Truth Facts




Reengineering UFOs

I’m always interested in people’s opinions, but this certainly doesn’t mean they are correct, it also doesn’t mean they are wrong. Sometimes opinions can go either way if they contain predictions and an interesting opinion was just revealed. This opinion has to do with the newly named United States Space Force. It seems there are a couple of people who believe the 2004 sighting of a TicTac UFO by the crew and pilots of the USS Nimitz was a test by the United States. They believe it was a secret test and the crew of the carrier along with its pilots were never informed and the UFO had been reverse engineered. They also believe even though it was just announced that we were forming a Space Force, the Space Force has been in existence for many years. I must say I also believe, based on pieces of evidence I have seen here and there, we have had a space force for quite some time. I don’t know when we began it, but I can tell you this, there are those who believe we had it before we landed on the moon. Some even go as far as to say when the astronauts made their first moon landing and sent out a broadcast claiming they were being watched by UFOs which were parked on a crater, those UFOs were ours.

When civilian say “in my opinion”, it may not mean much most of the time, but there are those who study these things and have a little more insight than many of us. I am not talking about people who see a UFO behind every corner, because we also have plenty of those types. If we investigate UFOs properly, it seems a lot of the evidence leads to the fact we have reversed engineered at some of them. It may not be all, because if something is reverse engineered the original  had to come from somewhere. Basically, reverse engineering is copying. Interestingly enough there are some of us who believe we may not be able to copy everything about a UFO because some of the science and engineering may still be beyond us, but if we hold onto them long enough the science will probably eventually catch up. One of the biggest coups in reengineering success I believe is an antigravity engine. There are those who have said we have at least three different types and it is true we been working on them for decades. It appears the Germans may have been working on them even before us. The thing is, not every success we have is reengineered from alien craft. People tend not to give credit when something seems too advanced and they would rather say it must have come from aliens. When Bob Lazar a former NASA engineer claimed he was working on reengineering UFOs which used element 115 all the engineers and scientists laughed at him because we had not discovered element 115 and they said it didn’t exist. Years later it was discovered. This element could be behind some of the UFOs we have been tracking and we may have learned how to use it as fuel. It could be the reason antigravity works so well or it may have another use.

People forget, reengineering is nothing new. All through the years we have been capturing enemy planes for example and examining them to see if any parts were more advanced than what we have. When we found some which were, we adopted these advances. It is a little different with UFOs however, since it may be harder to understand what is going on and indeed there may be a lot about certain UFOs we still don’t know. Let me give you an example of what I think might have been reengineered. When a UFO goes into the ocean and under the water it is called a USO. USO stands for Underwater Submerged Object. Some of these USO’s can travel hundreds of miles an hour under water, which seemed impossible to us. Some years back, suddenly torpedoes became able to also travel a couple of hundred miles an hour. Where did this ability come from? Did someone figure out how the UFO was able to do this and apply this method to a torpedo? While we don’t know the answer to this question, we do know the torpedo travels in a bubble of air allowing it to reach incredible speeds under  the water because of reduced resistance. I don’t think this method has been applied to a submarine yet, but I have no way of knowing the answer. If it has there may be some submarines which are a heck of a lot faster than we realize. The United States claims to still be using torpedoes which have a top speed of 63 miles per hour, but the Russians claim to have the new faster torpedoes. Is there a secret program in the United States which is designing faster torpedoes? I would think there must be because why would we let this gap occur?

I can’t help but believe if we ever get into a world war again, people will see all sorts of secret weapons come to pass, and they would mostly be American. This would bear out some of the things told to us in death bed confessions by former heads of secret projects. I guess one of the real questions is when did we first apply reengineering for UFOs? It seems the first famous UFO crash occurred in 1897, in Aurora Texas. On that date it is said a UFO with an alien pilot crashed and was killed. A Christian ceremony was held for the alien and the pilot was buried. Over the years his grave had to be hidden because it just attracted too much attention which annoyed the residents. It was too early in those days to do reengineering since we hadn’t even learned how to fly at that point, except for a few balloons here and there, and the occasional blimp. The first powered blimp flight had occurred in 1852.

The Germans were said to have recovered a crash which took place in the black forest in 1936, and there are those who credit this crash with the discovery of the many German wonder weapons, but I have to say I am not one of those people. The wonder weapons were able to be created because of the incredible organizational capabilities of the Germans who had put most of their engineers and scientists together and allowed them to share any discoveries with each other which they had made instead of compartmentalizing discoveries as we do.

Generally, it is believed our reengineering project began with the Roswell crash in 1947. One interesting point is, there may be UFOs coming to this planet from all different civilizations and they may not all be at the same level of technology. This may make it easier for us to reengineer some than others.

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