Truth Facts



UFO Sightings New and Old

A very strange looking UFO was seen and photographed floating over Texas. It had the shape of a thin cylinder on edge which made it look even more strange. It was called mind blowing by some. ­­­The video was taken at the beginning of June, 2021 and I believe this could be the first time an object of this type of shape was reported in the sky. At least one person discounted the idea it was a UFO saying it looked like a parachute which didn’t open properly. I for one hope that wasn’t what it was, but no report of anyone dying from a bad parachute drop was made, so I do not believe this was what it was. The object was coming down but also drifting along the sky.

Here is a report of a UFO sighting which scared a man in his car. A UFO descended and hovered over the top of the car. I think that would have scared anyone. He managed to take a picture of it as it was still hovering and it was a diamond shape. This to me is of particular importance. I believe there is a good chance the diamond shaped UFOs could be ours. I say this because years ago one of them was being escorted by helicopters somewhere and was putting out massive radiation which injured some women who had gotten out of their car to look at it. I can’t help but think that back then it was some sort of U.S. prototype, of course I could be wrong and we were helping an alien ship back then. The sighting took place at Cape Coral, Florida, on June 8, 2021.

A lot of people got excited when former president Obama said something to the effect there were a lot of strange objects in the sky and we really don’t know what they all are. Add to this Harry Reid the former senate majority leader who is pushing for a UFO investigation and report along with some members of the senate and you can see this is probably making the U.S. Defense Department very nervous. It is probably more worried some of its secrets will eventually be revealed than anything else. Even if UFOs are alien, that fact might take a back burner to the fact we have some top secret weapons we don’t want anyone to know about. Reid was responsible in 2007 for getting funding for the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Supposedly it only lasted for 5 years.

Some people are claiming looking into UFOs will help us advance our technology. There is no doubt if we discover how some UFOs work or even give us ideas on what might work which we never thought of, it could advance our technology. Some of this research may have been conducted already by us and we may have implemented some of it in our new secret devices such as aircraft.

In 1952 there was a famous UFO case which has never been solved. It took place over Neffsville, Pennsylvania. Some older boys had volunteered to be spotters for the Civil Defense program. Instead of enemy planes, three of them saw a UFO. First a single light appeared than a second which slid under the first and went out. Later a second light was seen again but faded out. There were at least five other sightings of UFOs over Pennsylvania the same year.

There is a claim a UFO crashed in the U.S. before Roswell and it happened in 1945. This was certainly not the first crash since there was said to be a UFO crash before it in the Black Forest in Germany, in 1936. In truth crashes have been going on all over the world and they probably have been going on before humans even noticed them. Some people think the Tunguska event where a meteorite blew up over Siberia in 1908 was really a UFO which blew up. The Japanese have a story which tells of a UFO on the ground which a female alien got out of hundreds of years ago. There are many more stories which could indicate UFOs have been crashing on earth for a long time.

I still say it is hard to believe such advanced machines could crash so much except for the fact there could be one factor which would cause this no matter how advanced they were and it is war. I believe we have indications spread over hundreds of years which may prove UFOs have been at war with each other for at least hundreds of years.

The UFO crash which was said to have happened in the U.S. in 1945 was claimed to have been of a craft shaped like an avocado. Supposedly a storm over New Mexico might have caused the crash. UFO investigators say if it really happened, it would make this crash the earliest we know about, but this simply is not true. They are totally forgetting about the UFO crash in Aurora, Texas which is said to have occurred on April 17, 1897 in which the pilot of the craft was recovered and said to be an alien. There could have even been earlier ones which happened without records being kept. We have to remember earlier ones would have happened at a time when most people believed in devils and demons and would have thought these craft were from the devil and didn’t record any facts.

A UFO sighting in Canada, in 1952 is said to be their first UFO sighting. I believe it is maybe the first reported one. Anyway, it was reported by the former RCAF Station North Bay, Ontario. It was described as round and amber in color. It was said to be traveling about twice the speed of an F-86, one of our fastest planes at the time which had a top speed of about 650 miles per hour. As observers watched, it flew past, skidded to a stop and turned around and sped away. When it reversed speed, it traveled back even faster than it had traveled the first time. The Canadians began to receive so many UFO reports they decided to make a standard form to be filled out.

One thing I do not understand is why NASA is looking into their own UFO investigation when the Defense Department report is due to come out. If they found out UFOs were alien, would they say so and start a big problem for the Defense Department if their report said they were not alien? I just can’t believe the government would allow this to happen, so what is the point of their investigation unless the results are secret or never released to the public?

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