Truth Facts



Alien Animals and Beings

Some scientists think they may have found animals which are not from earth. I know this sounds strange, but they claim they were examining penguin poop and they found a chemical in it that only exists on the planet Venus. Not only is the idea strange, but the choice of planets is also strange. Venus is not exactly a hospitable planet and if we were to put a penguin on the surface it would be crushed like a submarine going below its crush depth.

The penguin is not the first animal suspected of being alien to this planet. For years some scientists have been saying they suspected the octopus of being an alien. First of all, they got this idea when they realized the arms of an octopus can each think on their own independently of their brain. I have to admit this is extremely strange for an animal on the earth. Another thing some scientists believe is the intelligence of an octopus might be on a human level. More study is required before this can be stated as a truth. To top all this off, scientists have revealed that some do not believe octopus DNA is from our world.

There is a new theory coming from a university in New York. It states life might be able to exist in the interior of stars. I hate to say this, but it almost sounds like a joke. If it is true, what does it mean for us? How would our sun influence the earth from this point of view? Could the sun have seeded the earth with life and if it did, that would change our entire scientific view of where life came from. Some might say life came from asteroids, but if the sun contained life might the asteroids have been seeded by the sun?

It seems to me, just because something like an animal or plant is on the earth, it might not have originated from here. When we talk about penguins for example, most scientists might say they can trace them back to their beginning, but where did the first pair come from? Just because some bones are matched up along the way is not necessarily proof the penguin actually evolved from something else. Scientists can not answer the evolution of the penguin with certainty. Some say they evolved from flying birds, others say they evolved from non-flying birds, and still others just don’t know where they really came from that is why it is so amazing to find out they had phosphine in their poop which is only found in the clouds of Venus. By the way it was found in Gentoo Penguins a species on the Falkland Islands.

Maybe its time we checked out other animals to see if any others have chemicals in them which are not from the earth. To be sure however they make the animals aliens, we also have to check if anything in the animal can combine to make this chemical, including their diet.

When people see some of the strange animals we are home to, many times they think this is weird. For example, why do gorillas look so much like humans and why does some of the life in the sea look so monstrous? Some animals just look freaky. Take the Allegator Gar for example. It looks like the product of some genetic experiment. It has the body of a fish, but the head of an allegator. How in the world could anything have developed this way?
When it comes to life on earth, many believe intelligent life before 3.03 billion years ago was impossible due to the amount of meteor strikes to the planet. It does however still leave plenty of time for life to form billions of years ahead of us. In 1969 a meteor hit the earth and when it was examined it was found it contained DNA and other components of life. This has all sorts of implications for us. First of all, that could mean most of the planets and moons, if not all, get the same ingredients so all life is basically the same, but subject to the environment which could make some changes. While we have no way of knowing yet, it is possible humans exist throughout the universe.

We have heard many times there have been alien races coming to the earth. We see the UFOs all over the place and they seem to have capabilities far beyond our abilities right now, is it so crazy to think there are alien pilots flying at least some of these machines? There is a list of alien races coming to the earth which has been put up on the internet. I certainly can’t verify it, but I am going to list it so you can see it. The first is the most popular type of alien called the Grays. The Sassani are said to be hybrids and look similar to the Grays which are short with big heads, gray skin and big black eyes. Arcturians are said to be the oldest race. They are said to be about 5 feet tall, have green skin and large eyes. The Nordics are human looking aliens with blond hair and tall with blue eyes. There is supposedly a race named the Pleiadians. They sort of look like us, but can become invisible. The Yahyel is another alien race. It has been said by some this race is causing a lot of the UFO sightings to push first contact. The next race is the Anunnaki which were said to have come here thousands of years ago. To believe they were here you first have to believe in planet X because that is where they were said to come from. Another race is said to be Alpha Draconians. It is said they were giants who came here to mine even before the Anunnaki. Most of us have heard about the Reptilians. It is said they didn’t get along with the Anunnaki. There are also Mantiss type aliens and I am sure many other types. It is said not all are from the Milky Way galaxy, which if true would mean some very incredible technology had to be used to travel here.

Whether we have aliens visiting here or alien animals living here, this should not come as a shock to us. We have been being prepared for this for disclosure for many years, if not by the government than by all the UFOs flying over our heads.

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