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Ruins on the Moon

Here we go again. Scientists are telling us the asteroid belt is composed of the remains of five destroyed planets. Talk about a wild guess. First of all, much of  that debris is not from planets at all. Perhaps there was one giant planet which got destroyed or three big ones. There is really no way of knowing but the fact these rocks exist got me thinking. There has been talk going on for hundreds of years about alien races and wars. Some of the battles have been said to have taken place in the skies above the earth as far back as thousands of years and were noted in Indian scrolls and even on wooden carvings a few hundred years ago. People saw these things but we have been poo pooing this for a very long time.

Could there have been a battle in our solar system which was so violent it took out several planets and left ruins on many others? As I have been saying for years there are those who believe this and they claim there is plenty of proof on the moon and Mars for us to look at and they think there could be ruins on some of the other moons and maybe dwarf planets in our solar system. We might have been living in a solar system with more planets and moons than we have now and maybe places like the lost city of Atlantis was not on the earth at all but on one of the destroyed planets if that is where some of the debris comes from. When you think of things like this you might think we were more advanced at one time than we are now and may have been spread out on different outposts and if there was a war with some extraterrestrials or even among ourselves it could have been so devastating that it took thousands of years for those of us who were off earth to be able to reacquire some of their technology and be able to travel through space. They may have come here only to find a race of people who had been bombed back to the Stone Age and decided to stay away from us but at the same time keep and eye on us and all those UFOs sighting could be from a branch of the human race. Yes, I know this is far-fetched speculation, but so what, I am only thinking out loud about things which could be not things which we know anything about.  I have heard and seen so many reports over the years of ruins on the moon and Mars and even seen photos taken by NASA which seem to show building and such in these two places that I cannot help thinking something is going on we are not privy to.

The moon is an interesting place and it seems there might be areas where ruined glass domes covered some of the craters. This fact has been brought up time and time again when photo examiners look at some of the original Apollo photos taken by the astronauts. Some scientists think the lunar soil contains the elements to make this glass even though they are not saying there were glass domes. I am going to provide some addresses below to sites showing the glass domes or talking about them”.
You can copy and paste these links into your browser’s address area. Sorry Truth Facts does not use live outside links. The moon not only is said to have ruined glass domes but for years since the space race started it has been said there are high towers on the moon also made from some type of glass. I am talking about towers which are taller than anything on earth and reach several miles. I would imagine it is easier to build such tall towers on the moon since it has much lower gravity and no atmosphere. If we were allowed to explore the moon would we find the ruins of several bases? I would think only bases could be there because without an atmosphere it would seem impractical to try and colonize the entire body. The tower is said to be known as the Shard and is in the Sinus Medii region of the moon near the Flammarion crater and is said to be 1.5 miles tall. Remember I am talking about ruins so these things could be many millions or even over a billion years old. There have been all sorts of rumors stating astronauts were sent to the moon to explore these ruins in the hope some advanced ancient technology could be found and returned to earth for examination and backward engineering.

If you read the book “Dark Mission” by Hoagland and Bara, the book states there is a field on the moon which if full of all sorts of mechanical parts just lying on the ground and the astronauts saw and photographed it. It also says there is a robot head in the photo and the photo is in the book. There are shots of the light bouncing off the remains of a lunar dome. If you read the book and look at the enlarged photo of the robot head you should be amazed. At the very least it means who ever was on the moon probably had a head and arms and legs since the head would seem to be a shape we would build to mimic ourselves. There is also a chance there might be an entrance to the interior of the moon.

There have been photos of the moon which seem to lead to the assumption there may be an entrance to the interior. We know the moon is probably hollow since it rang like a bell for over an hour after NASA crashed a probe into it. Could there be a settlement inside the moon? Imagine if there was and it was populated with life of some sort and probably intelligent life. It could life which is even more ancient than ours. Maybe it is not and is human life which survived some war such as the one I talked about above and they saw what was happening on earth somehow and decided we were to violent to mix with so they went on with their lives. There could be a lot of possibilities of how life got inside the moon and it could be extraterrestrial.

Maybe we humans were an ancient space faring race and forget or lost all of our technology and had to start over. Could we have stored some of this technology somewhere for later discovery and forgot we did this? It seems humans are always looking for hidden treasure and maybe the greatest treasure will be found and it will be the technology we forgot all about or maybe we already discovered it and not telling anyone. There are just so many maybes out there, but it is fun to think about what might be.

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