Truth Facts



The Case For UFOs Being Extraterrestrial

When I saw the video, which was released by the navy showing the tictac UFO I remember the pilot who was there saying that was not the shape of the UFO he saw. I guess this got burned into my mind at the time and every time this video is discussed I think of that. It makes me wonder what is going on and even if a video which might show a different UFO was covered up. A new video has emerged of a tictac UFO in the sky above New York. It is being disputed by an expert who claims the video was altered. If it was, and the original video released by the navy was covering up the real shape of the UFO, they must be getting a laugh at this video.

As I have said in the past, I consider one of the best types of UFO sightings to be those which are captured by mistake during a television broadcast. A French television station was interviewing a Russian correspondent in Moscow. As the program proceeded a discussion was taking place about sanctions against the Kremlin. As the discussion proceeded an unidentified objects streaked across the sky behind the Russian correspondent. The objects were said to be oval and there were two of them. It was also said they were flying extremely close to each other. People who have experience with seeing UFOs have noticed they often come very close to objects and each other.

A Freedom of Information document has lit up the internet. Many are saying the Pentagon has admitted testing UFO material. The problem is that is more or less all they said. They never said it was from extraterrestrial sources. The word unidentified does not mean it came from anywhere other than the Earth. I am sure if the pentagon was pressed, they would say this. So, what do we have here? We have a tantalizing document which might lead us to hope they are testing alien materials, but we have no admission.

One thing I have gotten interested in is checking on new governmental projects. One has to wonder if they all are doing what we are told they do. My point is if we are told a project is gathering data on Gamma Rays or something like that, could it really be looking for extraterrestrials and we are not being told? There is just too much evidence around not to think we are aren’t interested in UFOs and aliens. We have all noticed how the United Nations has appointed an ambassador to deal with off world civilizations. The ambassador is Mazlan Othman. They also had a three day conference on the subject. There has also been unproven rumors that the United Nations has a secret program for cooperation if there is a space invasion. If there were no alien UFOs, would any of this have taken place?

Doctor Steven Greer, an emergency room doctor gave up his practice to investigate UFOs because he felt so strongly they exist and are alien. He has consulted even at the White House, which makes me wonder why if UFOs were not believed to be alien why was he invited? He is also head of the Disclosure Project. The project has had many people testify who have incredible reputations, making it hard for critics to try and make them look foolish. Some of these people had high positions in the military and were in positions which allowed them to investigate UFO crashes and such, others actually saw aliens working with government scientists and still others saw photos of bases on other worlds which are being hidden from us and these bases were said to be alien.

The evidence just keeps building up and while Roswell can be denied by the government the UFO flap over the White House where UFOs flew over the White House in the early 1950s for several weeks and would only leave when fighter planes came their way cannot be denied. It was the headline in all the newspapers of the time, but keeping silent about it in later years has made many forget about it. This is why I mention it so often. The number of UFO sightings just keeps increasing. It seems the aliens want us to recognize the fact they are here, but the powers that be have decided they don’t want to validate this fact. There could be several reasons for this:
1. It would show we are helpless against them.
2. They may have done things which would scare us if we knew.
3. The aliens may say things about our government the government doesn’t want known.”
4. It might change religious beliefs of many and disrupt society.

There could be other reasons also which I have not thought of. When the navy released the tictac video of UFOs, it was the furthest the government has gone so far. While the navy never said these objects were alien, all one has to do is look at the video and examine it. It is obvious the UFOs are doing things we are not capable of. One telling fact is the UFOs are not putting out any heat, they are cold. Every flying machine we have has a heat signature which ranges from low to high. The maneuvers being performed would kill a human pilot. When the object tilts it would drop like a stone if it depended on aerodynamic lift from its body. It is being kept in motion and in the air by some other method, perhaps anti-gravity.

There is so much evidence I could fill a book with it and yet we still have no governmental admission that aliens are here. It is obvious to me there are people in the government who do not agree with this approach and want us to know. This is proven by how every once in a while, a photo with some sort of evidence on it gets release by NASA. These are not obvious photos of alien proof, they are usually photos in which the background had to be magnified and painstakingly gone over, but the evidence is there.

If we look at how many times the cameras were turned off on the International Space Station just as a strange object was coming into view this just adds to our suspicions. Especially when we get a glimpse of an object before the camera goes down.

We seem to be getting closer to an admission, because more people involved in the secrecy are no longer comfortable with it.

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