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UFOs And Their Capabilities

It is worth mentioning again. There are still things which UFOs do which surprise me. One of the oddest things which occurred when we used to have a shoot first policy on UFOs caused us to change that policy. That’s right we no longer have this policy and here is the reason why. We have lost planes and ships to our own munitions. Somehow when we shot anything at a UFO, the UFO is able to shoot it back at us. There is even a case where a ship was hit with a missile which had been fired at a UFO the day before. We knew this because the part of the missile with the serial number had survived. This incredible feat just proves how far ahead of us in technology these aliens are. When we examine this phenomena more closely, it seems aliens are able to perform this feat due to their mastery of antigravity. It would seem they are able to reverse their antigravity to repel what is shot at them sending the munitions back at the firing craft. The antigravity capabilities may also made it possible to catch munitions for further use.

I have to mention this again, because it seems impossible. The Soviet Union had discovered they could interrupt the antigravity field of a UFO with a powerful radar. They decided to build a very powerful radar weapon with the intent of knocking UFOs out of the sky. The weapon was guarded by soldiers. A UFO flew to the area and fired a beam at the radar installation. There was a soldier in the way and the beam went right through him and blew the radar weapon up. It never harmed the solder it went through. This demonstrates two things to me. First, the aliens are far more advanced than we are and second it seems they have more of a regard for life than we thought, if they went to the trouble of designing a weapon which while destructive to structures, does no harm to living beings. The thought of a weapon capable of doing this blows my mind and I am sure the minds of others who read this.

We are beginning to find out there are ways to travel under water at incredible speeds. UFOs can already do this and when a UFO goes into the water it is called a USO or Unidentified Submerged Object instead of an Unidentified Flying Object. We are building underwater weapons which travel hundreds of miles per hour under the ocean. Investigators have said when UFOs dive into the water many do not slow down, they maintain the same speed they did in the air. When the wreckage of UFOs was examined, it was noticed that many times the material of the hull was very flimsy and seemed like tinfoil. How does this thin material resist water pressure? It seems these craft either use a force field or can utilize their antigravity engines to make the water float above the object keeping the weight of the water off the hull. This would allow the craft to go as deep as the protection from the engine could provide and it seems there is no place in the earth’s oceans where USOs can’t go.

As we know the government is very secretive about the entire subject of UFO crash retrievable. We have received some facts from whistleblowers however. It was revealed that at least one of the craft used mind control to control it. We have been experimenting with this technology for years and have had some success with it in the past. Our technology is primitive when compared to what we have found the aliens using, but we are progressing in this area. If we can do away with the wires and such and install the technology into a helmet or dash, we might have something useful. There is some indication this was accomplished in an alien UFO by having the pilot place his hand on a pad which had been hollowed out to the exact outline of a hand. This is how the pilot made contact with the computers which read his or her, or even its mind.

There is no doubt the most impressive abilities of UFOs are their speed and maneuverability. It is believed the antigravity engines make all this possible. Eliminating the force gravity exerts on the passengers of a UFO allows for the capability to perform maneuvers such as 90 degree turns and more, because the passengers feel nothing inside the ship. The force of gravity known a G Force is one of the limiting factors for pilots when they try and maneuver their aircraft. The UFOs have no such problems. If an airplane pilot attempted some of the maneuvers a UFO pilot did, the pilot of the plane might die and his plane might get ripped apart. Antigravity is one of our most secret projects and we have been working on it for decades. The talk is we have succeeded in developing at least three different antigravity engines, but there is no way to know if this is true.

One of the major technologies UFOs seem to have is stealth. It is said there are different races coming to earth and not all the UFOs have the same degree of performance. I mention this because not all UFOs seem to have the same degree of stealth capabilities. It could also mean this is not the case and some races place less importance on stealth than others. Some UFOs seem to be completely undetectable until they decide to become visible, while others are trying to hide in clouds, using the clouds for cover. We have been led to believe dead aliens and even live ones which are captured look like greys. That is a short creature with thin limbs, a big head and huge black eyes. Other races must crash from time to time, but we never hear about that, I wonder why? My hunch is we return those bodies and beings, but have some sort of a silent war going on with the greys.

We seem to have a long way to go before having any kind of technology which will be able to equal that which is in a UFO. While this seems to be true, there are those who will tell you it isn’t true and we have fantastic technology locked up in secret black projects. They go so far as to say we have a space fleet and are already flying around the solar system. Even if this is true we may never find out about it in our lifetime.


