Truth Facts




I have talked about aliens, that is extraterrestrials many times, but new facts just keep emerging or older facts come out which were unknown about alien craft. I just discovered something I didn’t known about or forgot to talk about. It is the fact some UFO investigators believe NASA has photographed a space station circling Saturn and it isn’t ours. When I say ours, I am talking about the human race. In 2017 the Cassini probe was snapping photos of Saturn and came across this very strange object. What made it so strange was the fact it seems to be attached to a ring, not floating in it. Not only that but it is being said the shape is the same as a classic flying disc.  This is not the first time an alien ship was suspected of circling Saturn. Years ago, a giant ship was thought to be chewing up and taking the debris from one of Saturn’s rings.

Former federal agents have said new technology is making it easier to learn more about UFOs or UAPs as the government calls them. New sensors are making more information about UFOs available and as this technology advances, we may even get to see what the aliens look like. Remember we have the ability to see through walls using infrared technology and perhaps soon we will be able, if we are not already, to see through the outside of the spaceships. It is being said that even now if enough sensors can be brought to study one UFO, we can learn things we never knew.

There seem to be a lot more people investigating UFOs now than ever. I always say the more the merrier. All I say is to do it right and also not to jump to any hasty conclusions, which I see too much of.

One man, a former policeman and former CIA employee had a personal experience he wanted to finally talk about. He said when he was a young child an alien came into his room. He said he didn’t realize it at the time but the alien was bringing him back, he had been abducted. I am always interested in the description given of aliens and this was different. He was said to be pure white, tall, very skinny and had perfectly round black eyes. There was a slit for a mouth, no ears and a tiny hole for a nose. He went on to say he found out three other family members had similar experiences but were keeping it secret. He remembered the alien referring to him as an it. Calling us an it, seems to be particularly cold. It seems to me to indicate we have been put in the same class as animals in the minds of the aliens. If this is what all aliens think of us, there isn’t much hope of them being friendly because they wouldn’t consider us as being on the same plane as them.

Another person who claims to be a retired intelligence officer claims to know where an alien base is hidden in the Mojave Desert. The word intelligence officer gets thrown around a lot and I was in intelligence when I was in the army for a couple of months. My entire job consisted mostly of burning things. It was sickening and some of the things I burned were ridiculous. For example, pages from Mechanics Illustrated which had to do with rockets. I would never say hey, I was formerly in intelligence as the backup to an article, because when I left there, I didn’t know any more about anything then I did when I went in. This has made me suspicious of all those claiming intelligence credentials. They could have worked in the mail room or swept the floor.  Anyway, back to the woman who claims she knew of an alien base. She said it is inside a mountain. She claimed to have had a meeting with higher beings. She also said she will be bringing scientists and an astronaut to the base to meet the aliens.

The people living along the Thames River got startled. It was people particularly living in Canary Wharf because they were closest to a very mysterious event. It was believed there was a UFO or UFOs under the water. This would make them USOs unless that has been changed to something else, one never knows. The lights were visible on top of the water and from different areas so it could have been more than one vehicle if it was a USO.

In July a green UFO was seen hovering in the sky above Canada. One pilot radioed he had seen it and a second pilot on another plane also saw it. One was a KLM Airbus and the other was a Canadian military aircraft. As they watched the green object, it flew into a cloud and disappeared. Some were saying the pilots saw a meteor, but I believe they would have known the difference.

New Jersey has recently been the object of UFO reports. A witness watching the Ocean City fireworks on July 4, 2021 noticed a bright light traveling south. As he watched other lights came into view and traveled across the sky in a single line. He said they were not part of the show. Another sighting in New Jersey happened about 3 days later in Vineland. A red dot appeared in the sky. The light did not blink and was larger than any star. The light started to move quickly and shot up into the sky. That same month in Manahawkin a very bright light appeared in the sky. It was moving slowly. The witnesses watched as it climbed in altitude and finally disappeared.

Someone in the news has been claiming a new UFO report is going to be released soon which will blow the first one away. Yeah, right. I will believe this when I see it. Almost anything would blow that first report away. It really didn’t say very much and certainly left most people unsatisfied.

A woman who is a model in Argentina said she saw a UFO hovering over a farmhouse. When she saw it, she claims she got into her car and chased it for a while. She told her story on television in Argentina. She said she was with her children and friends at the time. The owner of the house the UFO was above said this is not the first time he has seen this UFO. The workers on the farm agreed. Security guards also saw it.

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