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Proof Of Alien Existence

There are a lot of places where some people believe they have found proof of alien life on earth. Before I get into this I would like to say I have always believed just because there are weird statues around which relate to past civilizations they are not proof the ancients saw aliens and decided to sculpt their likeness. Sometimes these people created statues of what they thought their gods might look like. This doesn’t mean some statues are not copies of aliens, but if they are I believe they are few and far in between. Having said this I am going to tell you what some people believe are statues of aliens which the public can view. One place where there is said to be these types of statues is in the National Museum of Iraq. There are ancient jars in the museum which admittedly have very strange figures carved on them. One jar dated between 4000 – 6000 BC has the figure of what looks like a reptile or fish like being either covered in scales or wearing clothing which may have a circular design on it. The hands of the being have five fingers each. Some might even say the head is similar to a Grey. You can view it at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/paula-froelich/proof-of-ancient-aliens-i_b_4682168.html by copying the above address and pasting it into your browser’s address bar. Sorry, About Facts does not use live links.

Sometimes medieval art is cited as proof of aliens. The reason for this is what is sometimes found in the background of some paintings such as “The Madonna with Saint Giovannino.” It was painted sometime in the fifteenth century and in the sky above the Madonna is what looks exactly like a saucer shaped UFO. The painting shows more than this however, it also has a man painted into it and guess what he is busily watching? He is holding his hand above his head to shield it from the sun as he stares directly at the UFO. What could the artist have been thinking combining a religious painting with a UFO and witness? Perhaps this is the only way he could let the world know what he saw without being tried by the church for heresy. You can see the painting by copying and pasting this address into your web browser: https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?p=The+Madonna+with+Saint+Giovannino&ei=UTF-8&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-003. I think one of the most puzzling paintings is named, "Glorification of the Eucharist." It was painted in 1600 and shows what looks just like a sputnik. The painting is in the church of San Lorenzo in San Pictro, Montalcino, Italy. You can see it by copying this address into your web browser address bar, http://www.mind-body-spirit-group.com/unexplained-phenomena/glorification-of-the-eucharist.htm. How does one adequately explain this painting? Even if the globe could be explained somehow as the universe, how does one explain two antenna protruding from it? Does this painting refer to alien technology? Some think it does.

Some people are citing the fact there is a strange object orbiting our sun and other objects have been caught on video traveling through the sun and coming out the other side. They also say ships mining the rings of Saturn have been caught by NASA on video and they were huge. One might say why would anyone mine the rings of Saturn, it seems too dangerous when they could just go to a moon or a planet and mine there. The answer to that might be there is something in the rings of Saturn which cannot be found anywhere else in our solar system or maybe even our galaxy. You can see these objects by copying their addresses listed below and pasting them into your web browser:
Object Orbiting The Sun -
Mining Saturn’s Rings -
UFO Passing Through Sun -

People have been saying for years that our government is hiding the fact a satellite known as Black Knight is orbiting the earth. What would this have to do with the existence of aliens you might ask? I mention this, because it is said the satellite is over 13,000 years old. In 1954 two newspapers ran a story about the satellite. One was the St. Louis Post Dispatch and the other the San Francisco Examiner. The stories were about the Black Knight satellite and the source of those stories was said to be the respected Donald Keyhoe. He said the US Air Force had detected two satellites orbiting the earth. No one at the time had satellite launching technology. Skeptics love to deny stories like this and they completely ignore the fact Donald Keyhoe was formerly a Marine Corps naval aviator and managed tours for aviation pioneers like Charles Lindbergh. Keyhoe retired as a Major. This guy was not some nut job. He had gotten interested in the UFO phenomena and advised the government to investigate UFOs and became a UFO investigator himself and a famous author.

A man sent metal samples of an exploded UFO he had observed. The samples were sent to a reporter for a Rio de Janeiro newspaper. Supposedly a letter was enclosed telling the reporter the facts about how the samples were obtained and telling him he thought the paper would be interested. The reporter is said to have sent the samples to the Mineral Production Laboratory. “It’s a division of the National Department of Mineral Production in the Agriculture Ministry of Brazil. The laboratory is the official Brazilian institution for the examination and analysis of mineral substances, metallic ores, metals and alloys.” When the results came back the reporter was astounded. The metals were so pure they could never have been made on earth, they didn’t even have trace elements. On top of that it was found the metal was magnesium, but it didn’t have the same density as magnesium from earth. It seems clear if the story is true, the metal came from some other world.
There are plenty of other things which one could point to indicating aliens exist and might be here on earth. One of them is all those drawings by Native Americans which picture what they call “star people.” Then there are those ancient drawings of UFOs in caves. Add to this some of the Mayan carvings showing people wearing spacesuits and sitting in space vehicles and controlling them. Something is going on here and it is getting harder every day to deny the existence of extraterrestrials as more and more UFO sightings take place.


