Truth Facts




Does Alien Life Exist?

NASA is very interested in one of the moons of Saturn, it is the moon Titan. NASA is saying there are some similarities with the moon and our planet Earth. Some of the features on the moon include dunes, lakes, craters, mountains and many other earthlike features. Before I paint a picture which is an error, I must tell you the lakes are not lakes of water they are frozen methane. NASA claims the moon is the most geologically diverse object in the solar system. There are also differences between temperatures gravity and materials but this hasn’t stopped NASA scientists from thinking they could be life on this moon. Titan is geologically active much as is the earth. The moon has an atmosphere which is four times as dense as earth and has been compared to the early earth. One of the reasons NASA thinks there could be life on this moon is the fact compounds which are believed to be the building blocks of life have been found on Titan.

There are two different opinions about extraterrestrial life by scientists. The first is it’s probably going to take a long time to discover it, but the second opinion is there may be many more aliens throughout the universe than first suspected and this leads us to the conclusion we may discover alien life a lot sooner than we think. The discovery of some Exoplanets has given new impetus to the idea more alien life may exist. One of the things which is quoted is there are certain zones these planets existing which are conducive to life. They consist of how far the planet is from its star. There is something else however that is felt to be very important that is the tilt of the axis of these planets and it is being said 87% of the Exoplanets have a tilt similar to the earth and this may make life a lot more viable. Scientists also believe dual star systems have a better chance of life and it has been said many times there were quite a few scientists who believe we are living in a duel star system but the other star is far enough away were we don’t notice it.

A new camera has been developed and is said to be the most sensitive one ever created. It is so sensitive the sensors count single photons or particles of light. The developers of the camera work for the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Scientists are very excited over this camera because they believe the camera so sensitive it may be able to pick up chemical signs of life on other planets. There was a problem with other camera sensors which was they would pick up noise when being used, but this camera eliminates that. It seems to me this is a very powerful tool, but we have to remember just because chemical signs of life may be detected doesn’t mean life may exist because the signs could be caused by something else.

There is a theory which states there could be alien life on the moon. Why would any scientists believe this? First let me clarify what I’m talking about. I’m talking about microscopic life. We know there is no atmosphere on the moon, and we also know many asteroids or meteors have crashed into the moon and have crashed into the moon over its long history. Recently it has come to be believed that life was brought to earth by meteors and asteroids which would mean these bodies contain microscopic life even though they have travel through space which has no atmosphere. Taking all this into consideration it could mean when these bodies crashed on the moon, they deposited their microscopic life which was used to the fact of living without an atmosphere.

A professor  from Ohio University has stated he believes there is enough evidence to prove from photographs there is life on Mars. The scientist claims to have studied NASA photographs of Mars for years and claims many of these photos are available on the Internet. The life he believes to have found he believes is insect like. He also claims some of the life is reptile like. It is said the professor has located not only fossils showing this type of life but actually living creatures. He is so sure of his findings he presented them to a meeting of the Entomological Society of America in St. Louis, Missouri. It is quoted as saying something to the effect that there was life on Mars at one time and there still is. If Mars is full of bugs and reptiles, why don’t know if full of is the correct term but according to the scientist quite a few of them have appeared in Mars photos. This is not to say we are talking about higher forms of life. There are others who claim to have seen small animals in the photos such as squirrel like creatures and rabbits. The insects were compared to carpenter bees on earth and are said to be capable of flight and have nests in caves. Also, it is believed the fossilized snake was found.

Founder of the Paradigm Research Group founder claims aliens are already coming to earth and switching our nuclear weapons on and off to show us how ineffective they would be against extraterrestrial technology. It has been said for a long time UFOs have been visiting the earth and that UFOs are proof of this. There have also been UFOs over military missile bases which have shut down nuclear tipped missiles. The government doesn’t like to talk about this part of it. This is only what we have heard about but it could be, according to the group founder that this is constant. The group has been urging US government for many years to disclose details about alien life and the existence of extraterrestrials. As we all know this has never happened, but recently the Air Force has released what look like UFO videos, however the objects depicted in them could eventually turn out to be human advanced technology. The Navy is silent on this point. Stephen Bassett is the group founder and he claims nuclear weapons have been turned on and off for many years because the aliens want us to do away with them. This goes all the way back to President Eisenhower who supposedly was made an offer of alien technology in trade for shutting down our nuclear weapons which was refused.

Are we on the verge of discovering alien life? I think we are certainly a lot closer now than we were a couple of years ago, but only time will tell.

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