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UFOs and Volcanoes

Those of us who are interested in UFOs know not only do UFOs seem to be interested in nuclear facilities, power lines and plants, they seem to be very interested in volcanoes. The volcanoes I am talking about are not just dormant ones, they are active ones. These are the kind of objects you wouldn’t want to get to close to in a plane, but this doesn’t seem to bother the UFOs and why would it since they have been spotted many times near the sun. When Mount Etna in Sicily erupted recently a beam of light was seen shinning down on it. Many believe even though a UFO was not seen, the beam was coming from one.

A volcano which is prone to eruptions is Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico. Mexico has so many UFO sighting and the fact is it has five volcanoes, but only one is classified as active which is Popocatépetl. Not one UFO was seen over the volcano but several. What is going on, what is the attraction? One of the reasons could be the aliens think we are not too bright and are monitoring the volcanoes to see when they will have a full-blown eruption. I say they may think we are not too bright because we seem to put ourselves in danger on purpose. If aliens are trying to understand us, surely one of the things which might puzzle them is the fact that the slopes of the Mount Etna volcano are occupied by about 25% of Sicily’s population. They must think we are mad. There is also the case of news reporters and others running toward eruptions which might reinforce this belief.

Lately there has been a lot of reporting about the volcanic eruption at Hawaii. It has been covered by just about every news service in print, on the radio and television. Most of us have seen the video of the lava creeping across the island, but how many of us have seen news about UFOs near that event? Not very many I would venture. A UFO was seen over Kilauea. Kilauea is the big Hawaiian Island. Photos were posted of UFOs over the volcano. Some history was given with one photo which makes it somewhat more believable. A ufologist said the photo’s area could be identified and it was taken while at Punaluu’s Black Sand beach while facing towards Kilauea. The photographer was a Google vehicle which was taking photos for Google Maps. There are plenty of photos posted showing objects claiming to be UFOs but none of the facts are posted with them. This is a refreshing change.

How many times have we been told about the mega volcano which exists in Yellowstone Park? It is usually told to us when someone wants us to know the world could be destroyed by it. The claim is a giant pool of magma exists under the park and even further and if there is an eruption so much material will be blasted into the atmosphere it will prevent sunlight from reaching us for many years. It seems the UFOs might think it is dangerous because they have been seen visiting it. Just last year it was reported UFOs were seen over Yellowstone and over Silex Spring. They were said to be zig-zagging over the volcano area. Do aliens know something about this we do not?

UFOs have said to have been spotted flying near the Chaparrastique volcano in El Salvador. I find this very interesting because there is a video of it said to have been taken by the government there. The volcano is located in San Migual. It is said at the time the video was made it had been decided to hold it back from the people but then it was released. The UFO stops over the actual crater as if it is examining some part of the volcano and then slowly checks out the rest of the volcano. There is no way we are ever going to understand this behavior. It almost seems like these aliens come from somewhere volcanoes don’t exist and that is why they are so interested in them. Many of those people who claim some UFOs come from another dimension and if they are right this could be why they have an interest in volcanoes.

Some volcanoes have live cameras aimed at them and many have more than one so we can get photos and videos of the volcanoes at different angles and such. Many times, the cameras record UFOs over the volcanoes and these videos are among the most reliable. In March 2018 a UFO was recorded over Colima Volcano in Mexico. It looks like the UFO actually came out of the bottom of the volcano through some passage. It hovers and then seems to rev up and takes off. Could it be UFOs are interested in volcanoes because they can be used as a base? This would be a perfect UFO hideout since we would never be able to get to them. Another theory states UFOs somehow draw energy from volcanoes, power lines, nuclear plants and electrical power plants. We really do not know this, all we know is they seem to be extremely interested and go to these places so there must be some sort of connection.

Some people blamed UFOs for the eruption of a volcano in Iceland. It turns out UFOs were seen near the volcano. In 2010 UFOs were seen flying over the Eyjafjallajökull volcano. As a plume rose from the volcano multiple UFOs were reported being seen. It was reported newscasters were able to get photos of the UFOs and one very clear video shows a UFO is visible in the center of the explosions and is surrounded by dark grey clouds. This is probably why some people believed the UFO was responsible for the eruption. Below is the address for the video. You can copy and paste it into your browser’s address area. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live outside links.

In 2016 a UFO was photographed over the Irazu Volcano in Irazu Volcano National Park in Costa Rica. A report was made to the Mutual UFO Network. A witness stated he was outside in the area of the park with a girlfriend on a clear day. The witness was taking photos of the volcano and the landscape. He started to notice strange looking clouds so he photographed them also. On the way home, he began to look through his photos and noticed a UFO in several of the pictures. It was round and looked like it had two small antennas on it. When he sent the report to MUFON he included three of the photos.

If we ever find out why UFOs are interested in UFOs, the reason just might be something we never thought of. It could have nothing to do with fuel or curiosity or even bases. It might even be more bizarre than we suspect.

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