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UFO Hotspots

UFO investigators are declaring more places as hotbeds of UFO activity lately and it does make one wonder what is going on. One of the problems is in an effort to make UFO sightings seem even more ridiculous than some are trying to do already. Paranormal activity is being pushed into the UFO category. I think most of us realize there is no other topic which has such a high ridicule factor. Lumping it with another Β topic has to pull down the believability of that topic, it is guilt by association. This association has angered many of the UFO investigators who have devoted their lives to trying to find out what is going on. I have a theory about this and it is based on the fact so many are now seeing UFOs and many of these people are respected in their fields and some are pilots. Witnesses come from every walk of life and there are plenty of scientists and engineers who have also seen UFOs. It is obvious the government doesn’t want us to know the truth about UFOs, so they have tried lame excuses for what is being seen, intimidation and even disinformation, but there are so many sightings lately it is felt more is needed to dissuade the rest of us from believing in UFOs, so the paranormal is being integrated into many of the UFO conferences to reduce their effectiveness and drive people interested in UFOs away.

Getting back to UFO hotspots, one has to wonder why so many UFOs would be interested in any certain area on this planet. There have been many theories about this. Some say UFOs are interested in our weapons and tend to check out our military bases, others say power plants both conventional and nuclear interest UFOs. There is certainly evidence both scenarios are true as UFOs have appeared over many military bases and power plants. They have deactivated our missiles and even sent probes down to the ground. If we had access to the documents which were never released by the government we would all be shocked at what has transpired between UFOs and the government. There was a point in our history where the government decided they had to keep contacts with UFOs and aliens secret and I think the very first instance of this in this country was Roswell, when a UFO crashed there. I point to this event because of the tactics which were used by the military to cover up the event. These were the same methods which were honed finer every year. The area was cleared, the military moved in, evidence was carted off and then the area was completely cleaned up. Witnesses were intimidated and told to never talk about what they saw.

This is exactly the methods which have been said to have been laid out in a manual which tells the military what to do when there is a UFO crash. If UFOs are so interested in military bases and power plants what are they doing flying over both cities and country sides? There are those who believe UFOs are not alien. It is not as many as those who believe they are, but it is still a considerable amount of people. I am not talking about those who think UFOs are being built by our government, I am talking about those who believe UFOs come from our future and are manned by our descendants. It is a strange thought isn’t it? They believe these UFOs are either here to study history firsthand, or help us avoid some disaster. I can’t believe this because even the fact someone sees one of these UFOs could change the future and I am sure people from the future wouldn’t want that to happen. Some answer this by saying we are wrong about thinking the future can be changed and nothing done it the past will make any difference to the future. I have to admit this is all talk, because none of us really know the answer to this problem, but it does seem the past is important to the future.

For some unknown reason Illinois has because a UFO hotspot. The following are a few of the sightings which have taken place in that state. In 2001 a flotilla of UFOs were seen in the sky. In 2004 the famous Tinley Park Lights were spotted in that state. In the same year a witness noticed what look like large bubbles falling from the sky. Trails of fire seemed to be rising to meet the bubbles.Β  A dark triangle craft was also seen. Again in the same year a farmer heard a strange noise in the sky and when he looked up he saw a silver cigar shaped craft. The object was making 90 degree turns. The vehicle stopped and shined a blue light down which stopped the motor on the farmer’s four wheeled vehicle. The UFO remained for about 10 minutes then sped off. In 2005 the UFO appeared again, but this time a massive structure could be seen. In 2007 a sighting was made at Grayslake. A saucer was seen in the sky and it was made of a very shiny silver metal. In 2009 witnesses saw 3 brown objects in the sky which formed a perfect triangle. The sighting took place in the sky above Petersburg. So where are the most UFO sightings reported in Illinois? Schuyler County has reported 66.8 sightings per 100,000 people, Winnebago County 40.2 per 100,000 people and Green County 36.3 per 100,000 people.

It would be interesting to know why so many UFO sightings have taken place and are still taking place in counties like Schuyler, but we may never know. Another thing we may never know is how many sightings are really taking place since it is estimated that only one sighting in 10 are reported. Sighting are increasing in many places and one of them is over New York City. One would think if you have seen one large American city you have seen them all since it doesn’t seem there would be any different information to be learned by either flying over New York City or Chicago. I guess I am wrong however, since UFOs are being sighted there. Just a couple of months ago a UFO scared the heck out of some people in the Bronx. It buzzed the borough and elicited a lot of responses. The Borough President said, “Of course, we would welcome extraterrestrial visitors to the Bronx.”

More UFOs are in our skies than ever and one has to wonder what this will culminate in? Are we getting near the time when a UFO will land and beings will emerge from it with a greeting for us? It is an interesting question and one which people interested in UFOs have been asking for a while now.


