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UFOs And Aliens Are Real

Why do some people constantly deny the fact that UFOs are real? By UFOs I don’t only mean unidentified flying objects, I mean unidentified flying objects piloted by aliens. What I am saying is it has become painfully obvious not only are aliens flying around our planet, but they have been here for possibly thousands of years and maybe even before humans were on the planet. There has been a lot of talk about human/alien hybrids, but I have a question for everyone and it is how do we know we are not hybrids already? The entire human race could be hybrids and we would never have known. It is almost impossible to believe the world governments don’t know about the aliens and I think they have been in contact with them, because evidence seems to point that way but it is circumstantial and this is the fly in the ointment. We cannot believe everything we hear and indeed we hear so many different stories, because we are facing a stew of reports, lies and disinformation. There is some reason the truth is being hidden from us, but we can only make educated guesses as to what it might be, but we can never be sure at this stage.

If we delve into history we find out some very strange things about UFO sightings. When Alexander the Great was attempting to have his army cross a river in 329 B.C. two flying silver shields, this was the historical description, buzzed his men and scared his elephants. He had to call off the crossing until the next day when the shields were gone. Alexander said the craft dived at his men and kept it up until the horses, men and elephants refused to cross the river. A historian said they were described as “great silvery shields spitting fire around the rims…things that came from the skies and returned to the skies.” Another interesting fact is it is said Alexander was not the first to see them, others in the past had also seen them. The ancient Romans had seen UFOs in about 214 B.C. and it was written “an appearance of ships had shone forth from the sky." We know drawings of UFOs have appeared on cave walls and some are said to be over 25,000 years old. It does seem we have been under observation for quite some time. There were quite a few UFO sightings before the time of Christ and I won’t bore you with them all, but I would like to mention a particularly interesting one. It was not a traditional UFO sighting and took place in Rome in 196 A.D. The historian Cassius Dio described a strange rain that fell as, "A fine rain resembling silver descended from a clear sky upon the Forum of Augustus." It is said he used this material to plate bronze coins but the plating disappeared after about four days.

There is a lot concerning UFOs we are not told about. If we look at presidents of the United States we find out some of them were subject to UFO sightings and it started with the very first president, George Washington. When Washington had pulled his troops back after they were bloodied by the British he was feeling quite down and went into the woods to pray. As he was there he saw a craft in the sky and then observed little green beings getting out. It is said he believed they were some undiscovered Indian tribe, but there was no explanation of the UFO. Today some people say aliens may have helped us win the Revolutionary War, but truthfully there is no evidence of that. There are a few people who say President James Monroe also saw a UFO, but history is foggy on this point. If we listen to what President Harry Truman had to say, he admitted that the subject of UFOs comes up at almost every meeting he had and he was the president who had the UFOs over the White House during his presidency.

When I talk about UFOs over the White House I am talking about 1952 when UFOs appeared over the White House several times and left every time planes came their way. How can we deny the existence of UFOs after an event like that? We know President Carter saw a UFO and we know this because he filled out a sighting report on September 18, 1973. Ten to twelve others had also seen the UFO. President Reagan chased a UFO in his plane when he was the governor of California and was said to have seen another one on his way to a party with his wife. President Nixon was said to have snuck out of the White House and picked up his friend Jackie Gleason the comedian who was interested in UFOs and aliens and drove him to an Air Force base and showed him alien bodies. President Eisenhower is said to be the most important player in the UFO/Alien scheme of things. He had disappeared from the White House several times and it is said it was to secretly meet with aliens. It is also said there are several different alien races interested in earth and the first race he met with we call the Nordics, beings who look a lot like us, but they wanted us to give up our nuclear weapons and we refused. The next race we met with were the Grays and it is said we signed a treaty with them. See Laura Eisenhower’s Interview by me posted on this site.

We certainly cannot believe everything we hear, but most UFO investigators say that Eisenhower damaged us when he signed the treaty with the Grays because the treaty allowed them to abduct humans and conduct experiments on them in exchange for technology. Other investigators claim he didn’t have a choice. It is also said the Grays violated the treaty and there was a battle between the Grays and humans in an underground base. Supposedly the base in Dolce, New Mexico is said to be shared by humans and aliens and humans were not allowed to carry weapons. The story goes during a lecture by a Gray, a human security team walked in wearing weapons and were immediately fired upon by the Grays killing almost all of them.

Phil Schneider was the son of Captain Oscar Schneider who he stated was involved in secret government projects. He lectured for two years during the Eisenhower administration about secret projects, UFOs, aliens and underground bases. He became quite a thorn in the side of the government until one day he was found dead. It was claimed he killed himself by hanging himself on barbed wire. Many do not believe this was suicide. One of his topics in his lectures was the underground base at Dolce, New Mexico and how aliens were performing gruesome experiments on humans and how vats of human parts were everywhere. Schneider had worked for the government as an engineer and geologist. Snider was said to be only one of three survivors of the battle at Dulce. The disinformation machine went into full swing with Schneider.

One thing is for sure UFOs are real and piloted by aliens.


