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UFO Update 3 March 2015

On February 3rd, 2015 a woman filmed two balls of bright light in the early hours of the morning. The balls of light were hovering above Barwell in Leicestershire, UK. The woman was asleep, but had been woken up by a strange noise and then apparently looked outside and saw the objects. It is hard to tell exactly what you are looking at when you only see bright lights.

There is quite a buzz going on about a photo taken by the Curiosity Rover. It seems to show a classic UFO crashed on the planet Mars. It also looks like it has been there for quite some time. In front of the object there seems to be an area which looks to have been artificially cleared in two swatches. The colors are said to have been changed in the photo and it is hard to judge size from just a video frame, but here is the address, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mD7Djleoznk, you can copy and paste it into your browser address area. Sorry, About Facts doesn’t use live links to websites.

A strange video appeared online in 2012 and it is still sparking controversy today. The reason for this is it is hard to tell if we are looking at UFOs or something else. It might be some sort of atmospheric effect, but is quite strange. The address to the video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gpzv3FLDTvc. You can copy and paste it into your browser’s address area.

A strange square light was seen in the sky near the Eiffel Tower. Later a darker cloud like light was seen. It is almost impossible to see what the object really is. It seems to have masked itself or is not solid. Why should it be bright one time and dark the next? The answer seemed to have been answered when the Β two objects appeared at the same time. Here is the address of the video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JE2fBlWBwZA#t=1817.

Remember the Bentwaters/Rendlesham Forest UFO incident in 1980 where US Air Force personnel investigated a UFO which landed near the base they were using? One of the men has been trying to get his medical records for over 30 years to prove radiation from the UFO caused him injury while he was on duty. It even took political intervention for him to get his discharge records. The VA has now awarded John Burroughs a full disability pension. To many this means the VA is admitting a UFO did land at the base and cause damage to Mr. Burroughs.

A person was driving on I-20 between Birmingham and Atlanta near 11 pm when they saw a UFO in the sky. The date was 25 January, 2015. The witness stated, “I saw a triangular-shaped object with four lights off to my left. I continued driving about 65 or 70 miles while I observed the craft. It seemed to be hovering or moving so slowly that I couldn’t tell.” As the witness was driving the object turned on a searchlight. The witness said it was a foggy night and this made the searchlight stand out. As the witness stared at the object the witness realized it was triangular shaped and had four lights under it. “It definitely resembled a triangle instead of a helicopter, like I initially thought it was. The lights were white at first, and faded to red, then to a light green, then back to white. All of the lights changed color at once, and they did not blink.”

I hate when investigators jump to conclusions and that is just what happened when our probe called Dawn approached Ceres the dwarf planet and two bright lights were visible on the planet and a Ufologist stated they were an indication of an underground alien UFO space station. It was claimed the bright lights were very likely electric lights or massive reflectors on doors. How can anyone create a story like this on such shaky abnormalities? The lights could be many different things including ice reflecting light from the sun or even lighter soil. It is far too early to make such bold statements, even if some of us would like them to be true. He is the address you can use it to copy and paste it into your browser, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of9NcRipAek.

As has happened more and more times, a UFO has interrupted a news cast by appearing in the background while the show was being shot. The TV news crew as filming an episode of the Peruvian show Alto al Crimen when the purple object was seen floating above Lima. Witnesses stated it stayed there for over two hours before disappearing. Here is the address of the UFO video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxsgcoW4vXY.

It is being said that Israel recently had its Israel Defense Forces or (IDF) conduct an exercise where they were targeting alien spacecraft and warding off a UFO invasion. The exercise also included Israeli hackers who simulated warding off alien hackers. The real purpose of the drill was to respond to cyber-attacks on their systems.

No it wasn’t a UFO which was incorrectly reported over Canada although it looked very strange. Experts are saying it was a Chinese rocket which was burning up on re-entry. There have been times that due to strange movements by rockets cause strange patterns in the sky and this seems to be one of those times. The date of the video of the Chinese rocket is 23, February, 2015. Here is the address of the page the video is on, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2969218/Long-exposure-photographs-capture-Chinese-space-rocket-burning-western-USA-triggered-dozens-UFO-sightings.html.

On 23 February, 2015 a man who was driving down a street in Olympia, Washington saw a cigar shaped UFO in the sky at 11 a.m. He described it as a white, hovering craft which made sharp turns and fired bright flashes. The object had no wings and was just a cigar shaped object with nothing else on it. Β The witness said, the object was going so slow it seemed to be floating but he thinks it was really traveling between 30-40 miles per hour. He did say that he had no way to know if it was a drone or not, but I think without wings, or obvious propulsion or even a rudder, this doesn’t seem likely. The witness is a pilot.


