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UFOs Hiding In Our Skies


Notched UFO Of Type Seen By Space Shuttle

When we look up into the sky, whether it be night or day, most of the time we see nothing but heavenly bodies, such as the sun, moon or stars. Here is a question for you, does that mean there is nothing there? When I think about this, I can’t help but remember the eclipse of 1991. Many People in Mexico were filming it with camcorders and the eclipse was one of the longest in history lasting six minutes and 45 seconds. This fact alone attracted a lot of people who wanted to record it. The eclipse was visible from Hawaii and Mexico. Some say this was the most scrutinized and photographed eclipse ever recorded. To most it looked like a normal everyday eclipse until something strange was seen. There were seventeen people who didn’t know each other and were in different locations who were videoing the event and saw a luminous disk shaped metal object. One video showed a UFO remaining stationary over Mexico City for at least twenty minutes according to the time check on the video. Β When the film was examined by the biggest television service in Mexico it was said they found it to be a metal disk shaped craft. About eighty-five miles away a similar or the same craft was seen. During an airshow in Mexico also in 1991 fleets of UFOs were seen in the skies.

Are UFOs always in the skies above us, but are blocking our ability to detect them most of the time? If so why would they do this? If we saw the sky full of UFOs it certainly could cause a panic. Seeing the occasional UFO is quite a different story. It just might be the aliens piloting the UFOs feel it would look too much like an invasion if we actually saw what was going on. It also seems they sometimes time their appearance to get the most bang for the buck. In other words to have the most people see them, perhaps to reach the masses since so much of this is being kept from the people. What better way to be noticed than to appear below the sun or moon when there is an eclipse and thousands and maybe hundreds of thousands of people are looking at it? They would have no way of not seeing the UFO.

How do UFOs become invisible? I can’t answer this question, but there are many quesstimates about what the answer is. I think first of all we have to realize not all UFOs have the same capabilities or even come from the same place. There could be some we have never seen. It may be some UFOs have the capability of time travel and if they do they might also have the ability to be just a fraction of a second out of our time and therefore undetectable On the science fiction shows this ability to hide this way is referred to as out of phase. If this is the case a huge fleet of UFOs could be up there and we would never know it. This would also hide them from any electronic surveillance since they simply would not be there. They might also have the ability to appear in more than one place at the same time.

Another possibility is while we cannot see a particular UFO the government and the military may be able to detect them electronically. First of all it is important to note aliens might have better vision than we do. Humans are restricted to seeing only part of the spectrum. Light is electromagnetic radiation and there are parts of it which are invisible to us. An example would be infrared and ultraviolet light. It could very well be possible aliens could see this part of the spectrum and somehow bathe their ships in it making them invisible to us. Our military has abandoned the idea of shooting down UFOs, but it used to be policy. The UFOs have demonstrated their superiority in this area and now it is said we have a policy of giving them a wide berth. As I said it could be we know they are there and are only being hidden from us.

Our scientists have been studying invisibility for years and we have made much progress, including a material which deflects light around it making any object covered with it invisible. We have also developed cruder methods of hiding an object by putting screens on the front of the object and camera behind and projecting what is behind the object on to the screens, effectively hiding the object from human eyes. Needless to say this is useless against radar. The material which is said to be able to bend light is said by some to also hide an object from radar. This may be true, because new methods are being developed to detect objects and they depend on how an object disturbs the air or water as it travels through it. If we already have these devices than we know where UFOs are as long as they don’t travel through time.

Some UFOs have been caught hiding in clouds. It seems these UFOs may not have the sophisticated technology other UFOs may have. It could also mean they don’t feel it necessary to use such measures, after all what can we do about any of this anyway? We know at least some UFOs are capable of hiding underwater and these are known as USOs or Underwater Submerged Objects when they are under the water. Many feel there are bases under the water and these craft are protected by a force field which allows them to go to the deepest part of the ocean without any bother and even travel at great speeds while submerged. It might also mean the force field can somehow be used to cloak the UFO when it is flying through the atmosphere.

I guess it really doesn’t matter what the technology is that UFOs are using to hide from us. It seems they want us to know they are there, but are only giving us small doses of their existence. Perhaps they feel it is wrong the governments of the world are not introducing them to us and they want us to know they exist, but don’t want to scare us by showing us their real numbers. Whatever the reason they seem to be here to stay and may have been here for thousands of years.


