Truth Facts




Investigating What Might Be Alien Structures

There has been a lot of activity among some private investigators who examine NASA photos. There are a few different people who are in what I like to call the unofficial news media. What I mean is you probably will never see what they are saying on the regular news media, but if you follow the internet and the lesser news sources you will. One person has come to the forefront among the others and he has been pushing for recognition of some of the objects he has found on the moon by examining these photographs. There is no doubt he has found some interesting things in the photos, but I certainly don’t always agree with his interpretation of what they are.

Recently an article appeared in the International Business Times displaying what seems to be a magnified cropped photo of what the researcher states is a spaceship over ten miles long in the Waterman crater. The article is by Nirmal Narayanan and appeared on March 18, 2019 if you want to go to it. If you do you will see the object and at first blush you might be tempted to say it looks exactly like a rocket. The reason I am skeptical is there is a lot of what looks like high ridges in the photo and they seem to be much lighter than the surrounding area as it the supposed rocket type spacecraft. Sometimes rock and ridges look like other things when looked at from above because the light plays tricks. I think there is a fairly good chance what we are seeing is not a spacecraft but a ridge next to another smaller ridge cutting across the back of the first ridge. I do not like to step on people’s dreams but I think it is important to get these things correct and there is just not enough proof here to call this a spacecraft.

An Associate Professor has stated he believes NASA and others should pay more attention to what is in our skies. He complained about there being a lot of skepticism without scientific bases for a lot of it. He also complained about some of the silly hypotheses about UFO encounter conspiracies. Here is what he said, “A scientist must consider all of the possible hypotheses that explain all of the data, and since little is known, the extraterrestrial hypothesis cannot yet be ruled out. In the end, the sceptics often do science a disservice by providing a poor example of how science is to be conducted.” It is refreshing to hear some of this.

There have been many times in the past where people have accused heavenly bodies of really being a spaceship. They have said this about our moon, the moons of Mars, asteroids and such. The latest claim is by the same investigator who I spoke about who talked about what he said was a rocket on the moon. In another article in the International Business Times an article by Nirmal Narayanan written on March 17, 2019, on Saint Patrick’s Day which has nothing to do with anything, talked about how this investigator believes one of the moons of Saturn named Pan is a space station. Pan is a very strange looking moon and resembles what some people said they observed flying in the sky, that is a ring with a round ball in the center. The investigator said this is a space station with aliens aboard which orbits the planet Saturn and he credits the proof as being its strange shape. He said they disguised this place so we wouldn’t know, but I ask you if you have gone to the article to see the moon or gone to Wikipedia to view it or anywhere else, wouldn’t you agree this shape is so strange it would draw attention, which is just the opposite of what aliens hiding would want? They would better be served by making the thing look like one of the huge rocks orbiting the planet.

First, I want to say the investigator I am talking about who will remain nameless, doesn’t always misinterpret objects in NASA photos. He could even be correct about some of the ones I think we need more proof of before coming to any conclusions, but there is at least one I agree with him on and that is what he believed was a base on the moon. He has stated he has seen more than one base, but there is a particular one which I am referring to. To see it go to the Express and an article published on March 10, 2019. If you go about one third of the way down the page you will see a very strange structure which definitely looks like it was created by intelligent beings. The base is located in Zeeman Crater and can also be seen on the Google Moon Map. This brings up the question again I can’t help but ask and that is, is this something humans may have created in the past and somehow after a war with aliens or other humans we got bombed back to the Stone Age, or is it something aliens built? The object seems to have a wide opening suitable for spacecraft to enter and several levels above it and what seems to be a high building on top. You should really see this. Below is the address to the article you can copy and paste it into your web browser’s address area. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live outside links.

Another moon structure which was picked out by this investigator. The photo of the object is blurry due to what I believe extensive magnification. He thinks it is a round base and is made from metal of some kind and states this is because it is shiny. This is another one of those things where we would need more proof. I just can’t agree with the assessment of this photo without being able to see it better and its relationship with the area around it. Having said this I am not a professional photo examiner and what I am stating is only my opinion after seeing over 50 years of these types of photos. The investigator has accused NASA of altering photos and so have hundreds or more of investigators and scientists in the past. They have been accused of using an airbrush as their principle weapon. An airbrush is used to cover up anything someone wouldn’t want seen in a photo.

If it turns out air brushing is as common in moon and other photos as thought, there could be all sorts of structures on the moon both useful ones and ruins.

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