explained and it was obvious these were alien craft not only due to their performance, but also because of the fact fighters had been called out to stop them and could never get near them. We wouldn’t have called out fighters against our own planes and at the time our planes were the most advanced in the world.

Too many respected people have seen aliens for us just to ignore the fact. Then there are the threats. People are threatened if they talk about what they have seen they will be killed and their families will be harmed. It has even been suspected some of the “people” giving the warnings might not be humans themselves. Why is it we are more apt to disbelieve than believe even when no less of an authority is a deputy Air Force base commander and several of his men tell us they actually saw an alien UFO as was the case at Bentwaters where a US Air Force Colonel saw a UFO along with his men, one of which even touched it? There are even cases, such as one in Alaska when a UFO was videoed by a police dash camera leaving from hovering over a house where a child disappeared at the time. There is just so much proof for UFOs and aliens that if this was a court of law the judge would have to rule that they exist.

Yes we have read many articles where it is stated the government doesn’t want to admit to UFOs and aliens, because it would destroy society and religion, but could even that be a cover up for the real reason? We know almost everything on our planet runs on the idea of making a profit. Could it be powerful people and companies are forcing the government to cover up the fact aliens and UFOs exist, because they are claiming the technology for their own and don’t want us to know about it. Some say there are benevolent aliens out there who want to make things better for us and give us technology, but the technology is being taken and hidden from us and large corporations are being given it so they can patent different parts of it and make money off of what was essentially a gift to the human race. There are those who believe there is some kind of secret movement which is going to blow the lid off of all of this soon and we are going to be surprised at who we find out is behind this kind of thing. If this is true than there would certainly have to be a shadow government handling this which we don’t know about and it would have to be far more powerful than our elected one.

There also seems to be a sort of relationship with another secret which is beginning to fall apart and it is the secret about how old the human race really is. As I have talked about before humans are said to have only built the first city about six or seven thousand years ago. Some even go back as far as ten thousand years, but that is it. The reason I say this is fictitious history is the fact we keep finding older and older massive structures. The Bosnian pyramid which is larger than the Great Pyramid in Egypt has been dated at 20,000 years old and this seems to be a very accurate date since plant life was found sealed between some of the stones which made it easier to date. Ancient old pyramids are popping up everywhere and many are far more ancient than the ones in Egypt. Along with these findings there are unexplained construction sites such as what looks like a landing field atop mountains at Nazca in Peru. The problem is when the mountains were sheared off, what happened to the rubble, nothing is there. Were aliens and humans working together and have they only recently stopped visiting some peoples in recent times?

Did we have good relations with aliens at one time and did the greed of some drive the common people away from them and even cause those who say they exist to be embarrassed, ridiculed and humiliated? Were others done away with to keep things quiet when they got too close? If one reads the lists of UFO investigators and scientists who have died or disappeared it certainly looks that way. We all die at some time, but when large batches of people who were investigating UFOs and aliens die in such a short time it does have the effect of making people wonder what is going on.


