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The Great UFO Cover-Up

Sometimes authors send me copies of their books. I have read a few over the years which range from terrible to pretty good. Recently I was sent a book titled “The Fermi Paradox:Β  They are here and control us”. It is available for free on Amazon. I have not read it, but it seems to cover some subjects which I write about often so I will be sure to check it. Speaking about aliens and UFOs, when you hear government officials denying the fact UFOs exist, the kind which are piloted by aliens or at least controlled by them, you have to remember these officials are not necessarily stating what they really believe, they are just spouting the company line. There have been quite a few of these people who have become whistleblowers in the past. Some people keep this myth up because they need their jobs and I can understand that. They have a family to support and that has to come first. There are others however who have secret motives and these motives have nothing to do with the betterment of any human being.

There is a wave of people in governments, or who were in governments, around the world who admit UFOs are real and alien. I guess one of the most famous was the former minister of national defense in Canada. His name is Paul Hellyer and he has become very famous in some circles. He recently testified before a committee in the United States. He said UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying overhead.Β  One of the things he spoke about was a time when a flotilla of UFOs crossed into NATO territory and the commander was shaken up, but before any action could be taken the UFOs turned around and headed back the way they came. The committee was composed of former officials which were paid to listen to testimony and one could clearly see at least one of them looked very disgusted listening to Mr. Hellyer testify. It is a shame we cannot have a hearing conducted perhaps by senators who have an open mind and are willing to take the plunge and have secret material released. If enough of them would get together to do this it would become very hard for the powers that be, who protect this data to resist. Mr. Hellyer said he was privy to a report which stated at least four species have been visiting Earth for thousands of years.

There are plenty of honorable, sane and famous people who have testified about either their own UFO experiences or who know about UFOs and aliens, because of reports they have read. Take the case of the famous astronaut Gordon Cooper. Cooper was one of the first seven original astronauts in Project Mercury. He flew in Project Mercury and was the first astronaut to sleep in space during his 36 hour mission. He was a Colonel in the United States Air Force. Cooper had said there was a saucer landing on a dry lake bed after flying over him. Cameramen went out and took photos of the saucer before it flew away. Gordon said he was able to hold the film up to a window to look at it and what he saw was a vehicle which could not have been made on earth.

There are some people who make their living investigating plane crashes and such. One of them was the former FAA Division Chief of Accidents and Investigations John Callahan. Who would know more about what they were seeing than this guy? He was quoted as saying he was involved in a lot of cover-ups with the FAA. When he was talking about UFOs he said he gave a presentation to President Reagan’s staff and after hearing what he had to say, they made him swear the event he was talking about never happened. He said he had the entire thing on video tape and had a voice tape to back it up. He even had reports from people to back it up, but none of this mattered. It was just another event we were not allowed to hear about.

Boyd Bushman was an engineer who worked for Lockheed Martin. When Mr. Bushman discovered he was going to die, he felt it was time to reveal what he knew about UFOs and aliens. He did die on August 7, 2014. Bushman was given an interview at which time a polygraph was connected to him and the following answers were shown to be true. One question he was asked was, did he ever work for Edward Teller, the father of the Atom bomb and he said yes. This is the caliber of the man being interviewed. He was asked if he ever worked in Area 51 and he said yes. He was asked if he had been a research scientist at S-4 in Area 51 and did he know Bob Lazar. He said yes. Lazar had been discredited by the government as a fraud, but it was later proved he did work in Area 51 by an investigative reporter. Here is an important question, he was asked if Bob Lazar’s information on alien spaceships being there is correct and he said yes. He was asked if his job was to blueprint alien energy systems and he said yes. He even said he had photographed aliens.

There are so many famous cases of UFOs one does not know where to start. I thought it would be appropriate to talk about Lieutenant Colonel Charles I. Halt and the U.S. occupied bases in England known as RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge. Even though the bases were classified as RAF bases they were manned by U.S. forces. RAF Woodbridge had a forest at the east end of a runway. A strange light appeared in the woods and the military went out to investigate. There came a time when Colonel Halt was notified about a strange light moving in the woods and went out with some men to see for himself. An alien vehicle came toward them hovering over the ground and remained still. Halt had made a recording of the events. One airman touched the vehicle and was overwhelmed. Sometime later the vehicle left. It had transmitted binary data to the airman who touched it. It was decoded years later as the airman had written it down and it stated there was exploration of humanity going on, listed coordinates and said the year of origin of the craft was 8100. Colonel Halt wrote a report about the incident but never received an answer.

The government, has not acknowledged the fact UFOs are responsible for many military contacts including the shutting down of missiles and close flybys of our aircraft, but it is only being ignored in a way which prevents us from knowing the truth. I am sure there is a lot going on undercover. If we take the binary translation from Woodbridge as accurate, than we must conclude at least some of these craft are either from the future or they count time differently. An example of that is if the world would have gone by a different calendar than it might be the year 8100 here.


