Truth Facts



People Who Have Seen Extraterrestrials

There are quite a few people who get overlooked when we talk about having seen aliens, as in extraterrestrials. As witnesses have started to get more credibility when they report UFOs, this is not always the same for those who claim to have actually seen aliens. One engineer who worked for an aerospace subcontractor claimed he was invited to work on a project at Area 51, and when he got there and went to the place where the project was taking place, he had to go underground several stories. He said he was astounded to find there were extraterrestrials working there and they resembled the Greys we keep hearing about. They are the ones with gray skin, large heads with black large eyes, and short thin bodies.

If we go back to the Roswell crash we find there were some witnesses who claim to have seen aliens. The Roswell Deputy Sheriff said, “I saw four dead aliens and a 100-foot flying saucer at the UFO crash site.” Over the years we didn’t hear much about this, but it has now been revealed in a book titled “UFOs Today: 70 Years of Lies, Disinformation and Government Cover-Up”, by Dr Irena Scott. It is amazing how long the debate over Roswell has been going on and the many times the government tried to make excuses for it which have all been debunked.

One witness said he was sitting on a seat in a subway train when he looked up and saw an alien sitting in a seat reading a newspaper. This sounds like rubbish at first glance, but there have been stories of aliens being able to hide their appearance through some sort of mind control, which every once in a while, fails on a person. So, if we think aliens might be on earth and take this into account, it could be possible. Another time a famous author said he tried to contact aliens by sending out a message with his mind, and the message was he wanted to meet one in the lobby of his hotel in an hour or so. He went into the lobby and said a man sat next to him and without using his voice sent a message into his mind which asked him what he wanted. He said he became too scared to reply, and the man left.

An alien like creature has been reported swimming in Bristol Harbor. The question is, is it a space alien or some misidentified, or unknown creature? It has been said by witnesses the creature glowed. When biologists were shown the video of the creature they admitted to be baffled. One witness walked over to the water and said this about what he saw, "When I wandered over, I saw the glowing creature which was pulsating, and after about 20 seconds it stopped glowing and disappeared."

Years ago, there was an incident in Shag Harbor, Canada. Many people were involved in what happened. A UFO which seemed to be in trouble crashed into the water of Shag Harbor in 1967. Canadian and American ships tried to find the UFO. A second UFO was seen entering the water presumably to help the first. The RCMP also got involved. About eleven people had seen the first UFO crash into the water. Initially it was thought an airplane might have crashed. One thing led to another and soon navy divers were called in. They began to dive where they thought the two objects were, then the panicked divers hurried to the surface. They had claimed to see aliens swimming under the water, and they didn’t need breathing equipment. Eventually both UFOs were able to take off avoiding the naval forces.

Lake Baikal is located in Siberia, Russia. It is the largest fresh water body in the world. It is believed to be over 4,900 feet plus at its deepest point, and holds over 20% of the world’s fresh water. Russia released a lot of its secret files pertaining to UFOs and aliens, and one in particular pertained to Lake Baikal and it was weird. It seems the Russians were training on the lake when they spotted a vehicle moving under the water. The vehicle was moving faster than anything known could. The Russians sent divers into the lake. When they entered the water, they saw humanoid beings swimming at about a depth of 150 feet. The Russian divers decided to try and capture them. The humanoids, who were dressed in silver suits, defended themselves and killed some of the divers. Only four survived and they were all wounded.

Farmers in Mexico saw something very strange. It was small, looked humanoid, but had a tail. They saw it in a barn and began to chase it. Unfortunately for the humanoid, it ran into a rat trap and the farmers killed it. It was believed to be an alien creature of some type. A famous UFO reporter bought the body.

There have been many cases where abductees have spoken about the aliens they saw. One man tells the story of being in bed late at night when he woke. There was a strange light coming into the bedroom through a window. He then saw several small beings float into his room on the light, but when he tried to move he couldn’t. The beings floated over to his bed and took him with them and they all floated out the window and up to a ship, which was hovering over his home. Experiments were performed on him, and later he was brought back to his room.

Other male abductees tell about being taken aboard a spaceship against their will, and put into a room where a hybrid female was either waiting for them or came in. They were forced to have sex with the alien female. Some say they were abducted again some time later, and the same female met them, but this time had a baby with her and let them know they were the father.

In 1964 a police officer noticed something strange at the outskirts of Socorro, New Mexico. He saw a UFO which had landed and was sitting on the ground. He said he saw two beings walking around, but when they saw him they went back into their ship. As he approached, the ship took off and the force of this knocked him down. When the incident was investigated there were scrapes on the rocks where the ship was, and a burned circle in the ground. The officer described the beings as two people in white suits. He said they looked normal, but seemed like small adults or large kids.

There are more stories of aliens being seen than most people realize.

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