Truth Facts




Government Officials and UFOs

One thing is for sure, UFOs are gaining in credibility. Let me put this another way, there were always some government officials who believed UFOs could be alien craft, they kept their belief secret for fear of being ridiculed, but in the last few years there have been a few who have come out and wanted more information on the UFO flap. John Podesta was the White House Chief of Staff to President Clinton. He never hid his interest in UFOs and it seem President Clinton either agreed with him or looked the other way when Podesta tried to find out more. According to The Guardian, Podesta admitted to running a secret UFO investigation for five years. They claim it ran from 2007 to 2012 and cost twenty-two million dollars. I am sure many others would love to know what Podesta found. Did he find out the truth behind UFOs or was he stonewalled as so many others? Supposedly the project was in the US Department of Defense budget, but it was not easy to find. So many things in budgets can be named in such a way there is no hint of what the money is really for.

Podesta believed Hillary Clinton was going to become president and it is said he approached her about UFO data and asked her to declassify UFO documents when she was elected and she agreed. When Podesta convinced Bill Clinton to try and find White House documents on UFOs, he said he couldn’t find any. Did this mean he really couldn’t find any or could it mean the ones he did find he was not going to release for some reasons known only to himself? We have to remember there are many government officials who are totally against releasing UFO data and we have no way of knowing what type of pressure they can bring on those who want the data released.

When we found out a few months ago the Pentagon was running a secret program which many are now calling the X-Files after the television show, many were surprised. Supposedly the program was closed down after it ran for years, but a lot of people question this statement. Even more incredible was the release of gun camera video showing a fighter plane following a UFO through the sky. UFO investigators have promised there will be more to come. One witness claimed the UFO he was following was a different shape than what was shown in the video, so this raises more questions. Are videos being released which are being altered for some reason? This certainly wouldn’t be the first time. Government agencies such as NASA are constantly being accused of doctoring their photos by airbrushing and other methods.

Nick Pope was the head of the Ministry of Defence’s UFO branch in Great Britain. It has been claimed there were two UFO branches, one public and one secret. Each one was said to have a different head. Pope was said to be in charge of the public branch, while the secret branch reported only to the government. This has been stated in several different articles, but I have no concrete data on this. If it is true the top-secret stuff was probably never released even though the British Government released over six thousand sighting reports. Pope has said something to the effect that we really don’t know what is going on, but the United States government has said some things which don’t seem to be correct.

The former senate majority leader Harry Reid has been vocal lately in wanting to have UFOs investigated. This is probably a waste of money, because he wants the US Senate to conduct the investigation and we all know how these things go. They go on for months and sometimes years, cost a fortune and many times are inconclusive. I believe he would be better served by trying to get those agencies which have and still are conducting investigations into UFOs to release their findings. Many of us have known for years UFOs are being investigated and there are probably deals between countries doing this. I have believed from things I have read we might have a deal on UFO research with the Russians. When it comes to things like space we have cooperated with Russia for years. If it wasn’t for their Soyuz rocket, we never would have been able to use the space station after the shuttle program stopped. Russian scientists asked President Obama if they could join us in going back to the moon and we said no, according to the reports I read.

Barry Goldwater the former senator from Arizona was very interested in UFOs. He felt UFO evidence, which pointed to the fact UFOs might be from another planet and piloted by aliens was being kept from us. Goldwater was good friends with General Curtis LeMay. LeMay was a rough individual and Commanding General of the Strategic Air Command also known as SAC. Goldwater went to his friend believing he knew more about UFOs then he let on. When Goldwater asked about UFOs, he got a terrifying response. LeMay was said to have screamed at him and told him to never ask him that question again. I am sure this took him quite by surprise. It is said Goldwater had gone to the CIA and spoke to the director, George H.W. Bush. When he inquired about UFOs, he was told he didn’t have the need to know and was given no information. It has been said George H.W. Bush took all his knowledge of UFOs to his grave. It is hard to believe he wouldn’t have told his children at least some of what he knew, after all one was the former president of the United States.

There have been presidents, senators, representatives and others in government who have been interested in UFOs and finding out the truth. The UFO answer is said to be better guarded than the keys to our nuclear arsenal. This fact alone shows me there is more to this than has ever been admitted to. There have been many rumors which state former President Eisenhower not only knew more about UFOs than any president before him, but also met with extraterrestrials. This was confirmed to me by his great grand-daughter. Her interview with me is on file on this site. The government thinks we are incapable of knowing the truth without reacting in some harmful way. Reports have come out telling the government we could not handle the truth. Could the truth be that dire? These secrets cannot last forever and it is only a matter of time before the truth comes out. Let’s hope it is sooner than later.

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