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The UFO Dilemma

Apparently there are huge UFOs that use plasma, hot plasma, to fuel their craft. I have reached this conclusion because of the many UFOs which have been seen next to the sun draining off plasma. One thing which is not known for sure is whether the plasma is used directly, converted or the heat from the plasma is the energy source. A photo of a massive solar flare was released by the US space agency and low and behold there was something in it, which was said to be a giant UFO and it was so close to the sun it had to be there for a reason. Aside from the fact these craft seem to be indestructible, since the sun’s heat has no effect on them, some of them are so big they almost equal the size of our moon. When photos of this type are released NASA always denies the presence of a UFO in the photo even though they can be easily seen. It has noted for a long time that there are some people in NASA who look for a chance to release UFO photos, because they want the world to know what is really happening. There is also another school of thought however and it states the government is spoon feeding us UFOs a little at a time, so when they do release the fact aliens are visiting us we will be prepared.

When I first started receiving UFO reports I would get a few at a time, but now I am being flooded with them. I can only conclude there are a lot more sightings. I always keep the fact in the back of my mind that what I am seeing is only a small fraction of the sightings people have seen, since most people don’t report them. If I take this fact into consideration I have to say there is a concerted effort by those who pilot UFOs to make us aware of their presence. Why else would there be so many sighting where UFOs seem to make themselves available for viewing and after a few seconds or minutes just fly away? It is as if they are putting on a show for us. Could it be this is their way of opposing the government policy of keeping their presence secret?

There are many other strange events which people attribute to aliens and which they claim involve UFOs and one type is cattle mutilations. I have to say right off the get go I am one person who believes cattle mutilations are probably not the work of aliens. You may wonder why I say this so I will elaborate. This country has set off over 1,000 nuclear weapons. Some were above ground and some underground. Many took place in right here in our country in places like Los Alamos, Nevada. Many were in the NTS Areas in Nevada. All the radiation swept over the area from the above ground tests and probably some leaked out from the underground tests even if this is denied. Americans were exposed to all this radiation and I believe the examination of cattle is our way of determining the damage caused by this. Remember helicopters have also been seen returning mutilated cattle, but this is not mentioned very much and I have no idea why these cattle would be returned. This is only my theory and it could turn out aliens are doing this for the same reason or both aliens and our government are doing the same thing.

One of the problems with sighting UFOs is there is a lot of misidentification. There are some people who are so intent on seeing a UFO they misidentify a plane, balloon or something else. The same is true for photographs. I have found that an airplane can look like something completely different from certain angles. Plastic bags floating in the air can be misidentified as UFOs or even flying humanoids. As a matter of fact one person swore they had a photo of a flying humanoid and it turned out to be just a black 30 gallon trash bag carried on the wind. The bag had been bent into a shape which resembled what a human might look like if he was bent over and flying through the sky. When it comes to identifying objects in the sky we have to be very careful and not jump to conclusions. How can we be sure we are seeing a UFO? First of all we might be seeing some secret government aircraft, but aside from that we can tell in a couple of different ways. One way is if it is close enough to get a really good look at it. Another is by the way it moves. If we see something which could be a UFO in the distance and it suddenly zips off at incredible speed or makes right or left angle turns at thousands of miles per hour we can assume it is a UFO, because any craft we have would kill the pilot with turns like that. Another clue would be if one is watching what is believed to be a UFO and it changes shape in front of them, there is a very good chance it is a UFO.

One thing which amazes me is the fact no matter how many reputable people come forward to testify about UFOs and what they have seen, whether it be in space, on the moon, on Mars or even in NASA hangers, it seems to make no difference to the general public. It look like the general public has become numb to the fact there are UFOs out there and the government knows it and might even be trying to use crashed UFOs to back engineer its own UFOs. There are still far too many people who give you the fish eye when you mention the fact UFOs exist. I must say the disinformation campaign has worked perfectly for the government.

What will it take for most of us to realize UFOs are real? Will we each have to see one before we believe they are in our skies? Perhaps the aliens realize this and that is why sightings have increased so much. When I ran a sky cam I caught some questionable photos of what looked like strange objects in the skies, but unfortunately not one which could be absolutely identified as a UFO. I have however interviewed plenty of people who have seen one and while at a party I met a couple who had a terrifying UFO experience. They were in their home which was located I believe in Connecticut and it became very dark. They couldn’t understand it since it was mid-afternoon. They went outside and noticed their home was in the center of a very large shadow. When they looked up a very large UFO was only about 50 feet above their home and hovering. It made no noise and was so close they could see all the apparatus on the underside. As they watched in horror, the UFO shot off into the sky and vanished. They will never doubt the existence of UFOs.


