Truth Facts



Why Extraterrestrials Might Not Want to Visit Us

Why is it some people think extraterrestrials exist and never come here? Let us say for the sake of argument they are right, and aliens have never come to earth, even though we can never be sure. There are a lot of reasons to consider, for this kind of behavior to be true. One of the most basic things to consider is extraterrestrials may not exist. That would be terrible, because it would mean we are alone in the universe. and if this is true why even bother exploring other planets? The main purpose of space exploration is to meet other races. Humans have been exploring for this reason for thousands of years. The thought of an empty universe is not conducive to exploration even though it is nice to see other lands.

The human body contains ten times more bacteria than it does human cells. The simplest way to put this is we are a germ factory. Would you want to be around so many germs? I don’t think non-humans would relish the idea of exposing themselves to these germs without some protection of some kind. Some scientists believe we appeared suddenly on earth near the end times for the Neanderthals. If this is true, could we have been put here to isolate us from other beings, because of this fact? Humans have been called human petri dishes. A lot of this bacteria is not harmful to us, and is helpful but who knows what would happen to an extraterrestrial being if it got into it?

The complete opposite could also be true. What if some alien races are also loaded with bacteria? We might have absolutely no protection against this, and it could wipe out the entire human race. Remember how many of the native Americans were subject to diseases from Europe when Europeans came here. Sadly, it wiped out a good portion of them. Perhaps the same thing could happen to us, if we met with an alien being. We might have absolutely no defense against something like this. Aggressive aliens might use this as a weapon against us, while making believe the meeting with us was friendly.

Maybe our planet is too different for aliens, and they would have a hard time coming here because of some environmental factors. Think of things this way, if we wanted to go to an alien planet we would have to respect the limits of our bodies. These limits involve gravity, heat, radiation and other factors. If the gravity was too strong we couldn’t go there. It the planet was too hot we still couldn’t go there. We could die if we tried to land on a planet like that, unless we had some technology which would render the effects on us nil. A space suit might help with some things, but it cannot protect us against everything. It would not offer any protection against strong gravity but might offer some protection against heat and cold.

Maybe there are no aliens who have perfected space travel to the point they can get here fast enough for it to be practical. If there is an extraterrestrial race which lives a few light years from us, and doesn’t even have light speed capability they could never get here. Even if they could travel at the speed of light it might still take too long for the trip. Speed is the enemy of space travel, and has to be overcome before space travel becomes viable. This is a problem we have right now. Venus is the closest planet to earth. A probe took 110 days to reach it. Venus is only 25,000,000 miles from earth which is nothing when measured against the galaxy or even our solar system. Still even a trip of 110 days can be daunting. The ship would have to carry a crew for the trip, along with food, water, and have waste facilities along with either spare parts, or a 3D printer to create parts. It would have to have heavy shielding against radiation. Aside from all these problems and more, can you imagine several people being locked in a tiny ship for that long? I do not believe it is a good situation. The distance to planets from earth varies depending on where they are in their orbits of the sun. Mars on the average is much further away than Venus and this trip could take as long as nine months one way which is unacceptable.

Maybe there are extraterrestrials out there and they just have not discovered us yet. The universe is a very big place and the earth is located in one of billions of galaxies where a very average star exists. It orbits this star, and is located on an arm of a galaxy in a relatively quite area. It could be no race has ever looked in this area before. The same might be true for us when we use instruments to search for life in other star systems. It could be we just never look in the right place. It is as simple as that.

If alien life comes from another dimension as some scientists think, perhaps they are not capable of recognizing us even if they see us or maybe they won’t be able to see us at all. Some suspect there is life all around us we cannot detect, because of our limited senses, and there is a good chance this life cannot see us either, because in their dimension things are so different. There has also been talk which states when some people think they are seeing a ghost, it is beings from another dimension who are breaking into our world either by choice, or chance. Some UFOs are said to be from other dimensions, and that is why they can do some very unusual things, like changing shape. Then there are the vortexes which have said to open from time to time, and some people think this is another sign of a different dimension.

There are some scientists who think the laws of physics might change from one dimension to another, but there are also a few who are not sure the law of physics is the same throughout the universe. If an extraterrestrial race is subject to a different law of physics, then maybe they wouldn’t want to come here if our physics was different. Imagine if you went somewhere, and up was down and down was up, and so forth. You might not want to ever go there again, and if you knew ahead of time that was what the place was like you might never want to go there at all.

There could be many reasons why aliens have not come here, and the last one might be they don’t want to interfere with our development.

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