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The Skinny On UFOs

Alien Ship

Alien Ship

What are UFOs? There are many different theories on that subject. First of all before we get into that, UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object, nothing more. It is probably only since the last World War most of us began to think of a UFO as being an alien craft. If we were to trace back the phenomena of UFOs being considered as not being from the earth, I think it would be fair to think of the Foo fighters of World War II. These strange objects appeared in the skies when our planes were there and looked like small balls of light. At first we thought they were a German secret weapon, but the Germans thought they were ours. Eventually we realized they were something else but we didn’t know what, we never found out and neither did the Germans as far as you and I know.

Government investigators have told us UFOs are balled lightning, tricks of light, the planet Venus, common planes, our imaginations and even swamp gas. The government excuses become laughable at some point. It has been said even government investigators had to laugh at the swamp gas excuse when the public was not around. Their job was not to inform us of what was really in our skies, but to make excuses for what we saw. It is pathetic our tax money is being spent on excuses which are meant to hide information from us. There are those and I am including some UFO investigators, who actually think this is a good thing. They think the public cannot handle the truth. I say if they feel this way, get a government job or get out of the investigation field. It is claimed by some these people are indeed working for the government and are there to give us disinformation and could care less about investigating UFOs and this is just their cover. This certainly could be true.

I am amazed at how long some of the UFO investigators have been at it. The reason I say this is it is a very unfulfilling task. You may get some very revealing testimonies from witnesses, but the government will never admit what they really saw so you can never be 100 percent certain in most cases, but of course there is always the one case where the evidence is irrefutable if you stay at investigating long enough. I can think of one which could not be denied. It had to do with two women and a child in a car. They were driving along when a diamond shaped UFO went over their car and they stopped. The paint got burned off of part of the car and the two women got cancer from their experience and the diamond shaped UFO was escorted away by helicopters. This was definitely a UFO and it caused tremendous harm to the car’s occupants, but was it an alien device or something we whipped up? We will probably never know, but there is no way we could ever believe this was swamp gas.

Some people say UFOs are just a cover up and we have been fed this story of them being alien craft and fell for it hook, line and sinker. They claim this is a great cover for the secret planes being developed and that is why it is being pushed. We are told the way this is done is very sophisticated, because the government has broken all visible links to its involvement and is doing this covertly through others people and organizations and disinformation is also being used to foster this belief. Anything is possible and this could be true, but the chances for it being the truth would probably be rated by the Los Vegas odds makers somewhere around 10 percent.

There is another opinion which states everything we see in the sky is either one of our planes, a secret U.S. plane or mundane things which we misidentify. It is true Chinese lanterns get misidentified from time to time. They are made of paper and have a candle in them heating the air inside causing the lanterns to rise into the air like a balloon. This would mean that all of us are quite stupid and there is no one in the population who reports a UFO who knows what they are doing. I have to ask this question, With all the airline pilots and aviation experts who have seen UFOs and stated there was nothing we have which could have performed the way they did, how could this be true? Even military pilots have seen UFOs and some were ordered to chase them and try and shoot them down and stated some took off and reached speeds of at least 10,000 miles per hour in the atmosphere. Are these guys lying or stupid? I don’t believe that for one second do you?
The next group of people believe everything seen which is claimed to be a UFO is. This is certainly sheer nonsense. There is no doubt in the minds of even UFO investigators that humans made mistakes and some of the UFO sightings are indeed not UFOs. As we develop newer secret aircraft, especially strangely shaped ones, the UFO sighting will no doubt increase. I believe there is no doubt this will happen and every UFO investigator will agree and if the secret craft become more capable, it will make identifying UFOs even harder.

The last class of people believe mostly what I said above and that is not every sighting is truly a UFO. One of the problems we face is very obvious. A lot of the pictures and videos taken are frauds. One of the things which has happened is graphic artists have begun to create videos and are making believe they are real so they can later claim they did them and show off their talent for jobs. Examining these videos has become very difficult and is getting even harder as the software improves. It entails going through videos frame by frame and checking to see if an object has been added, checking the light reflected and looking for other evidence relative to the scene. There was a video of a UFO going over an apartment building in Mexico some years ago and it was claimed hundreds of people saw it happening. The video was thoroughly examined by Bruce Macabee and an expert from MUFON and it was found to be a fraud. This was realized when in a couple of frames one tiny flag on the roof of the building was blowing the wrong way in relation to the others, it had been added with the UFO. The problem with investigating UFO claims is the amount of fraudulent photos and videos, faulty identification, threats and cover ups, but even with all this there are some incidents which are not able to be denied, or if they are the excuse is so ridiculous it supports the UFO sighting as being true. Are some UFOs from other worlds? It would certainly seem so.

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