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Senate Seeks More UAP(UFO) Data

What a lot of people don’t realize is the fact it isn’t just us, the people who follow UFO sightings who are interested in UFOs. There are a lot of people in Congress who want answers. They have been under wraps for years, but now they are coming out in support of the government releasing more UFO data. Before I get into this, I have to tell you the government has changed the name of Unidentified Flying Objects to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Why did they do this? I would like to say it was done because not everything seen in the sky is an object. It could turn out to be a cloud, lights or some other thing. I am not sure of this however, and one has to admit calling them phenomena makes the sightings even more mysterious, even though it is a lot more accurate.

Some members of the Senate want to force government agencies to release data by making the Director of National Intelligence work with these agencies and produce a report detailing what information the government already has on UAP’s. Just a reminder, a UAP is what we are now calling a UFO. It’s kind of hard to remember this when your whole life you been calling them UFOs. Marco Rubio stated he found the collection of UAP data across agencies has not been consistent in the way it was accomplished.

One might wonder why all of a sudden, a subject which was considered taboo for so many years is now being spoken about openly in the halls of Congress? We also have to wonder if the Senate ever does get the information they are seeking, will they let us see it or withhold it thinking it is too dangerous for us to know? I say this because many people think this may be the case. They believe it will show the United States and indeed the rest of the world is impotent when it comes to defending against these objects or should I say phenomena. I personally would not get my hopes up too high because there are still probably some very powerful people who are not allowing the secrets to get out.

It seems to me when the Navy released their two UAP events this really stirred up a hornets nest. The reason I say this is one of the things the Senate is asking for, the release of all Navy UAP data. It would be kind of difficult for them to say they have no more after releasing the two videos showing UAP’s which covered different years. If one checks the history of government agencies and these things, they will find a lot of government agencies which are interested in finding out what UAP’s were. Even the FBI was no exception and Herbert Hoover, the former director, wanted to be informed about all UFO events. I am saying UFO because that is how he phrased it in a memo to another agency.

We shouldn’t kid ourselves, UAP’s were on the minds of a lot of different agencies since the Roswell crash in 1947. I won’t rehash that event because it has been worn out by being talked about so much, but I will say there must’ve been something to it or we wouldn’t be finding correspondence from the heads of different government agencies trying to get more information on the subject. Rubio’s request covers just about every type of intelligence gathering and asks that all UAP information from any type of intelligence be analyzed and the results sent to the Senate. It also asked for the FBI to give a detailed analysis because it seems they gathered intelligence of unidentified aerial phenomena over restricted US airspace.

What I thought was really interesting and may have more to do with the request for all this information was the fact the Senate asked for identification of potential aerospace or other threats by the UAP’s. Lately I’ve been seeing and hearing a lot about being invaded from space. There has been a rumor going around for years that a phony space invasion was being planned to bring all of us to heel and this was the way we were going to lose our precious freedom. I never believed that, but it is strange how easily this could fit in with the request for that type of information. Could the Senate possibly believe aliens are about to invade us? It might also mean humans in higher positions could be working with them.

The Senate has also been working on something called Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021. They are including this with their request, but it hasn’t been ratified as of the writing of this article which is 25 June, 2020. To be ratified it also has to be passed by the House of Representatives which is no easy task now days. One can only hope there are enough people there who are interested in what is going on in our skies with UAP’s. I personally don’t see this being passed by the house without significant changes or just being thrown to the side.

One thing I like about the request is it would have an unclassified section; classified index and the unclassified section could easily be released to the public. There is no guarantee of course this will ever happen, but if there are enough lawmakers interested in the UAPs it could be passed by the House of Representatives. One of the reasons members of Congress want to know more about UAP’s could be because they are constantly being briefed by the US Navy about UAP’s. This has probably wet their appetite for more information and they were probably told it couldn’t be released to them. This sort of reminds me when a former Senator named Barry Goldwater went to a high-ranking general who he believed was his friend and asked him about UAP’s. Instead of getting an answer he was severely chastised and told never asked that question again.

A lot of people didn’t realize the FBI was collecting UAP data since Roswell and maybe even before. As I said previously, they are certainly not the only ones. The agencies do not seem to share the UAP data with each other. If they did a different picture of what is happening in our skies might emerge. I believe the government has a duty to let us know what is happening. We put these people in their positions for our benefit, but when it comes to UAP information, we gain no benefit at all because we are usually told nothing.

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