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Is The Government Run By Aliens?

Is there an alien agenda driving US policy? Sounds crazy and a bit silly doesn’t it? It has been reported that the famous CIA whistleblower Edward Snowden has provided evidence which proves this and it was contained in some of the over two million classified documents Snowden was able to acquire. I have been saying for a few years now we are on the path to destruction. Wouldn’t it be easier for aliens to take over the government and get us to destroy ourselves than have to bother making war against us? When we think about the way humanity is going it seems to be against our own good. It does make one wonder how a rational race of people can be so destructive. Looking at it from that angle, what Snowden has said might make perfect sense. Snowden is viewed as the most wanted criminal in the United States by the government, yet in other parts of the world he is viewed as a hero. President Obama called him, “the most wanted man on earth.” One thing puzzles me about this, how come we are not able to either capture or kill him if we feel this way? Surely if we really wanted him destroyed we could do it. I am sure we are watching him like a hawk and know his every move.

One thing I believe is right on the money is the statement by Snowden where he states there are two governments in the United States. I firmly believe this and to me it looks like the government we see is not the government which has the final word. Could all this have been the result of decisions made by then President Eisenhower? When I interviewed his great grand-daughter she told me she had knowledge he knew about the existence of aliens (see archived interviews). Eisenhower has been the president which I think was most investigated by the UFO community. They were trying to find out just how much he knew about UFOs and aliens and what were the deals he might have made with them. Rumors abound about his meetings with aliens and to give you an idea about what I am talking about, it is said there were a couple of different races which we know approached him and there might have been more we don’t know about.

The first race was said to be one which was very religious and it was called the Nordiques, because they were tall and blond and looked like us. It is said they offered to share their technology with us and all they wanted from us was for us to get rid of our nuclear weapons. I don’t know if they said they would protect us or not from other nations which had nukes, but it is said the deal was refused. The Nordiques had said there was a universal God which they believed in. The story goes on to say the next race which approached Eisenhower was the Greys. Those are the rather small, thin limbed, large headed creatures with grey skin and large black eyes. The deal was they would share their technology if we let them examine a certain amount of humans every year and they were to submit a list. This is the race that supposedly Eisenhower cooperated with to the downfall of us all.

You can read almost anywhere on the internet about what happened after that. The Greys didn’t respect the list and were gathering up people whenever they wanted. There is speculation they were responsible for some human deaths which were caused by dissections. There are also stories about battles between the Greys and humans where the humans got the worst of it. I have mentioned this before, but when things get put on the internet, they tend to be modified to the point where you don’t really know what the original statement was. I think this might have happened with the story of the underground battle between the humans and greys. I will be more than glad to tell you the way I heard it. Supposedly there was an underground base where both aliens and humans worked. The aliens told the humans they could not carry weapons. This didn’t stop the aliens from doing so apparently. One day a Grey was giving a lecture in a lecture hall underground and a human armed security team came in by mistake. Immediately the Greys who were there opened fire on every human and almost all were killed.

Things must have changed somewhat since then, because Snowden stated that the tall whites or Nordiques are now working on a U.S. Air Force base in Nevada. I remember reading a statement by a soldier who was on that base and said he was a weather specialist and every morning he would release a balloon and the children of the aliens got very interested in his work and the aliens who were usually not ready to speak to humans, spoke to him. Apparently there is a small colony of them and their families there. He said ships would come and go back to their world and we could get the benefit of some of their technology. This would seem to indicate we are working with more than one race of aliens, but it seems the ones on the highest plateau are the Greys. One of the most disturbing things about the tall whites or Nordiques is Snowden said these people are not religious, contrary to what was said before and are the same race which helped the Nazis. They have been seen in the same craft as the Greys. It is also believed the phenomenal submarine production of the Nazis during the war was credited to the help of the Nordiques. In four years the Nazis went from 57 submarines to 1,163 modern ones.

Does Russian intelligence know more about this than we suspect? It has been indicated they believe there is a secret power struggle going on in the United States government. There are those who are against the current alien backed government and are doing everything they can to get them out of power, but it is said the Russians have found this group is also backed by aliens, but a different group. It is hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. All this makes a good story, but is any of it true? Many would say no, none is true. Others might think some of it is true and still others believe there is enough information being released by Snowden to prove it is all true.

I think my opinion is Snowden has no reason to lie about the documents he found. He risked his life and made it a living hell to be able to do this, so I would think when he releases a document the document is genuine. Is the U.S. being run by aliens, it looks that way doesn’t it? What humans in their right minds would run things this way?


