Truth Facts



Transdimensional Beings

There are quite a few subsets involved when we think about aliens coming to earth. Recently doctor Steven Greer, a doctor who has given up his practice to devote himself to making contact with extraterrestrials and putting out videos of his successes has mentioned the fact at least some extraterrestrials are transdimensional.  In his videos he shows how UFOs can be contacted with practice in mind control. I am talking about him getting UFOs to appear and do certain things, and at times even objects which look like strange beings appear.

I realize when I talk about a subject like this there will be many doubters. Let me start by saying Greer is not just a typical UFO investigator. He has been summoned to the White House many times under different presidents for his opinion on UFOs and aliens and obviously government officials and presidents wouldn’t do this unless they thought he has something to offer. I think this even surprised Greer himself. Greer belongs to a small group of people who had actually been dead for a short period of time and recovered. He has often stated he is no longer scared to die because the dimension we go to is still here. I am not sure what that exactly means, but it comforts him.

The man was an emergency room doctor for years and gave it all up to pursue his passion and I respect him for it. I think his theory of many aliens being transdimensional beings is very interesting. One of the reasons I feel this way is because the human brain can not imagine a higher dimension. Our dimension has height, width, length and time. We don’t even know what would be the next ingredient for a higher dimension. I always wondered if time would be different for aliens. Some people believe if a being lived in a higher dimension they might live in the moment and be able to go anywhere in time they wanted whether it was forward or backward. This is a popular theme in some scifi movies about aliens and time travel.

Greer was commenting on why some of the UFOs blink out and others seem to fade and he believes they are between dimensions. A part may still be in one dimension while another part may be in ours. If UFOs can travel through dimensions, how do they do it? Do they have machines allowing for this travel, is nuclear fission somehow involved or some other incredible technology we know nothing about? According to doctor Greer, much of their capabilities are based on the power of the mind including travel. While it is true they might use antigravity for just local travel, he says they use their minds to travel around galaxies. Can you imagine a mind powered spaceship?

One question is are we anywhere near this capability? A surprising answer to this question is we might be on the starting line. If this is true, could it be the reason UFOs come here so often because even though we don’t know it yet, we might have the ability already and just have to learn how to use it. When we demonstrated remote viewing where teams of people were able with practice to view any area on earth from a room they were in, this could have been the start. Some of the first remote viewers claimed they had made contact with aliens in space.

Dr. Greer is now saying he and his group can contact aliens and says the proof is in his videos showing him doing just that with the group. Even the remote viewers were not exactly the first. There were a couple of people before them who had reporters come out to watch as they called UFOs. If this is the case, perhaps this ability has been with us far longer than we realize and as I said that might be what attracted aliens to earth in the first place.

The next question is are they here because they are upset we might figure out transdimensional travel and go to their worlds? Let me ask you this question, if you observed a world which was constantly at war since it was populated with humans, would you want them coming to your world with their war like ways? Probably not, especially if you were a very peaceful race. There is some evidence we were subjected to a nuclear war in the distant past, could it have happened because humans reached the point of being able to travel transdimensionally and we were prevented because aliens were scared what we might do to them?

Would our bodies even be capable of transdimensional travel? What ever the attributes are of higher dimensions we may not be able to deal with them. I believe before we ever think of traveling to another dimension, we would have to do it remotely first, but how do you measure something you have no knowledge about? We might go into another dimension and be zapped out of existence, crushed or even turned inside out. I know I wouldn’t want to be the first human to try it.

When people think we are living in a computer simulation because some things make no sense, it may not be a computer simulation, but another dimension leaking into our own. This could explain many mysteries. When people see what they believe is a spirit it just might be the form of a person in another dimension somehow getting into our dimension and then disappearing back to their own.

Supposedly portals exist in different places on earth. This is reinforced by witnesses stating they saw people walking along then disappearing. If portholes exist in certain places, why are they not easier to find? The reason could be they are not always open. Certain conditions may be required on either side of the portal before they could open. If we look at the Bermuda Triangle and some people’s reports of flying into a portal which others never saw even with many flights into the same area, this could illustrate what I am talking about.

Finally, there is one more thought on the subject. Could it be we are transdimensional, and do not know it yet? When compared to other life on the earth our bodies don’t seem to be as well suited. We are walking around with far too many aches and pains as if the gravity on earth is a bit more than is perfect for us. Maybe there is another dimension where we really belong and are yet to find it out.

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