Truth Facts




Why is Our Government Releasing UFO Videos?

Surveys are a tricky thing. Sometimes they are leading people to certain answers, other times they may pick a segment of the population favorable to the answer they are looking for. A survey conducted about how people feel about the government hiding UFO data was said to reflect the fact more people than not believe the government is still hiding something. One would think when the government releases UFO sightings it would make people think our government is letting us know UFOs are real. Why is it after the release of videos showing Navy fighters and even more recent videos talking about more UFO facts, many of us still don’t feel satisfied? I think the reason is even though the video has been released there was no statement saying UFOs are extraterrestrial or extraterrestrials exist.

The question has to be asked, why did the government suddenly release these videos? Some believe the only time the government of the United States releases formally secret material is when other governments finally know about it, making the US citizens the last to know. This policy seems to have been going on for decades. Others think the videos were released to hide the fact we have some very advanced craft we have been testing and when people see them in the sky, they will think they are UFOs, which the government believes keeps them even more secret.

One of the things to come out of this is a rather exciting new technology. Many of us realize stealth may no longer be the answer because governments are finding different ways of detection. There may be a new technology the government has which is sort of a shell game. It is being said by many people our military has developed a new type of technology which makes things appear in the sky which aren’t really there. It is said this is being developed to hide the location of the plane in the sky by creating many other planes for the radar to pick up. It is amazing to me how suddenly this has become a hot topic. This makes me wonder about it, because when rumors spread this fast it could be disinformation coming out. On the other hand, why would the government want anybody to know about this yet? Perhaps as I said before, this has already been leaked so it no longer matters if people find out about it or not. Some of the rumors state the system uses some sort of plasma and lasers to create these images.

One of the things that amazes me besides the fact the government has released a second set of videos of UFOs is the fact major news outlets have been picking up the story. Formerly, those types of stories have strictly been taboo by the news media and were relegated to the tabloids.

When the Navy reported the facts about another sighting recently, some of these facts were quite unusual. For example, the Pentagon said the unknown aircraft appeared to be small in size and was about the size of a normal suitcase. This sighting was said to take place in 2014. It went on to say a Navy plane got within 1000 feet of the object, which is very close when you are in the air and yet the pilot could not positively determine the identity of the craft. Are these facts correct or is the Pentagon feeding us this data to make us come to the conclusion the craft the Navy was chasing was only a drone? This in itself could be disinformation. There was also a second object and that was described in a different report by the Navy. The pilot had described it as having a wingspan of about 5 feet and being the color white. He went on to say due to its small size it was an unidentified aerial system and the report noted the Navy pilots could be following, yes you guessed it, drones. It is said the New York Times newspaper had conducted an investigation into UFO videos in 2017 and it is believed somehow this forced the Navy’s hand into releasing these videos.

Getting back to the new Navy system, it has been described as a patented decoy technology and as I said it is based on plasma. So why would the system use plasma? It is being said one of the reasons is this will attract heat seeking missiles instead of them heading towards the plane. It is also said this technology can create UFOs in the sky. It’s not clear why the military would want to use it for that. This system is no longer hearsay and has been reported in publications like Forbes and Popular Mechanics. One article goes on to report the reason TicTac shaped objects have recently appeared in the sky is this is some sort of a test pattern which is being used to test the new system. This could account for one of the pilots who witnessed the object saying this was not the object he saw when he chased it, because it may have changed shape as part of the test.

It was also said some of the pilots saw spheres encased in a cube. This new shape could also be an indication that different shapes were being tested. Other shapes were indicated which were possible such as 2D and 3D shapes. An article I read went on to say other nations may also be developing this technology. If this is true, we may be seeing a lot of stranger shapes in the sky. This fact seems to fit what I said at the start of the article which is the only time the US citizen finds out about something which had been secret which refers to UFOs in any way, is when all the other governments of the world all ready know about it. It was said the ability to generate these images is not unlimited. There are certain factors which have to be adhered to and one is the plane generating the image, or the ship generating it must be within range. That’s correct, it seems ships will be able to be fitted to do this. This makes me wonder if a plasma shield could be developed to go over the entire ship which might be protective in some way.

One can only imagine what other devices and weapons are being developed? DARPA is the government agency responsible for many military devices and there is a good chance they are the ones which developed this decoy system. DARPA is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

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