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Aliens, Germany And The United States


An old topic has become news again. I don’t know why, but sometimes old news and views are dredged up again and such is the case with the Nazis and UFOs. There was much talk about this several years ago then it sort of died out, but now it has hit the news again. It is being said that Edward Snowden, the so called whistleblower, has proof this is true. It is being claimed he has documents which have top secret classification and which were taken from the U.S. Department of Defense and prove there is a connection not only between Germany and aliens in World War II, but also between the United States and aliens. It is being said a report from the FSB, Federal Security Services, shows an alien agenda is driving our domestic and international policy and this has been going on since 1946. Supposedly there are over 2 million documents from the FSB in the hands of Snowden.

Snowden had contacted Glen Greenwald, the columnist and advised him he had material that would interest him. It is said he told Greenwald there was two governments in the United States, the elected one and the secret dark one. Even If we discount what Snowden said, we will find this statement is nothing new. The difference here is Snowden says he has the documents to back up what he is talking about. It has long been rumored not only is there a secret government operating here, but there is a sort of commission which is the only authority which makes decisions about aliens and UFOs and it is called Majestic 12. Documents have come out over the years which seem to prove this fact, but they have been denied as not being genuine by government officials. When Truman was president he had a Secretary of Defense named James Forestal. Forestal was said to be a member of Majestic 12, but was at odds with their policies. After repeated disagreements, he was sent to Bethesda Medical Center for a sanity evaluation. The hospital had heavy screens installed in his wing and they were all locked. Somehow his was found open and he was found dead on the hospital lawn from a fall. It was said he committed suicide, but scuff marks were found leading to the window as if someone who was dragged to it was resisting. Truman and Forestal didn’t get along and in 1949 Truman asked for his resignation. When Forestal was in the hospital, access to him was restricted. The government denies this, but his brother Henry stated it is true. The day Henry was going to have his brother transferred from the hospital to a rest home, his brother was found dead. The screen on the window of his room was unlocked and the window open. His room was on an upper floor, I believe the 16th. Was someone afraid if he really was mentally ill he would spill the beans? It certainly looks that way.

The Germans were definitely far ahead of us in weapons development prior to and during the Second World War. Some say these advances were just too great to have been made by human scientists and they claim many of the advances came from reverse engineering a crashed UFO from 1937. The story states aliens also contacted the Germans and made a deal with them for technology. Supposedly Snowden’s document tells a story which is different than expected with regards to Germany and aliens. We tend to think the Greys, the short thin race of aliens with big heads and spindly bodies, are the ones contacting everyone, but Snowden states his documents show it was the Tall Whites, who are known as the Nordics and they are the same ones who have called for a planet wide surveillance system. He says they want to hide their presence on earth. Supposedly his documents show their end game is total assimilation and world rule.

If we believe this than we have to realize their support of the Germans in World War II tells us about their nature. They are not what we have been told they are, the benevolent race which supposedly offered President Eisenhower technology if we gave up our nuclear weapons and which deal was turned down by him. They would have to be uncaring beasts who would do anything to advance their agenda, unless somewhere along the line they had abandoned the Germans after finding out about the death camps and such. Could this be true and the reason Germany lost the war. Could they have had the support of an alien race which changed its mind when it realized the Germans were exterminating Jews, Pols and Russians?

It is said there are forces in the U.S. government which actually support Snowden and the Russians found this out where they read the documents. It is also said they found there is a secret struggle between them and the secret government. A website has posted the report and goes on to say former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer has read the report and confirmed to the Russians the report is accurate and true. Supposedly the Russian government had been given access to all the documents. Hellyer was interviewed and it is said he made a statement which indicates if we shoot down one UFO we will be in an interstellar war. This was a warning by the aliens.

This story is remarkable in its absence from the normal news media. It is being said we hid the fact the Germans had created a couple of flying saucers which actually flew over 1,000 miles per hour at the end of the war. Hellyer stated in 1961 a formation of about 50 UFOs were flying across Russia and headed toward Europe and the allied command got very worried, but the formation turned back and left. He went on to say an investigation took place over the next three years and it was found at least four different species of aliens were visiting the earth. It looks like Snowden’s documents are backed up by Hellyer.

Hellyer went on to say the aliens are worried about us using nuclear weapons again, because the cosmos is unity. This may sound strange, but a recent scientific discovery shows all galaxies are linked together by a sort of web. Could it be a strong enough nuclear explosion might knock the earth out of sync with it, or could nuclear weapons only be a gateway to some weapon so incredible it could destroy space itself? Hellyer admits he has never met aliens but has seen a UFO.
Anyone who was in a position of power and talks about UFOs in the same vein as Hellyer is automatically branded a nut job, but what happens when this supposed nut job has his statements backed up by documents which were stolen from the government? The answer to that question is easy, the documents are ignored by most of society. This seems to be the case here.

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