Truth Facts



UFO News 26 April, 2021

I know I have written a lot lately about UFOs, but by the response it seems to me a lot of people are very interested in this subject, so here is another article or what some would rather call a column about the UFOs in our skies.

An article  has come out about our navy ships coming in contact with UFOs in 2019. It is an article about Tic-Tac shaped devices buzzing our ships off the coast of California. One of the very first things which stood out about the article was the fact the author called the Tic-Tac machines drones not UFOs. Clearly, they weren’t called drones in the military release of information, they were called UAPs which means Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Could it be some one or some country created drones which have the same shape? I would have to say no because if you remember the Tic-Tac shape was said to be impossible for us to fly since it violates the know laws of physics. So, if this is true what were these things?  It is said the objects reached the speed of 45 miles per hour and yet it is also said they zoomed past the ships. Assuming these were drones fits that old saying when you assume you make an ass out of you and me. Another part of the article says the drones were going faster than any drones available on the market. The truth is commercial drones usually have a top speed between 40 to 50 miles per hour. Has this article been doctored to keep the truth from us? What is the real truth about the event?

As most of us know by now UFO sightings are popping up all over the world. There are some places we don’t get many reports from and this is because some societies are closed such as China, North Korea and others. Another reason is some cultures are not as advanced as the west and the means to report these things or the places to report them to, may not be available.

A lady living in Bedminster, Bristol, England got quit a surprise. She was outside at about 7:30 and noticed a red light hanging in the sky above her. Initially she thought it must be some kind of plane, like a helicopter, but that idea soon changed. As she watched the object started to move and began to zigzag across the sky very quickly, so quickly she couldn’t get a picture of it with her phone. When the object disappeared, as luck would have it, a second came along and the lady was able to photograph that one. She said it was not a plane and traveled far too fast to be a drone.

The Great Lakes in the United States are huge and can be more perilous to travel on in a storm than the ocean or at least as much. Many ships have been lost on the lakes. A new video has come out which shows a fleet of UFOs above Lake Michigan. The UFOs were orbs and were appearing and disappearing. Some of the witnesses said this has happened several times in the past. A request was made to the people of the Chicago area to share any pictures or videos of events like this. Was the video genuine? Apparently, a UFO investigator thinks so because he stated he believes there is an underwater base in the Lake. A couple of people who saw the video are using the old and tired explanation of the objects being flares just as was used unsuccessfully for the Phoenix lights.
I have talked about huge UFOs and our sun often. There have been so many sightings of them which are truly baffling. Some have gone right up to the sun; some have orbited it and yet others have actually flown through the sun coming out the other side. Recently one of them has come to the attention of UFO investigators because it has been near the sun for over a year. On top of that the shape is that of a black triangle, the type which has been reported as being seen in the skies in many countries. One time two huge craft were seen entering our solar system and later disappearing. They later turned up near the sun, it was as if these craft are all interested in our sun for one reason or another. It has been suggested the sun is being used as a refueling station for alien spacecraft. Others have suggested the sun contains a porthole to another dimension.

A man was on his way back home from his job. It was night outside. He noticed strange lights above a field. He decided to stop his truck and take photos of the lights to show his wife. As he watched he noticed there were two different craft and they seemed to be signaling each other with lights. Soon a third craft appeared which was far larger then the other two and at that point the man thought he better leave. A year went by and again as he was returning home from his job, he noticed some very bright lights in a field. He pulled over and tried to take photos with his phone but his truck was filled with the bright light. Somehow, he managed to get some photos with one hand while a mysterious force was pulling on him. He managed to drive away.  Another year went by and he was clearing old photos off of his phone when he came across the photos from that day and decided to look at them and was startled at what he saw. There was an alien face looking into his windshield at him. As the successive photos were examined the face and body of the alien changed shape. He never remembered seeing the photos when they were taken. Since that day the man claims there has been a few times where strange lights have appeared near or over his home.

The U.S. Navy seems to be the key component in the UFO investigation, and why not, the earth has far more water than land so it seems there would be more UFOs over the water. An event which happened in 2020 had to do with a navy fighter jet flying over the ocean when a black triangle craft rose out of the water. A photo of the event was taken and it is believed it was by someone in the crew of one of our aircraft carriers. It is amazing how many UFOs monitor our ships and especially our nuclear powered aircraft carriers. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the UFOs were also using some sort of nuclear power, but far more efficiently?

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