Truth Facts



Releasing UFO Data

One thing people are hoping for is  the government is going to release more UFO data soon. There is an old saying I like to repeat and that is, “live in hope and die in despair.” We have been hearing this kind of thing for a long time. I remember the great UFO flap, UFOs appeared over the White House several days on and off and everybody thought President Truman was going to tell us what happened and even with this huge amount of proof, nothing substantial was told us. The United States is far more secretive than many other countries when it comes to UFOs. People say they don’t understand why, but I say it is easy to figure out because some of the stuff people are seeing have to do with secret craft we created and the government doesn’t want us to know that. Truth be told, they’d rather we thought they were alien craft because this makes a great cover story for what we are developing.

Do not get me wrong, I do not believe everything that is seen in the sky is either a secret government project or misidentification, but I do believe it is a mix of several things including some spacecraft that are not from this world. This was precisely the same reason the Soviets decided to not allow meetings of more than three people. Before the restriction UFO investigators were bringing up things which turned out to be secret rocket activity by the Russian government, so the Soviets decided they had to put a stop to UFO meetings because they were afraid we would figure out where their secret tests were being held and what they were doing.

The whole point of this is there will always be defense secrets, so I doubt very much we will ever get the entire picture when it comes to UFOs, because we will have so many things in the air and in space which are ours and are secret, we won’t want some of them to become known. It could be if it weren’t for the secret projects the government might have decided to let us know what was really going on with UFOs. I have seen a listing of numbers lately; some show a decrease in UFO sightings this year while others show an increase. One thing about the number of sightings we have to remember is they don’t represent all of the sightings; they only represent the ones people bothered to admit seeing. I have always felt the number of sightings is far more than admitted to and could be as many as five times as much. I’ve spoken to people in the past who admitted they witnessed a UFO but never reported it. Also, how did they get reported? If I thousand people see the same object is that a thousand sightings or one sighting? The way I’ve seen it was mostly one sighting, but if someone wanted to say there has been a tremendous increase in sightings, they might count this as a thousand and we might not be aware of this if we are just looking at a table of numbers.

It is getting harder to know what we are looking at because of all the satellites being launched into orbit. Now they are being launched at a rate of thousands at a time. My son brought up a good point. He commented on all of these satellites orbiting the earth and asked me how all the space debris circling the earth could be a problem for launching rockets if they can add thousands and thousands of satellites into orbit. It doesn’t seem like the debris or the satellites are stopping any of the launches, and the rockets don’t seem to be hitting anything as they blast into orbit. It’s a hard question to answer. I used to think it was cut and dry and he answer simply was it is too crowded in orbit and it’s making launches more dangerous, but if this were true why would the government allow thousands of tiny satellites to be put into orbit?

One thing I can say for sure, my humble opinion is sightings have not decreased. When I checked them out there seems to be as many now as there have been for the last few years, give or take a few. Some places seem to have more sightings than others. A recent report I read stated the United States and Canada have 2500 UFO sightings per 10,000 people and the most sightings have been in California. I find it particularly interesting California is listed as having the most sightings since for years many UFO investigators have stated they believe there is an undersea UFO base off of Catalina island. When I interviewed Preston Dennett, the famous UFO author years ago, he spoke at length about this underwater base and how he has written about it. The interview is on this website.

It’s too bad UFOs have gotten entangled in political intrigue. For years no one in a position of power wanted to admit they saw a UFO because they didn’t want to be ridiculed and if there were elected, didn’t want to lose their office. Perhaps this is one of the biggest changes which has taken place. So many people believe there are UFOs and they could be piloted by alien beings, the ridicule factor is almost down to zero. In the last few years we have seen a lot of politicians claim they were interested in UFOs and wanted to know the real story. These people tried to find out what was going on but never succeeded, because the information was being protected and many people feel even the president can’t get to it. I’ve heard it said many times, the president is only a temporary employee and some of these career employees have ways of keeping the information to themselves. Even J Edgar Hoover was not successful when he tried to find out what was going on as pertains to UFOs. As many of you know this man was the head of the FBI for many years and still, he couldn’t find out. It’ll be interesting to see if we do get a true release of UFO information in the future. I am not talking about a release of documents which has been so severely redacted releasing it serves no purpose.

Will we ever really find out what is going on? I don’t know, but I do see some very important people pushing for an answer. What effect this might have in cracking the wall which has been erected around UFO information is yet to be seen.

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