Truth Facts




Invisible and Shape Shifting UFOs

One of the things which is not mentioned as much as it should be is the fact there have been many UFOs seen which were disguised or invisible. You might ask if they were disguised or invisible how could anyone see them. That is a legitimate question, it shows you are paying attention. Things sometimes happen which interrupt the process. Sometimes they are natural things like lightning storms or manmade things, but the effect is the same, witnesses get a glimpse of a UFO which they never realized was in the sky above them.

One event which happened a couple of months ago happened during one of those severe lightning storms. The sky was very dark and full of near black clouds. Lightning was striking all around and at one point lightning hit a cloud and a UFO became visible. It had either been inside the cloud or disguised as a cloud, it was hard to tell. It was obvious however that it was hiding from observation. One has to wonder if we see something like this once in a while, how many of these UFOs which seem to be observing us are not seen? It seems there would have to be hundreds and maybe even thousands. Another UFO appeared during a lightning storm. This case was a little different. While the UFO was invisible then appeared, it didn’t seem to be observing us, rather it seemed to be sucking up the energy from the lightning. Lightning bolts contain immense electrical energy and I saw where one person said one bolt could power New York City for six months. Could this power be used to run an antigravity engine of some kind?

Sometimes the best disguise is not invisibility or maybe a particular race doesn’t have that capability. In any case there have been some reports of UFOs disguising themselves as common objects in the sky, such as airplanes and helicopters. I remember one case where a helicopter was photographed in transition. It was changing from a helicopter to a UFO and someone snapped a photo of it. I can’t say any individual photos of this happening are not fakes, but I can say quite a few witnesses have reported seeing this happen. Just recently it was reported a new material was created by us which has the ability to allow us to not only change its shape, but also its size. Did we discover the secret from crashed UFOs or have we reached a point in our technology where we discovered this ability? One person reported watching as what looked like a fighter plane slowly began to change its shape. As it was changing it became clear what its new shape would become. It was changing into a ball like object. There have been objects seen which have morphed the other way, from a ball into a plane.

There is an idea which has been put forward about morphing UFOs which would certainly sound strange to us. Some people think there are UFOs which are alive. This would probably mean there are UFOs which are biological and if this was the case, they may be capable of making decisions on their own and might not even have anyone aboard. This idea had been taken up by the writer of Babylon5 a former science fiction television series. There were biological ships belonging to the most advanced race on the station which could do certain things on their own.

One news reporter went out on the balcony of his hotel room as he was doing a story in, I believe Venezuela on the current crisis. He happened to look up in the sky and saw a strange object overhead. It looked like a lemniscate. That is the symbol for infinity. Think of the figure eight. This UFO had hollow centers and looked like two disks joined together. He snapped a couple of photos and took a video. Some journalists said to him he was probably mistaken about what it was and he replied he took his reporting very seriously and was a frustrated pilot who could recognize every plane in the sky and even knew them by the way they sounded. The object seemed to be changing shape as the video advanced.

Have you ever seen a beautiful sunset? Recently one appeared where the sun slowly sunk into the horizon. There was a problem with this scene however and it was this was not the sun. The sun was still in the sky. This has puzzled quite a few people. Are there UFOs which disguise themselves as heavenly bodies? How many times have we heard someone report a UFO only to find out they saw the planet Venus? This makes me wonder if there are some people who were told what they saw was Venus, but it really was a UFO?

The United States now has the ability to make a plane practically invisible to radar and invisible to the naked eye. The stealth designing and skin material make this happen and cameras mounted on the top of aircraft and screens on the bottom broadcast the picture of what is above the plane to below it making the plane invisible, but this is not all to it. We have now developed a material which can make the plane invisible by bending light waves around an object. It is presumed it can also do this with other waves, such as X-rays and all sorts of radar.

A couple of years ago a witness in California was able to watch a UFO change shape for over seven minutes. Apparently this can be a slow process on some UFOs. The witness reported this to MUFON the Mutual UFO Network. Five photos were taken and when the object disappeared, they were examined at high magnification on a laptop. Each image showed an object of a different shape even though the photos were all of the same object. The object had been changing shape as the photos were being taken.

A UFO was seen over Newcastle in the UK in 2018. There were quite a few witnesses to this event and what makes it memorable is the fact the witnesses claim it was changing shape as they watched it. The witnesses watched as the shape of the object changed as did its size. It had become smaller. There seems to be just too many witnesses to UFOs changing shape for it to be not happening.

While making a UFO invisible can be a relatively easy accomplishment, making it change shape and size is really a remarkable act, especially if there are beings inside, of course it could all be an illusion.

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