Truth Facts




Nazi UFOs Could Be Real

Something has come up which has prompted me to write this article about Nazi UFOs. The rumor has been going on for years that the Nazis had been developing a flying saucer. Every once in a while, a photo would be posted which seemed to indicate they were working on these craft. In truth not a lot of attention was given to this idea and at least some of these photos looked like they could have been Photoshopped. That has been one of the problems for UFO investigators, it is so easy to forge a photo. These types of frauds can usually be discovered after a precise photographic investigation, but it is getting to the point where even these investigations by photo experts may not be able to spot a fake.

Having said this, I have seen some of the photos and the videos and I have to admit they could be real. Don’t get me wrong I did not do an in-depth photographic investigation and am not an expert in this area, but I do know some of the signs of a fraud and at least half of the photos seem to be real, the others I am not calling fakes, just saying they would be easier to fake due to the lighting and such. Jeff Rense has called the two videos of Nazi saucers stunning. In case you don’t know who Jeff Rense is, he is a talk show host who deals in the unusual.

In the minds of some people there always was a reason to believe the Nazis had created flying saucers and it had to do with Operation High Jump. In 1946 the United States Navy sent Admiral Richard E. Byrd Jr to the Antarctic with a fleet of ships, some planes and 4700 men. It was said the unstated mission was to check for Nazi bases. There had been a rumor the Germans had built underground bases there in case they lost the war, so they would have somewhere to escape to. It was said the fleet was attacked by UFOs and barely made it out and it was said these craft were so fast the planes didn’t have a chance against them. To make things even more suspicious, Byrd’s diary was locked up so no unauthorized persons could see its contents. The official reason for leaving was it got too cold.

The videos of the supposed German craft are interesting. They start in 1939 and show a primitive saucer taking off and then what seems to be an emergency landing. The craft seems to be unstable but as further testing takes place; the craft seems to gain stability. I noticed a light black cloud come out from under the craft when it took off which makes me think it could prove this vehicle was jet powered. There has been a claim the Germans invented antigravity and later models used it to power the ships.

I suspect they were working on antigravity since something which resembled a bell was found and it was said many scientists died who worked on this project. It seems the bell was spinning and putting out some unknown radiation which was fatal to those near it. This experimentation took place in a mine in Poland which was later flooded to prevent the allies from getting inside even though the equipment had been removed. Could this have been the beginning of developing the antigravity machine or was this project for something else, perhaps some sort of weapon? Anyway the U.S. claimed they found nothing in the Polish cave.

Nazi scientists had been working diligently, according to reports, on an advanced engine for a saucer. One Italian scientist claimed the Italians helped the Germans with the development of saucers and that BMW participated. Where would the Germans have gotten the idea to build a flying saucer? It was supposed the saucer was based on one which crashed before the war in the Black Forest, in 1936. One German named Rudolf Schriever gave an interview to the German magazine Der Spiegel and claimed he had invented a sort of rotary engine for the saucer. This was hardly an engine which would be capable of performance credited to the saucers but it could have been used at first in an early saucer such as the one which left the smoke cloud on takeoff. Perhaps that was caused when the engine first started up.

There have been several Germans who have claimed they knew or had something to do with the saucer engines and they said they were using antigravity, electronic particles, jets and other methods for propulsion. While this seems to show they were lying, it could be several different types of engines were tried before one was selected and this experimentation could have taken place over quite a few years.

A mysterious society named the Vril Society was said to have helped with the saucer project. There were even rumors they were in contact with aliens and there has been some talk about tall blond Nordic aliens helping the Nazis and the Vril Society. As a matter of fact, with the Germans lost World War II it was said the society retreated to Antarctica.

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You will notice there is quite a collection of these photos and even schematics. They do look like they represent the time when they would have been taken and while we can never be 100 percent sure they are genuine; they are interesting and could represent a German effort to win the war. If that is why they were being built, because the Germans knew they were losing, it was too little too late, even if they had superior performance. The same was true for the rocket planes, the jets and even the V1 and V2 weapons. It was manufacturing that won the war and no country ever in the history of the world was able at the time to out manufacture the United States which was pretty much unscathed on their home ground.

If one thinks the Germans were responsible for all the UFO sightings during the time and we captured the technology so the UFOs today are really American devices, I would like to point out the fact UFOs are pictured on cave walls which were painted 25,000 years ago and in paintings throughout history. Obviously, this shoots down that theory. Did a few Nazis survive in the South Pole and do they fly their machines in our skies once in a while? Personally, I doubt it, but as they say you never know.

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