Truth Facts



The Released UFO Report

Well, the Pentagon report on UFOs has finally been released. The short answer is they found no evidence the UFOs or UAPs as they call them are extraterrestrial. They also found one of the objects they reported on could be explained. We are not talking about a few objects; we are talking about 144 objects mentioned in the report. Their one object was said to be a deflated weather balloon. We have always known some objects were misidentified, but we also knew there were many objects which performed in such a way through the years, their movements and construction were beyond our technology.

Identifying one object out of 144 means almost every case they talk about is a mystery. The report was said to contain 9 pages. This is one of the smaller reports put before congress. What does this mean? Was the Defense Department just trying to get out of really digging into the UFO matter? Was there so little information on the objects they investigated they couldn’t put out a more detailed report? I don’t know the answer to this question, but it certainly seems to me they didn’t want to give away any secrets they might have. I have to wonder how big the original report was, before it was pared down for us to be able to see. It could have been a lot larger and with more conclusions which are being kept from us.

It is almost as if the report could have had one page which said the same thing as Sergeant Schultz on Hogan’s Heroes which was, ” I know nothing.” There is no doubt the report is unsatisfactory and many of us who have been interested in the UFO phenomenon have been disappointed, but we did expect to be so we were prepared to learn nothing more than we already knew. I am surprised they even bothered to put the report out and didn’t ridicule the senators asking for it. A memo was put out after the report directed to Senior Pentagon Leadership, Commanders of the Combatant Commands, and Defense Agency and DOD Field Activity Directors. The subject was Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Assessments. The basics of the memo was an order to report any UAPs which interfere with training operations which includes observation and reporting of UAPs. It went on to say UAP activity is significantly beyond the purview of the Secretary of the Navy even though he heads the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force which is known as UAPTF. A new plan was ordered to be created by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security to formalize the mission of the UAPTF. The memo calls for standardizing the reporting and analysis of UAPs with recommendations on how to secure military testing and training. It goes on to order requirements to be established for this activity and a timeline to be established. It is directed at the very top of the military commands.

What does this mean? It means the cat is out of the bag. The military takes the UFO problem very seriously and is trying to combat it. We are going to try and at least drive off UFOs from the skies above our bases at the very minimum and at the maximum, maybe even try to destroy them. I don’t know if the plan will go that far and I certainly hope it won’t. It seems UFOs could be thousands of years ahead of us in technology and it would be like cavemen trying to drive off a modern army by throwing rocks at the soldiers.

The report itself starts by saying some of the UAPs could be the result of sensor anomalies. This reminds me of the excuse we were seeing swamp gas. On the other hand, the report does admit the UAPs probably were physical objects. It is even admitted some of the objects registered across multiple sensors at once. The flight characteristics which have puzzled our scientists were referred to and it was stated they could be the result of sensor errors, spoofing or observer misperceptions and need additional analysis. I can’t help but think this was the best they could do to try and discredit the sighting, but if we look at what the memo said the day later, we see they are taking the problem very seriously.

One thing the report referred to was the fact there were probably multiple types of UAPs. I have been saying this for years and so have many others. It does seem like we are being visited by beings from different worlds because that would explain the different shapes and capabilities of UAPs. Some can change shape; some seem to be able to become invisible and others try and hide in the clouds for cover. It is finally being said the UAPs pose a threat to aviation. I concur with this since some UAPs came too close to planes for safety and there is even a case or two where they hit a plane.

The report also goes into how the government will have to synchronize reports from different sources much as the memo does. The report claims due to limited data these conclusions were reached. The report discusses the ridicule factor calling it disparagement and said it has lessened but some witnesses of UAPs still will not come forth because of it. It is also said the sensors being used were developed for military missions and are not suited for identifying UAPs. I get the feeling they are saying the sensors cannot distinguish UAPs from airplanes well enough to suit their needs in identification. The report does admit in about 18 different sightings, advanced technology seemed to be in play. An example was given of UAPs staying stationary in high winds, and using considerable speed without any means of propulsion being seen. The report states there can probably not be a single explanation for the UAPs. Some reasons were sited for the UAPs which state, airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, USG or industry development programs and foreign adversary systems. In other words, UAP radio signals could be the result of radio interference, UAP sightings could be caused by conditions in the atmosphere, the UAPs could be secret aircraft developed by companies working for the United States and lastly, they could be secret aircraft from foreign countries.

It is interesting to note most of the sightings covered were from the U.S. Navy. I seem to recall several years ago a high navy official stated the info about UAPs, which he called UFOs, should be released to the public. Could he have convinced the government to release this report?

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